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Film Sprint - 2023
Updated 19 days ago

The ECAT Film Sprint is a 48 hour film sprint where participants are assigned a theme and a prop that they must incorporate into their film. The Film Sprint started July 14th @ 7pm and the Film Screening was held July 16th @ 7pm

Hosted by Joe Boerman and Adam Carreiro The ECAT Film Sprint is a 48 hour film sprint presented by Easton Community Access Television where participants are assigned a theme and a prop that they must incorporate into their film. The Film Sprint started July 14th and 7p.m. and the Film Screening was held July 16th at 7p.m. The themes this year were Supernatural and Family Drama Participants include Roots Unveiled Director / Editor / Producer of Roots Unveiled Annalisa Sears with the help of Sean Sears Supernatural Film Director / Co-Writer Joe Taft Producer / Co-Writer Jack Kelleher Producer Wyatt Fayne Actor Abbi Kitchenham Actor George Gonser Production Assistants Mitchell Colocousis Max Colocousis Co-Writer Gary Taft