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Wallingford Select Board - June 3, 2024
Updated 3 days ago

Wallingford Select Board. Recorded onJune 4, 2024.

1. Call the Meeting to Order 6:30 2.Agenda Additions/Deletions 6:35 3. Approval: 6:35 • Selectboard Minutes – 05/06/24 • Pay Orders 06/04/24 4. Road Commissioner’s Report 6:40 ~ Open Summer Paving Bids ~ Ledge Removal on Homer Stone Rd 5. Honorable Mentions 6:50 6. Public Comments 6:55 7. Investment Report – Annual Review 7:00 8. Recreation Co Updates 7:05 ~ Guest - Shannon Pytlik ~ Facility Upgrades, Come Alive Outside Boat Rentals, Water at Ballfield, Potential Purchases, Field Use Discussion 9. Bees at Stone Meadow – Resident’s Concerns 7:20 10. Constable at Ballfield 7:25 11. Town Hall Boiler Replacement and Heat Pump Update 7:35 12. Energy Committee Resignation 7:50 13. Shade Tree Preservation Co Appointment 7:55 14. Farmacy Program and Health Screening Clinic 8:00 15. Bulk Mail Permit Request -Wallingford Alumni Assoc. 8:05 16. Peddler Permit Fee Waiver Request – Food Trucks 8:10 17. Letter to Owners of Unlicensed Dogs 8:15 18. Selectboard Comments/Concerns 8:20 19. Other Business 8:25 20. Adjourn

PEGTV 1085 - GOVT Municipal (37 Videos)
Updated 3 days ago

Town meetings (Aldermen, Selectboard, Planning Commission and etc.)