10.5 Public Works
Several recommendations for action, please see description below.
10.5 Public Works
10.5.1 Committee Recommendation: Proposed Acceptance
of Ida Circle and Bovee Lane (Meadow Court
Subdivision) as City Owned Legislative Class 5
Roadway refer matter to a Public Hearing
10.5.2 Committee Recommendation: To Grant a Request for
the Pavement Disturbance Moratorium Waiver
(Sandina Drive) consideration for approval
10.5.3 Committee Recommendation: To Grant a Request for
the Pavement Disturbance Mortarium Waiver (137
Old Dover Road) consideration for approval
10.5.4 Committee Recommendation: To Grant a Request for
a Pavement Disturbance Mortarium Waiver (Ida
Circle) consideration for approval
10.5.5 Committee Recommendation: Resolution for a
Supplemental Appropriation and Authorizing
Borrowing Authority Pursuant to RSA 33:9 to the
Department of Public Works (DPW) Capital
Improvements Plan (CIP) Fund for Septage
Receiving Facility Upgrade Project in an amount not
to exceed $150,000.00 first reading and refer to a
Public Hearing
10.5.6 Committee Recommendation: Resolution
Deauthorizing City of Rochester Water Fund Capital
Improvement Projects for the Cocheco Well Upgrade
Project in the amount of $12,678,200.00 first
reading and consideration for adoption
10.5.7 Committee Recommendation: Resolution
Authorizing Supplemental Appropriation to the City
of Rochester Water Treatment Plant Capital
Improvement Project Funding For Hydraulic
Upgrades in the amount of $4,478,200.00 first
reading and refer to a Public Hearing