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Science for the Public Presents Contemporary Science Issues and Innovations - 05/30/23
Updated 2 days ago

Unusual Brain Adaptations - Dr. Fedorenko's lab specializes in unusual language-related adaptations and capacities. She discusses a case of normal first language acquisition despite the absence of the left temporal lobe, a brain region necessary for language development and processing. In this case, the right brain compensated for the missing temporal lobe in the left brain. The child proved exceptional in language skill. Dr. Fedorenko also describes other work in her lab's Interesting Brains Project. 00:30:10

Science for the Public Presents (17 Videos)
Updated 2 days ago

Programs, lectures, & documentaries produced by Science for the Public, a grassroots non-profit organization dedicated to promoting science literacy in the general public. http://www.scienceforthepubl