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Wetlands Protection Committee
Wetlands Protection Committee March 21, 2024
Updated 1 day ago
Wetlands Protection Committee March 21, 2024
Available: Charles River Watershed Association proposed updates to Town of Wellesley Wetlands Bylaw Regulations (00:11:03)
Deadline to comment on MA-DEP proposed updates to Regulations and Stormwater Handbook is April 30 (00:20:16)
91 Old Colony Rd (Enforcement Order) update for restoring Bordering Vegetated Wetlands (00:26:07)
Morses Pond MA-DEP file # 324-0782 (request to extend OOC) to inactivate phosphorus in the pond. (00:31:47)
Morses Pond MA-DEP file # 324-0783 (request to extend OOC); manage nuisance vegetation via mechanical harvesting. (00:35:18)
Abbotts, Bezanson, Duck, Farms Station, and Rockridge Ponds - MA-DEP file # 324-0878 (request to extend OOC) to manage phosphorus. (00:45:30)
6 Wilson St (cont request to Amend OOC)- MADEP #324-0959; Applicant: M. Charney; add fence, raise walkway in Bordering Land Subject to Flooding, Isolated Vegetated Wetland, Buffer Zone and Riverfront Area. (00:50:24)
76 McLean St (cont NOI) - Bylaw NOI file #WPB #15; Applicant: M.Hu; remove a tree within Buffer Zone to BVW. (01:07:54)
42 Cottage St (new MPC) MADEP# 324-1029: Applicant: A .Baaj & R. Alzahabi; increase de minimus impervious in RFA. (01:41:30)
19 Princeton Rd (new COC) MADEP# 324-0957; Applicant: K. & M. Graber; construct pool, patio, drainage, shed in RFA. (01:45:35)
8 Spruce Park (new RDA); Applicant: D .&H. Lepke; add a shed in presumed Buffer Zone to Bank and BVW to Fuller Brook. (01:46:45)
86 Wellesley Ave (new RDA); Applicant: C. Vargas; construct a 2nd floor additionon existingf ootprint in RFA, BZ, and BLSF. (02:21:45)
9 Smith St (new RDA); Applicant: M. Marcoux; second floor addition in existing footprint, repair driveway, add two decks, one with a new entry way and an addition of an air condenser in Buffer Zone and Riverfront Area. (02:26:34)
18 Webb Ave (new RDA); Applicant Kerry Reef; install a generator near presumed wetlands. (02:34:39)
25 Caroline St (Emergency Certification) update re diesel spill in Land Under Waterways, BVW, Banks of Caroline Brook (02:41:36)
5 Edgemoor Cir (new Notice of Potential Violation) for unpermitted filling within presumed Buffer Zone (02:44:24)
MBTA/Keolis (new Yearly Operational Plan Notice) for vegetation management along right-of-way (02:47:31)