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Updated about 7 hours ago

FARMINGTON ZONING BOARD of ADJUSTMENT - AGENDA Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Meeting Location: Board of Selectmen’s Chambers, Municipal Building, 356 Main Street, Farmington, NH Meeting Date: Thursday – March 7, 2024 Meeting Time: 7:00PM 1. Pledge of Alle

FARMINGTON ZONING BOARD of ADJUSTMENT - AGENDA Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Meeting Location: Board of Selectmen’s Chambers, Municipal Building, 356 Main Street, Farmington, NH Meeting Date: Thursday – March 7, 2024 Meeting Time: 7:00PM 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approval of the Prior Minutes • November 2, 2023, Meeting Minutes 3. Old Business 4. New Business A. Public Hearing for an Equitable Waiver of Dimensional Requirements by Donald Howard, Tax Map U12, Lot 13. A request has been made for an Equitable Waiver of Dimensional Requirements under Table 2.04 (B) Space and Bulk Standards to allow a replacement shed within the 15ft minimum side setback. The property is in the Urban Residential District. 5. Any Other Business Before the Board 6. Adjournment John Scruton, Chairman Farmington Zoning Board of Adjustmen

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Updated about 7 hours ago