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Pittsford Select Board - June 5, 2024
Updated 3 days ago

Pittsford Select Board recorded on June 5, 2024

Town of Pittsford, Vermont 426 Plains Road, Pittsford, VT 05763 Selectboard Meeting Town Offices and ZOOM—6:30 P.M. Meeting ID 652 103 6395 June 5, 2024 AGENDA 1. Administration ▪ Discuss Possible need for Executive Session (Legal, Personnel, Contracts) ▪ Discuss Possible Need to Amend Agenda ▪ Adopt Agenda (Original or Amended) ▪ Act on Select Board Minutes of May 15, 2024 Town Manager's Report ▪ Selectboard Remarks ▪ Public Comment ▪ Old Business ▪ New Business ▪ Tunnel to Towers/Stacey Gallipo Event at Recreation Area ▪ Pittsford Village Farm Update – Terry White ▪ Health Order Fines Discussion ▪ Excavator Discussion ▪ Approve Orders and Payroll 6. Executive Session In accordance with 1 V.S.A. § 313(a), where premature general public knowledge would clearly place the Municipality or person involved at a substantial disadvantage to discuss pending or probable civil litigation or prosecution, to which the public body is or may be a party. V.S.A. §313(a)(1)( E) to include the Town Manager. In accordance with 1 V.S.A. § 313(a), where premature general public knowledge would clearly place the Municipality or person involved at a substantial disadvantage to discuss the appointment, employment, or evaluation of a public officer or employee, provided that a public body must make the final hiring or appointment decision, and explain its reasons for the decision, in open meeting 1 V.S.A. §313(a)(3) to include the Town Manager. 7. Adjournment

PEGTV 1085 - GOVT Municipal (37 Videos)
Updated 3 days ago

Town meetings (Aldermen, Selectboard, Planning Commission and etc.)