Report of the Finance Committee Meeting: January 22, 2025
Report of the Finance Committee Meeting: January 22, 2025
+ 006-25. ORDER THAT: Authorizing the Mayor to execute a Memorandum of Agreement between The City of Fitchburg and The Fitchburg Police Union as outlined in the attached Order. (Be Adopted)
+ 005-25. ORDER THAT: the City of Fitchburg hereby transfers SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($75,000) from POLICE PERSONAL SERVICES - Patrolmen to the POLICE DETAIL ESCROW fund. (Be Adopted)
+ 003-25. ORDER THAT: the City of Fitchburg hereby approves the expenditure of grant funds from the Mass DEP FY25 Sustainable Material Recovery Recycling Program, Recycling Dividends Fund, in the approximate amount of THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($30,000) for the purpose of said grant, which is to implement specific programs and policies to maximize reuse, recycling, and waste reduction of curbside and drop-off disposal in Fitchburg. (Be Adopted)
+ 004-25. ORDER THAT: the City of Fitchburg hereby approves the expenditure of funds from the Department of Justice Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in the approximate amount of NINETEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTYSEVEN DOLLARS ($19,287) for community policing efforts. (Be Adopted)
+ 010-25. ORDER THAT: the City of Fitchburg hereby approves the expenditure of Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) grant funds in the approximate amount of SEVENTYTHREE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FIFTY-ONE AND 70/100 DOLLARS ($73,951.70) for the purpose of continuing the Police Department Civilian Domestic Violence Advocate program. (Be Adopted)
+ 008-25. ORDER THAT: the City of Fitchburg hereby approves the expenditure of funds from the Department of Conservation and Recreation in the approximate amount of FIFTY THOUSAND and 00/100 DOLLARS ($50,000) for the installation of a concrete slab for the Outdoor Fitness Park and Fitness Studio in Coolidge Park. (Be Adopted)
+ 009-25. ORDER THAT: the City of Fitchburg hereby approves the expenditure of funds from the Department of Conservation and Recreation in the approximate amount of FORTY THOUSAND and 00/100 DOLLARS ($40,000) for the installation of a new digital scoreboard at Nikitas Field. (Be Adopted)
+ 011-25. ORDER THAT: the City of Fitchburg hereby approves the transfer of SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($7,000) from the CDBG Year 49 Crocker Field Broad
Street Entry project, to Year 50 Crocker Field Restoration project. (Be Adopted)