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Conservation Commission
Updated about 8 hours ago

Town of Farmington Conservation Commission Meeting Agenda Thursday, March 14, 2024 356 Main Street, Farmington, NH 03835 3. Welcome new member Brianna Lavoie. 4. Conservation Commission election of Officers. • Move to end of meeting with Commission conse

Town of Farmington Conservation Commission Meeting Agenda Thursday, March 14, 2024 356 Main Street, Farmington, NH 03835 3. Welcome new member Brianna Lavoie. 4. Conservation Commission election of Officers. • Move to end of meeting with Commission consensus. 5. Public Comment. 6. Review of Minutes. • January 11, 2024 (if available) 7. Old Business. • Moose Mountain Regional Greenways 2024 Conservation Commission Mixer on February 15, 2024 o Veronica Bodge, Land Agent, MMRG. o Lindsay Watkins, Field Specialist, Forest Resources Strafford and Belknap Counties. • Next Town Cleanup. • Any other old business. 8. New Business. • Notice of Intent to Cut Wood or Timber: o Chestnut Hill Rd, Tax Map R32 Lot 6. o NH Rt. 11, Tax Map R3 Lots 6 & 9. o NH Rt. 11, Tax Map R64 Lots 10, 11, & 12. • Walk of Cartwright Property to discuss forest resources and management opportunities and an invasive species workshop open to public by Lindsay Watkins. • Memorandum from Tom Foster, Coordinator, The Tree Tribe of Alton Bay, NH concerning a walk of the French Conservation Area. • What is next for the Cartwright Property. Some areas of concern. o Selling of subdivided plots by the town. o Management Plan o Who will manage the property, CONCOM or New Committee or another group. o Property Survey (if needed). o Board of Selectmen comments. o Discussions to be continued. • Town Forrester. • Any other new business. 9. Member Comments. 10. Upcoming Dates April 11, 2024. 11. Adjourn

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Updated about 8 hours ago