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Pawlet Select Board - June 11, 2024
Updated 3 days ago

Pawlet Select Board. Recorded on June 11, 2024.

1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance…………………………………...7:00 2. Introduction of Those Present by Chairperson…………………...…...7:02 3. Addition or Deletion of Agenda Items……..……………………………7:04 4. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting(s)………..……………....7:06 5. Pre-Requested Appearances by Local Citizens and Visitors….….…7:10 6. Announcements…………………………………………………………..7:11 7. Reports…………………………………………………………………….7:15 a. Zoning Administrator’s Report b. Planning Commission’s Report c. Road Foreman’s Report d. Assessor’s Report e. Town Clerk’s Memo f. Town Treasurer’s Memo g. Emergency Management Director’s Report (first meeting of month) h. Health Officer’s Report (first meeting of month) i. WWTF j. Facilities Report k. Mettawee School Board Report (once per month) 8. Old or Unfinished Business………………..………………………..…...8:00  Veterans Flags 9. New Business…………..………………………………………………....8:10 10. Public Comment…………………………………………………………. 8:20 11. Adjourn………………………………….…………… …………………….9:00

PEGTV 1085 - GOVT Municipal (37 Videos)
Updated 3 days ago

Town meetings (Aldermen, Selectboard, Planning Commission and etc.)