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Updated about 8 hours ago

Town of Farmington Conservation Commission Meeting Agenda Thursday, September 12, 2024 356 Main Street, Farmington, NH 03835 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Public Comment. 4. Review of Minutes. a. July 11, 2024 5. Old Business. a. Tree Tribe update. b. Adopt

Town of Farmington Conservation Commission Meeting Agenda Thursday, September 12, 2024 356 Main Street, Farmington, NH 03835 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Public Comment. 4. Review of Minutes. a. July 11, 2024 5. Old Business. a. Tree Tribe update. b. Adopt-a-spot update. c. Any other old business. 6. New Business. a. Intent to cut timber - R58-10 b. Town Forester update. c. Mad River Properties – Cleanup. d. Town Cleanup. e. Any other new business. 7. Member Comments. 8. Upcoming Dates October 10, 2024. 9. Adjournment.

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Updated about 8 hours ago