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Proctor Select Board - June 10, 2024
Updated 3 days ago

Proctor Select Board. Recorded on June 10, 2024.

I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 6:00 PM II. Review and Approve Agenda . III. Review and Approve Minutes a) May 28, 2024 Selectboard Meeting IV. Open Public Comment V. Discussion and Action Items: a) Review Bills/Expenditures and Sign Selectboard Orders b) Fire Department flooring – next steps and discussion on further investigation c) Vermont Child Care Contribution d) Sheriff Department contract 7/1/24-6/30/25 e) Total of town’s share of revenue from Sheriff’s fine fees f) RRPC Commissioner Appointment g) Beaver Pond Ordinance review VI. Board of Water Commissioners a) Delinquent accounts, letters sent for shutoff b) Charging for water usage for pools c) Other business VII. Board of Sewer Commissioners a) Other business VIII. Department Reports a) Sheriff’s Report b) Town Manager’s Report IX. Old or new business X. Adjourn

PEGTV 1085 - GOVT Municipal (37 Videos)
Updated 3 days ago

Town meetings (Aldermen, Selectboard, Planning Commission and etc.)