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Mill River Unified Union School Board - March 20, 2024
Updated 4 days ago

Mill River Unified Union School Board. Recorded on March 20, 2024.

1. Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance 7:00 2. Approval of agenda (action) 7:04 3. Public input and announcements 7:10 4. Board discussion of public comments- no action will be taken - 10 minutes (discussion) 7:30 5. Approval of minutes from 3/6/24 (discussion/action) 7:40 6. Tinmouth update (discussion) 7:45 7. E4 Risk Management update / E1 Audit report (discussion/action) 8:05 8. Buildings and Grounds bids (discussion/action) 8:10 9. Tinmouth lease 10. VSBA Code of Ethics and A policies review (discussion) 8:15 11. Board committee membership (discussion/action) 8:25 12. Committee reports: a. Personnel - contracts (discussion/action) 8:35 b. Policy - 2nd reading of B6, B7, B8 and B9; 1st reading to adopt B10 (formerly E8), B11 (formerly D15), and B12 (formerly D17); 1st reading to rescind D16 (discussion/action) 8:37 c. Building and Grounds (discussion/action) 8:39 d. Community Engagement (discussion/action) 8:42 e. Negotiations (discussion) 8:44 f. Finance – pay orders (discussion/action) 8:47 13. Transact other legal business (discussion/action) 8:48 14. Agenda building (discussion/action) 8:52 15. Executive session (if required) 8:58 16. Adjourn (action) 9:00 PUBLIC COMMENT INSTRUCTIONS If you wish to speak during Public Input, please note that your time will be limited and that the Board’s Guidelines for Public Comment appear at the end of this agenda. To comment in person: Sign up on sheet at meeting. For written public comment: Submit before 3:30pm day of meeting: either via email to Brian Hill, or in person at the MRUUSD Central Office at 2321 Middle Rd, Suite 1, North Clarendon. GUIDELINES FOR PUBLIC COMMENT—UPDATED MAY 2021 a. Before speaking, please state your full name and your town of residence. b. The amount of time available for each person will depend upon the number of people wishing to speak. When you are informed by the timekeeper that your time is up, you will be expected to yield to the next speaker. Speakers will have a minimum of 3 minutes to make their comments. c. Public Input is for receiving comment on items pertaining to this or past agendas. The board will not enter into a dialogue with a commenter. Questions or comments from the board will be for clarification purposes only. Public comment will not be used as a time for problem solving or reacting to comments made. The board may briefly respond to a commenter in cases when a response must be given in a timely way for the public’s benefit. We do take note of your comments, as they help to inform the boards’ future actions. d. Rudeness, ridicule, obscene or profane language, lack of respect for others, and personal attacks are not acceptable behavior. e. There will be one opportunity for each person to speak during public comment. If you would like a written reply to your question or request, or have a follow-up comment, please direct these communications to f. Please note, you are welcome to take part in the Board’s Community Conversation sessions to have an informal discussion with Board members about subjects of interest, curiosity, and/or concern. These occur the third Monday of each month at 6:30pm. Please write to for a link and list of board members who will be available at the next Conversation.

PEGTV 1095 - EDUC School Board (23 Videos)
Updated 4 days ago