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Exploring 21st Century Voting - January 24, 2018
Updated 12 days ago

The Needham League of Women Voters and Progressive Needham held this forum on January 24, 2018

Exploring 21st Century Voting: Ranked Choice Voting and Automatic Voter Registration Can we improve voting for future elections? What is Ranked Choice Voting and how does is work? What is Automatic Voter Registration and how does it work? How would these new systems impact our elections? What can we do to support these changes? Speakers: Adam Friedman on Ranked Choice Voting and Jonathan Cohn on Automatic Voter Registration. Co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Needham and Progressive Needham.

The League of Women Voters of Needham (22 Videos)
Updated 12 days ago

The League is one of our most treasured collaborative partners. Their forums and events keep us informed, and hopeful for the future that lies ahead. Some of the older forums are available on our YouTube channel, or can be found on our websites.