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Planning Board
Updated about 8 hours ago

FARMINGTON PLANNING BOARD - AGENDA Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Meeting Location: Board of Selectmen’s Chambers, Municipal Building, 356 Main Street, Farmington, NH Meeting Date: Wednesday – March 6, 2024 Meeting Time: 6:00PM 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. A

FARMINGTON PLANNING BOARD - AGENDA Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Meeting Location: Board of Selectmen’s Chambers, Municipal Building, 356 Main Street, Farmington, NH Meeting Date: Wednesday – March 6, 2024 Meeting Time: 6:00PM 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approval of the Prior Minutes A. February 7, 2024 3. Public Comment 4. Old Business A. Review and provide feedback on the following local land use regulations: i. Section 4.06 Route 11 Business Node Overlay District – Zoning Ordinance ii. Section 30.1 Business Node Overlay District Standards – Site Plan Regulations B. Update and discussion on next steps to rectify Abbey Lane subdivision 5. New Business 6. Member Comments 7. Any Other Business Before the Board 8. Adjournment Rick Pelkey, Chairman Farmington Planning Board

Live Playlist (82 Videos)
Updated about 8 hours ago