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Budget Committee
Updated about 8 hours ago

Notice of Meeting Farmington Budget Committee Tuesday, May 28, 2024 6:00 PM Selectmen’s Chambers 356 Main Street 2.Reflections on Memorial Day a.Remarks by the Chair b.Remarks by Committee Members (optional) c.Pledge of Allegiance 3.Public Input 4.Old

Notice of Meeting Farmington Budget Committee Tuesday, May 28, 2024 6:00 PM Selectmen’s Chambers 356 Main Street 2.Reflections on Memorial Day a.Remarks by the Chair b.Remarks by Committee Members (optional) c.Pledge of Allegiance 3.Public Input 4.Old Business a.Review and approval of Minutes of April 24, 2024 5.New Business a.Review the Town budget progress to date in this fiscal year. b.Review the School District budget progress to date in this fiscal year. i.Status of the Audit ii.Superintendent Pay status c.Report from the Policies and Procedures Subcommittee. d.Discussion of how to open Committee meetings. 6.Public Input 7.Adjournment. Next meeting date June 27, 2024

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Updated about 8 hours ago