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Budget Committee
Updated about 8 hours ago

Notice of Meeting and Continuance of Public Hearing Recessed on 10 Jan 2024 Farmington Budget Committee Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 7:00PM Selectmen’s Chambers 356 Main Street  Call to Order 

Notice of Meeting and Continuance of Public Hearing Recessed on 10 Jan 2024 Farmington Budget Committee Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 7:00PM Selectmen’s Chambers 356 Main Street  Call to Order  Pledge of Allegiance  Continue Public Comment on 2024/2025 School District Budget  Close Public Hearing  Review and debate School District 2024/2025 School District Budget to final product  New Business  Old Business and any other business that can legally come before the committee.  Public Comment  Adjournment

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Updated about 8 hours ago