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Common Council Common Council, 10-17-23
Updated 8 days ago

October 17, 2023

  1. disappeared.

  2. Protocols. We need that. Oh, and we have our state

  3. assembly representative. Somebody we hardly ever see. Melissa Radcliffe is.

  4. HERON the right side of the room.

  5. So Melissa, raise your hand so people can see you.

  6. It's significant.

  7. Melissa's right here.

  8. Melissa was elected in November.

  9. So she has been in that office now almost a

  10. year.

  11. And we see her here in Sun Prairie all the

  12. time. She lives.

  13. She'd lose. She says she lives in COTTAGE Grove. .

  14. She certainly could live here.

  15. She's here often enough.

  16. Of so, and that's our good fortune.

  17. And her predecessor was Gary Hebel and lived in this

  18. community. And we saw a lot of Gary as well.

  19. So she has a good person to follow.

  20. Good leadership there. We're very fortunate with that. And we

  21. also have a state Senator.

  22. Melissa guard that we see out here quite often.

  23. And that's a fortunate thing for our community. Sometimes those

  24. people aren't as visible.

  25. As they have been here.

  26. We are getting close to the end. I think.

  27. And while we're killing time, if anybody would like a

  28. state of WISCONSIN blue book,

  29. Melissa.

  30. Melissa has a bunch of 'em .

  31. Okay, so they'll have the contract.

  32. So are you ready to start? Yes. All.

  33. Right. So the city clerk has given us the go

  34. ahead. We're ready to go.

  35. So I'm gonna call to order the meeting of the

  36. Sun Prairie common council for the evening of October 17th, 2023.

  37. Let's get the roll.

  38. Was thinking, looks like Jokisch here.

  39. McElroy here, Stocker here.

  40. Virgil here. Bohling I can turn that here. Crombie here.

  41. Eisberner here, Jacobs here, and you have quorum.

  42. And everybody is here all eight of our city council

  43. members. Would you please rise and join me in the

  44. pledge of allegiance?

  45. I pledge allegiance allegiance to the flag flag of the

  46. United United States of America and to the Republic, which stands.

  47. God indivisible with LIBERTY justice for all.

  48. First item that we're going to have for action this

  49. evening is the consent agenda.

  50. And under the consent agenda under other.

  51. Consent agenda items.

  52. Letter G proving the contract for the zoning code rewrite.

  53. There's been a request that we pull that.

  54. So I'm going to ask for a motion to approve

  55. the consent agenda. Understanding the DG is not in there.

  56. McElroy moves to approve Jacob seconds.

  57. We have a motion and a second. All in favor.

  58. Bless favor by Saint aye. Aye. Opposed. Aye. Stankey we're

  59. eager.

  60. To get going tonight. So now we're back we're at

  61. the item that was pulled from the.

  62. Consent agenda that is approved.

  63. 23 P L a 28 for zoning code rewrite.

  64. So

  65. maybe so

  66. Brent you asked for that. Would you like to hear

  67. a staff report on that? Or did you have something

  68. specific?

  69. On that.

  70. I don't need a staff report. The only question, well,

  71. I guess from staff or for staff I have is

  72. that we're hiring a company out of Cincinnati.

  73. Ohio to rewrite our code. And I'm just wondering if

  74. there was anybody.

  75. Closer. And perhaps in WISCONSIN that could assist with the

  76. zone rewrite, especially because.

  77. Part of the contract here says that it's going to

  78. require or portions of it are going to require.

  79. Our staff to help with because there are some states.

  80. State specific laws on that. So I guess, can you

  81. tell me how the bidding process or how this company

  82. was chosen?

  83. Sure Josh CLEMENTS is here as well. In case there's

  84. any further questions, he was more involved, but we submitted,

  85. or we issued an RFP for the project.

  86. And got two responses. One was zone Kooi. There was

  87. another firm. I can't recall the name right now.

  88. Neither. One of them were local firms zone code does

  89. have local personnel. So they have personnel working out of

  90. the Madison office. MSA is part of their.

  91. Project team and they have a.

  92. Public engagement firm out of Chicago. So there's some more

  93. Midwest and, and closer to WISCONSIN presence as well as

  94. Project.

  95. A follow up. So they are familiar with WISCONSIN zoning

  96. laws already. It's just, they're headquarters is in another state.

  97. Is that.

  98. The understanding, correct? I, yeah, they have representatives really all

  99. over the country. That'll be collaborating on the project, but

  100. the lead on the project is actually.

  101. Working out of Madison. All right. Stankey.

  102. All right. So how about a motion to approve this

  103. contract?

  104. So moved Stankey Jacob seconds. Second.

  105. In discussion on this motion.

  106. Is there any

  107. but only cuz I've seen this question come up if

  108. to follow up on Scott's point.

  109. I've seen this come up online a good bit. And.

  110. I was involved in some of the RFPs and we

  111. often have a.

  112. Give extra points to local contractors. Is that true?

  113. That's correct. And then

  114. obviously we have to follow the state.

  115. Procurement guidelines in these types of things also, is that

  116. right? So, I mean, it's, we're, we're generally following the.

  117. Same process as, yeah, we have our own process here.

  118. That, that guides that, but we do. Yeah. The finance

  119. department keeps us.

  120. On the straight and true there. So to make sure

  121. that we follow our guidelines.

  122. Thanks. Cause I I've seen this question come up a

  123. few times online. So I just wanted to throw that

  124. in there. Stankey sure.

  125. Any other discussion on this item?

  126. I see none. Let's get the roll.

  127. Jokisch

  128. aye. McElroy. Aye. Stocker. Aye.

  129. Virgil. Aye. Bohling

  130. aye Crombie. Aye.

  131. Eisberner aye. Jacobs. Aye. That passes eight zero.

  132. All right. So we are moving on to citizen.

  133. Appearances and public comment.

  134. This is an opportunity for anybody in the audience this

  135. evening.

  136. The wishes to address this body on an item that

  137. is not on the agenda this evening.

  138. And it would not involve the awards that were about

  139. to, to give out.

  140. But if there's another item you would like to address

  141. this body about.

  142. Please come to the podium, state your name and address

  143. and make your statement.

  144. I see nobody in the room and I don't believe

  145. there's anybody virtually wishing to address us. So we will

  146. move on from.

  147. There and we are at business of the mayor. So

  148. this is where we're gonna get into the presentation of

  149. the awards.

  150. And I have a proclamation, so I'm gonna come down

  151. to the podium.

  152. You're gonna be Kodak, Jack I know we'll try.

  153. Or wait, we have Ethan here. Ethan will take the

  154. picture. Are you gonna do the photos now? Ethan? So

  155. we should.

  156. Terry I said this, and then I forgot it because

  157. I didn't make a note about it.

  158. And you are going to introduce.

  159. Ethan. Would you do that while I try to figure

  160. out how to turn this on? Well, I think Ethan

  161. did a, I think Ethan did a really good job

  162. of.

  163. Going around and introducing himself, but ladies and gentlemen.

  164. This is Ethan Ferrell. Where are you? .

  165. This is Ethan Farrell.

  166. He is the, the new municipal.

  167. And county reporter.

  168. He will be hopefully.

  169. Sitting at that table for most of our committee of

  170. the whole and council meetings.

  171. Welcome Ethan. We appreciate you being here. Stankey I appreciate

  172. it.

  173. Great. Stankey Terry and I agree. Welcome Ethan. It's good

  174. to have you here with us.

  175. So I, first of all, have a proclamation.

  176. For the city's media.

  177. Center. Is there anybody here from the media center to

  178. receive this? Jeff? Oh, there's Jeff. I didn't see you

  179. before Jeff.

  180. So we, the other thing we would've done had you

  181. not been able to be here, we would've waited and

  182. I wouldn't wanna miss this. Well, we, when you come

  183. back.

  184. For our budget hearing. Right. We would've included this, but

  185. now we will do it.

  186. So I am going to read the proclamation.

  187. Presented to you and then give you the opportunity to

  188. say a few words.

  189. Stankey sir. All right. Your mic is on. It is.

  190. Yes. You could tell. I confirm that Stankey whereas governor

  191. Tony Evers says proclaimed.

  192. October 20th, 2023.

  193. Com community media day throughout the city, the state of


  195. And whereas the city of Sun Prairie features its own.

  196. Media center, the Sun Prairie Media Center.

  197. And whereas the Sun Prairie media center's mission.

  198. Is to educate, inform, entertain, and empower.

  199. Through programming and learning opportunities for all members of the

  200. community.

  201. And whereas the Sun Prairie Media Center.

  202. Is an active and dynamic media center.

  203. Welcoming the community to

  204. access access, engage, access.

  205. Engage and create entertaining and informative content.

  206. And whereas through programming the community gains a deeper understanding

  207. of their community.

  208. While expanding their Civic.

  209. Participation. And whereas on the occasion of the state of

  210. WISCONSIN, celebrating the hard work and importance.

  211. Of Wisconsin's media.

  212. Centers and encouraging all Wisconsinites to support their local media

  213. centers.

  214. And stay involved in community.

  215. Happening. And whereas it is most.

  216. Appropriate that we recognize the accomplishments of the Sun Prairie

  217. Media Center.

  218. Now, therefore I, Paul Esser by virtue, the authority vested

  219. in me as mayor on behalf of the city of

  220. Sun Prairie.

  221. Hereby recognizes October 20th.

  222. 2023 as Sun Prairie.

  223. Media Center day, and I am gonna present this to

  224. the.

  225. Director executive director of the Sun Prairie Media Center. Do

  226. I have that title? Right? Sounds good to me. All

  227. right. so.

  228. And then I'll give you an opportunity, Jeff, to say

  229. a few words and then the city council's.

  230. Gonna want shake again? I just wanna thank everybody for

  231. coming out to see me tonight. you, you, you

  232. could have watched this on, could have watched this on.

  233. TV or listened to it on the radio, but I

  234. appreciate the, the in person support.

  235. Real quick. Cause I know there's a lot of business

  236. to get to. I just want to thank everybody who

  237. makes my job easier. Rachel Mara Collins and Dan in

  238. the back.

  239. And the media center commission. And of course, Mr. Mayor.

  240. And the, the fine folks on the city council. So

  241. Stankey very much for this.

  242. I think demon will

  243. so that was quick. I'm I'm looking at my notes

  244. here. So there are two sets of awards.

  245. That we're doing this evening. The first is the James

  246. J Reiner lifetime achievement awards.

  247. And there are three people that are going to receive

  248. those awards. So I will call you up one by

  249. one for that.

  250. And then after that, we're going to do the CHARLES

  251. Ashley awards.

  252. Let me tell you about the Reiner award. The, the,

  253. the award is given.

  254. To the city of Sun Prairie residence, whose efforts over

  255. several years.

  256. Deserve to be recognized.

  257. The nominating committee for the James J Reiner award.

  258. Consists of Amy McCutchen. And I believe Amy is on

  259. here with us.

  260. Okay. And the editor of the star and that position

  261. is empty. I don't know Ethan, if that's got your

  262. name on it next.

  263. But you got a year now to prepare and our

  264. city administrator is part of this. So they have selected.

  265. Three people this year, they nominated them.

  266. And the city council selected them as being worthy.

  267. Of receiving this award.

  268. And so Amy you're with us virtually. I understand there.

  269. I see you, Amy.

  270. So would you like to say something before I begin?

  271. Reading the bios of the people and giving them the

  272. awards.

  273. Amy you bet. I would. Stankey so much.

  274. Mr mayor.

  275. For having this, this evening and Stankey to the city

  276. council.

  277. For approving these three very deserving nominees.

  278. I was thinking about this and I do have to

  279. apologize for not being de being able to be there.

  280. I have injured my leg and I'm not able to

  281. drive and my husband's in the hospital. So I'm sorry

  282. about that. But.

  283. It, I would, I've been thinking about this award and.

  284. It brings back so many happy memories.

  285. About my dad.

  286. Volunteering was so important to him.

  287. Being a former member of the city council himself.

  288. And doing various

  289. activities throughout the community. He felt it was always very

  290. important to give back to your community.

  291. Because in the long run, it makes it a better

  292. place to live.

  293. And we have three very.

  294. Well disserving people who do just that or have done

  295. just that.

  296. By making some PRAIRIE, a better place. So.

  297. Stankey so much for all that you've done.

  298. Truly appreciate it. Well, Stankey, Stankey Amy. We're used to

  299. having you here, so we will miss you. Yes. This

  300. evening. Unfortunate, fortunate.

  301. You're able to be with us virtually.

  302. Yes. So we have three different people and each time.

  303. When I announce somebody, I'm gonna ask you to come

  304. up here.

  305. And if you have people with you, friends or family

  306. members that you would like to have join you up

  307. Please bring them up here with you.

  308. Then I'm going to, I've got a little bio for

  309. each of you. I'm gonna read that and I'll present

  310. you with the certificate.

  311. And then give each of the people.

  312. An opportunity to say a few words, if they wish

  313. to you, aren't required to.

  314. And then I'm going to ask you if you will

  315. go around and shake all the city council's.

  316. Hands so that they feel like they are a part

  317. of it. It isn't just left to us.

  318. So I'm gonna begin with the first of the James

  319. Reiner lifetime achievement awards and it is going to go

  320. to.

  321. LORI, Ken Delmore, please. ROSE.

  322. Oh, aren't they gonna come up?

  323. Nobody wants to come.

  324. Carol would come. You gotta stand here by me because

  325. you're gonna talk. Oh, when you're done said I didn't

  326. have to, well, you don't have to you don't

  327. To so she's joined by her husband and her daughter.

  328. So, let me read this, LORI.

  329. LORI is currently the vice president of the Sun Prairie

  330. education foundation and the vice president of the Sun Prairie

  331. optimist club.

  332. Yes.

  333. Audience participation.

  334. She serves on the police advisory board.

  335. Friends of the neighborhood navigators.

  336. And on the historical library and MUSEUM board.

  337. LORI is an active volunteer with the colonial club.

  338. East high school, Sun Prairie, United Methodist church.

  339. And for various city activities, including as an election worker.

  340. LORI previously served.

  341. As the chamber board secretary.

  342. Sound of Sun Prairie volunteer.

  343. And Kooi chaperone chair.

  344. The business education, partnership, board member.

  345. Which says previously, but you still serve on that, don't

  346. you, but I'm not an officially a board member.

  347. Oh, Sun Prairie, United Methodist board.

  348. And treasurer of the

  349. Prairie View middle school.

  350. S C O and the Sun Prairie high school. S

  351. C O.

  352. So you have been quite a.

  353. Contributor volunteer in this community and in recognition of that

  354. Lowrey.

  355. I'd like to present you with this.

  356. Award, and we will

  357. let Ethan take our picture.

  358. All right. And we're good. Super and I, you don't

  359. care to say any words? No, I will say so

  360. please. You know me please? Yeah, I know you.

  361. Yes. You know me very well.

  362. I I'm very honored.

  363. To receive this tonight. I had no idea this was

  364. coming.

  365. I love this community.

  366. This is I, I can't believe we're so lucky to

  367. be able to live here.

  368. And being able to volunteer with so many wonderful people

  369. on all these boards and things that he mentioned.

  370. I I'm just overwhelmed with the opportunity to be able

  371. to meet and work with all of you.

  372. Have anybody who doesn't live here should live here because

  373. it's the coolest place to live.

  374. And I appreciate very much the award Stankey.

  375. Now I'm gonna give you.

  376. So while she's making her rounds, I'm gonna call up

  377. the next person. And the next person is no longer

  378. with us, but I understand.

  379. His daughters are here, Tom Skinner.

  380. And Julie, okay, please.

  381. And hi. Hi. So you know them. Oh, they're gonna

  382. take pictures. So.

  383. Julie, Julie you're Julie and.

  384. Jean Jean Julie and Jean.

  385. Okay. Alright.

  386. Right. So

  387. so Tom, their dad, Julian jeans is no longer with

  388. us, but has been in this city a long time.

  389. And in fact, he used to walk.

  390. From CARRIAGE Hills to the telephone company. Mm-hmm I

  391. almost ran over him one time. probably you. I

  392. was backing. I lived on the corner.

  393. On Bristol street and I was backing out and not

  394. paying attention. It was dark and I almost ran over

  395. your dad, but you could sit, you could set your

  396. clock.

  397. By your dad. He was a great guy. So here

  398. I have some good things to say about him. Awesome.

  399. Tom was the founding member of the Sun Prairie Civic

  400. theater, Tom and his wife, Mary were active in the

  401. Sun Prairie Civic theater for over.

  402. 40 years and was active in the community. He delivered.

  403. Four meals on wheels for the colonial club and volunteered

  404. with RSVP to drive people to medical appointments.

  405. Tom passed away peacefully on August 15th, 2023.

  406. So it's appropriate that we are remembering him and it's

  407. timely. It's sad, but it's timely. So I'm gonna present

  408. you with this.

  409. Proclamation. And then if one of you, or both of

  410. you would like to say something, you're welcome to do

  411. that. If you feel comfortable with that, Stankey.

  412. Stankey would you like to say something?

  413. Or you don't ONEIDA just Stankey Stankey to everybody involved.

  414. We just lost our dad a couple months ago. He.

  415. Loved this community. He loved this city.

  416. He, and my mother both she's been gone 10 years

  417. now, but they were so involved with volunteer work.

  418. And absolutely love this city and Stankey for honoring him.

  419. We really appreciate it.

  420. Next is Steve Pogue.

  421. I saw Steve and Darcy before there, Steve.

  422. Darcy wanna join you up here?

  423. Oh, is he, would he like to join us?

  424. He's good.

  425. thankfully, you didn't run over me while I lived. No,

  426. you never did like that. Steve and I worked together

  427. for a lot of years though.

  428. And

  429. well, we worked together for a lot of years. Very

  430. PLEASANT being associated with you.

  431. So Steve Polk, Steve is currently the Sun Prairie lions

  432. club.

  433. Diabetes chair.

  434. Global service chair and serves as the liaison to the

  435. WISCONSIN distributors for the bar stool open.

  436. And Groundhog open. Steve is an active participant in many

  437. regular.

  438. Lions projects and oversees the club's reading.

  439. Action program, where they donate funds for teachers to purchase

  440. And read to Westside and Northside kindergarten.

  441. Classes he's currently involved in efforts to collect plastic.

  442. Bags to be distributed.

  443. Be recycled into park benches and is close to the

  444. club, earning their third bench.

  445. Steve is also a trainer.

  446. At the lions district level.

  447. So Steve, I'm gonna present this proclamation or award to

  448. you.

  449. Would you like to see a few words? Just a

  450. few.

  451. First off Stankey it's very much an honor.

  452. Amy Stankey and your family.

  453. Your dad was a wonderful man.

  454. I'd like to thank

  455. the, the lions clubs, Sun Prairie lions. I've been Alliance

  456. since 2000 and 2000 actually.

  457. And now I'm more involved with some of the district

  458. level things, but I enjoy it. I think everybody here

  459. that's gotten an award. They, they.

  460. Giving your time and effort is, is just.

  461. Makes you feel well, so appreciate it. Stankey so much.

  462. Stankey

  463. so Stacy

  464. Christenson Stacy.

  465. All right.

  466. You couldn't have gotten any further away. that's a

  467. good one. Yeah. Well, we're calling you out.

  468. On that. So now we're changing. We're going to be

  469. talking about the CHARLES.

  470. D Ashley award.

  471. And so the Charlie

  472. CHARLES D Ashley award to citizens of the city of

  473. Sun Prairie.

  474. As having done the most good for the city during

  475. each year.

  476. The nominating committee consists of.

  477. The city council with advisory.

  478. Help from the editor of the star. Do you see

  479. a pattern here? Yeah, I bet they didn't tell you

  480. about this. Did they?

  481. And with the, with the vacancy at the star, the

  482. current nomination committee.

  483. Submitted nominees for the Ashley award. And there are three.

  484. Four nominees. And the first one that I have here

  485. this evening.

  486. Is Stacy Christenson.

  487. Sue Stacy is currently

  488. the community school site coordinator at Northside elementary school.

  489. All right. It's my family. Yeah, they can. I hear

  490. that. Yeah. I can hear Darcy too. She taught.

  491. There. And, you know, she wouldn't come up here, go

  492. outside. Were you at Westside, but your son went to

  493. Norris SAC. .

  494. All right. Stacy was in the AmeriCorps for two years

  495. and has worked in various community settings as a case

  496. manager and client.

  497. Volunteer services manager.

  498. Stacy is an active volunteer with the Sun Prairie food

  499. pantry.

  500. Sun Prairie soccer booster club and the Alzheimer's association.

  501. She has volunteered for national night out in One QBE,

  502. big brothers and big sisters.

  503. Habitat for humanity, boys and girls clubs, special Olympics, salvation

  504. army.

  505. And served on the border board of directors of NAMI.

  506. Stacy led this year's effort to host SUN Prairie's first

  507. ever.

  508. Pride Fest and it was a big success. It was

  509. a big effort. Yeah.

  510. We as the city were very pleased with that, Stacy

  511. and we appreciate the effort that you did. You had

  512. a beautiful day, but.

  513. It was a beautiful event. You filled.

  514. The Wetmore park ground that day. That was just great.

  515. So.

  516. We very much appreciate what you've done for this community.

  517. And now I want to present you with this award.

  518. Stacy and we'll let

  519. photographer. He's also the correspondent.

  520. For this. Okay. All right. And would you like to

  521. say a few words? Sure. Sure. Please, please. I'm not

  522. as well polished as some of these folks without notes.

  523. So when I first was nominated for this award, I

  524. channeled my inner Lanis Morissette, and I thought, wow, this

  525. is really.

  526. Ironic to get an award.

  527. For doing the most good because this year for me

  528. has been full of some really unexpected challenges.

  529. So I made a conscious decision this year to kind

  530. of lean into those, the hurt and the hardship.

  531. And not to avoid it. And that's a compartmentalize. It.

  532. In fact, this past year after losing my mom, my

  533. grief led me to loving others better.

  534. And giving back to my community even more.

  535. Being vulnerable in this way has allowed me to sew

  536. up some of my wounds and honor the community work

  537. that my mom also loved.

  538. I'm thankful for hard times and loss and adversity, because

  539. somehow in a truly unimaginable way to me, it's made

  540. me a better person.

  541. This award is a tremendous honor.

  542. I also received this award, not only as an individual,

  543. but as a collective, because a good leader surrounds himself

  544. with great people. And I have a lot of my

  545. great people.

  546. Here. And I truly couldn't have made it through this

  547. year without all of you. So Stankey and Stankey to

  548. mayor and the city for allowing me to do really

  549. great things. So lots more to come.

  550. So Stankey great. Stankey

  551. and next is Stacy's going around. Donna Mackey.

  552. And

  553. family members, anybody want to join?

  554. Don up here.

  555. My husband. Oh, good. Good.

  556. Stankey Stankey

  557. all right. So Donna Mackey.

  558. Donna currently serves on the friends of the Sun Prairie

  559. library.

  560. Board Sun Prairie, historical library.

  561. And MUSEUM board and co-facilitate the Sun Prairie public library's

  562. book club.

  563. Urban SUN KUHLE black voices book club.

  564. She Kentucky conducts D E I workshops for public organizations.

  565. And provides D E I and race.

  566. Relations consultation.

  567. Donna has previously served as Breyer patch, counselor and board

  568. member.

  569. Y w C a

  570. facilitator and board member and member of the youth and

  571. families commission.

  572. Donna has organized various military.

  573. Volunteer projects and works with various.

  574. Church organizations. That's very impressive, Donna. And she is also

  575. a very nice person.

  576. Would you like to see a few words, Donna? Yes,

  577. I would. Okay.

  578. I would like to thank everyone.

  579. Especially the council. This was a very big surprise for

  580. me.

  581. And I would especially like to say that when my

  582. family moved here, we moved here 34 years ago.

  583. We didn't think that Sun Prairie was going to be

  584. our home. We had lived all over the world.

  585. And when we got here, we found out that Sun

  586. Prairie was very welcoming and we got a sense of

  587. belonging.

  588. And I like to say that a community is only

  589. as strong.

  590. As the people in the community.

  591. And so I would like to really.

  592. Challenge everyone in Sun Prairie to continue.

  593. Helping people as they move to Sun Prairie, feel that

  594. they do belong.

  595. This can be a home for many people.

  596. But I especially like to thank my family.

  597. Because throughout all of this.

  598. They have been very supportive.

  599. And they've really encouraged me to do a lot of

  600. the things that I've been doing.

  601. Especially my husband. He always said that when he retired

  602. from the military,

  603. that it would be my time to do my thing.

  604. And guess what? He's let me do that.

  605. Stankey

  606. and shake hands.

  607. Stankey Stankey very much.

  608. Stacy DAGA would you come up while we're.

  609. My spotter.

  610. Hi. Hi, how are you? Good. How are you doing?

  611. I'm doing okay. I heard you were getting some repair

  612. work. Yeah. So you can stay.

  613. Hi RICKEL but I made it up here or you

  614. can go sit down. It's okay. .

  615. Let's keep 'em up for, we're gonna stay. We got

  616. I head back surgery a week ago. So that's what,

  617. yeah. Yeah. Okay. But you're doing good. You're up here

  618. and I'm sure am nine feet. Okay. Well, let's read

  619. about you here.

  620. Oh, okay. I've got some nice notes that Sandy Jung

  621. has put together. Do you know Sandy? I sure do.

  622. Yeah. Sandy is a peach.

  623. So sand Sandy. Well, we should do an award for

  624. Sandy. Somehow. We should do an award for Sandy.

  625. Stacy is currently the community school site coordinator for Westside

  626. elementary. .

  627. DC has been a part of several unique and critical

  628. efforts to support Sun Prairie families, including.

  629. Neighborhood outreach during the pandemic to serve hot lunches and

  630. toiletries.

  631. Wacky Wednesday, summer lunch programs.

  632. And the, we are one family fund, which helps get

  633. families, what they need.

  634. She is active with her church and is a Sun

  635. Optimist club member.

  636. Stacy's previous volunteer service included Sun Prairie food pantry.

  637. Some PRAIRIE, Y M C a and serving on the

  638. advisory board.

  639. Schools of hope tutor volunteer at Sun Prairie.

  640. Area school district schools.

  641. And the booster club for Sun Prairie.

  642. East High School. So Stacy, I would like to present

  643. this award to you. Stankey and we will get our

  644. photo done.

  645. I am. Well, yeah, you are good.

  646. Stankey so much for the honor of this award. I

  647. was very.

  648. Surprised to receive it. And.

  649. I'm super excited to share it with the fellow site

  650. coordinator.

  651. So I think that's pretty awesome. Right?

  652. We've lived here a long time. I started thinking about

  653. it when I knew I was going to be able

  654. to make it and I didn't have to be on

  655. that screen tonight.

  656. We've lived here 25 years.

  657. Same house, same neighborhood.

  658. Our children went through these schools.

  659. We, we truly love this community. We've seen a lot

  660. of changes for the community.

  661. And I, I think back to I had parents.

  662. That instilled volunteerism.

  663. My mom was the first one when there was a

  664. new family to bring the panel lasagna and cookies.

  665. To welcome them. And my dad, who was the Navy

  666. seal.

  667. He was in charge of our church, youth group, even

  668. before he had his own children, which was crazy to

  669. be with those teens, but they really.

  670. Instilled in me that giving back to your community is

  671. what it's all about.

  672. Right. That's what we're put here to do is to

  673. serve others.

  674. And I hope that I've instilled that in my own

  675. kids. I think I have.

  676. They still give back to their own school and other

  677. organizations that they're in. So, but I would not be

  678. here without all my family and friends who are with

  679. me tonight.

  680. Stankey for coming.

  681. The job that the other Stacy and I do is

  682. long hours.

  683. We're we're at school late at night. Sometimes some people

  684. are like, do you just sleep at west side? Do

  685. you have a Murphy bed or something? And I said,

  686. well, I've got a husband that works.

  687. At home. So that sort of saves our marriage because

  688. I'm at Westside a long time.

  689. And he can be at home, but I truly love

  690. what I do.

  691. Many of, you know, though there isn't, there is a

  692. new chapter from Mrs. DAGA.

  693. I am retiring at the end of the school year.

  694. So, but it'll be okay west. Side's going be fine.

  695. I'm gonna make sure of it. So.

  696. There's some Minga new horizons for Mrs. DAGA coming up

  697. too, but you have not seen the last Dimi. So

  698. Stankey so much.

  699. Mr Minga. Okay.

  700. Debbie, Debbie.

  701. Dauck Scheuerell Debbie there, you.

  702. How are you tonight? Good. It's fun to have you.

  703. Here Stankey

  704. we don't usually get this many people turning out. Oh

  705. no, look, they turn out. And the idea is they're

  706. supposed to be one person, but they couldn't choose.

  707. Oh, so they, that's why we've had so many today.

  708. That's good. A lot of people. Yeah. A lot of

  709. people are excited to be here. So next is Debbie

  710. FOX Schrader.

  711. Debbie is a member of the Sun Prairie rotary club,

  712. which has spearheaded several projects at PATRICK.

  713. Marsh to add a minted amenities. She currently serves as

  714. the secretary for district 62 50.

  715. Which is encompasses Sun Prairie. Excuse me, encompasses rotary clubs

  716. in WISCONSIN.

  717. In Southeastern Minnesota.

  718. Debbie previously served as the president of the Sun Prairie

  719. education foundation.

  720. Debbie has been instrumental.

  721. In supporting the city's efforts to transfer PATRICK.

  722. Marsh to the city of Sun Prairie.

  723. And I, Debbie want to present this.

  724. Award to you. Let's get our picture.

  725. And then

  726. would you say a few words for us? Sure. And

  727. then shake hands with the city council. Of course.

  728. I wanna thank everybody as the, some of the other

  729. recipients said, this came as a complete.

  730. Shock to me.

  731. And I could think of a lot other, other deserving

  732. people. So it was really nice to see those people

  733. here tonight. .

  734. It's you know,

  735. I'm I would just reiterate what people said, but we

  736. do what we do.

  737. Except I'm the one who gets choked up. We do

  738. what we do because we love it.

  739. Working

  740. with the education foundation and rotary has been.

  741. A true delight that I've been doing for many years.

  742. And.

  743. As Stacy said, I, I wasn't born here in this

  744. community, but.

  745. I've lived here for over 30.

  746. Three years. My husband went to school here in Sun

  747. Prairie.

  748. So it is a wonderful place to call home. We're

  749. lucky to have such.

  750. Gracious people within our community with their resources.

  751. And their time and their talent, and I've just really.

  752. Honored to accept this award.

  753. Stankey nice to have you here.

  754. Stankey take

  755. that completes our awards this evening, we are going to

  756. move on with our meeting and you are certainly welcome

  757. to stay.

  758. But if you wish to leave now would be a

  759. good time. .

  760. So you can get out quietly and we'll wait until

  761. you.

  762. Do that? No.

  763. No, it really isn't. But.

  764. If they want to, they can stay.

  765. Stankey Amy.

  766. For being here with us this evening.

  767. We'll see you next year. Maybe you can be here

  768. in person then.

  769. Good deal. Yeah.

  770. Thanks, Amy.

  771. Stankey so much and I will definitely be there next

  772. year.

  773. So he doesn't want to.

  774. Stay either for this? No, he doesn't wanna stay.

  775. all right. We are going to move on with our

  776. agenda.

  777. And now we're at committee.

  778. Reports. And the first one is committee of the whole

  779. Terry.

  780. Stankey Mr. Mayor.

  781. What I have to report on is the employment contract.

  782. For our city administrator.

  783. Earlier this evening.

  784. Enclosed session, the council reached consensus.

  785. On the city administrator's contract.

  786. And compensation plan, the contract will extend it to.

  787. 14 years and his salary for 2024. This is his

  788. entire benefit.

  789. Package will be $215,406 and 82 cents.

  790. And I will make that motion.

  791. I will second a second. And we're into discussion on

  792. that item. Is there any discussion Stankey Ryan for closing

  793. the door?

  794. any discussion.

  795. See none. Let's get the roll.

  796. Jokisch aye. McElroy. Aye.

  797. Stalker. Aye. Virgil. Aye.

  798. Bohling aye. Crombie. Aye.

  799. Eisberner aye. Jacobs. Aye.

  800. That passes eight zero. And then we are going down

  801. to plan commission, Maureen. I didn't make my notes.

  802. Are you the person

  803. are you the older I'm planned commission from the council?

  804. Yes. So would you please present this item and.

  805. There are, I've got two comment cards and also AMANDA

  806. O'Hara.

  807. Is on here and wishes to address us on this.

  808. Okay.

  809. Stankey your honor. So on Tuesday.

  810. October 10th, the planning commission held a public meeting.

  811. To consider a request by bass pro spot or shops

  812. for approval of a precise implementation plan.

  813. Amendment to increase the quantity and size of a loud

  814. wall signage.

  815. Located at 1350 CABELA DR. Drive.

  816. So the commission considered the recommendation from staff.

  817. Concluding that the requests completes.

  818. The, with the, or complies with the requirements of the

  819. general development plan.

  820. And other applicable plans and regulations provided.

  821. The conditions of a par of approval.

  822. And met in full by the applicant.

  823. After reviewing the request, a motion to approve the requested

  824. P I P.

  825. Amendment failed on a vote of four to one with

  826. two people.

  827. Two commissioners that abstained from the vote.

  828. So basically section 2.4 0.040.

  829. Of the municipal code requires a majority.

  830. Of all the members of the commission. So commission five

  831. to take action on any item.

  832. Therefore the request was forwarded to the planning commission or

  833. from the planning commission with no recomme.

  834. Recommendation, but I am going to based on.

  835. Staff recommendation and the vote and Tuesday night.

  836. I'm gonna make a recommenda or I'm going to.

  837. Make recommendation that we approve.

  838. The the bass pro spot or shops P I P.

  839. So we've got a motion to approve. Is there a

  840. second?

  841. Second second. So now we're gonna go into discussion.

  842. And we have

  843. Amy, AMANDA, excuse me, AMANDA. O'Hara.

  844. From bass pro shop that wishes to address us.

  845. And then I have two comment cards. So.

  846. AMANDA. Do you want to make your presentation to us?

  847. Yes, sir. May I first off, I wanna say Stankey

  848. because I joined in early enough to see the award

  849. presentation.

  850. Clearly, you guys have some amazing members of your community

  851. who volunteer a lot of their time. And it was

  852. very humbling to watch.

  853. Some of their stories and, and hear about them. So

  854. Stankey for that.

  855. Secondly, I just wanna kind of, for those who were

  856. here last week again, I'm AMANDA.

  857. It's nice to see you guys again. And for those

  858. who are not, I can introduce myself.

  859. I'm the senior project manager.

  860. For bass pro shops responsible for handling the bass pro

  861. shops. Cabela's rebrand project. That's currently taking place across the

  862. country in the us.

  863. And obviously I'm here representing BAS pro shops. I'm an

  864. attendance there in person is Mr. Eric ROSE is a.

  865. Or he's with side effects. He's our local partner. Who'll

  866. be installing the.

  867. Location for us and Mr. Ryan Roberts, who is a

  868. general manager for the Sun Prairie bass per shops as

  869. well.

  870. Both are here to help answer any questions that you

  871. know, the council may have. I believe Mr. Roberts may

  872. have even prepared a statement for support of the signage.

  873. That he may like to share. I just wanted to

  874. kind of touch base on.

  875. Best pro shops. What they're doing, what their intentions are.

  876. So bass pro shops is recognized internationally as one of

  877. the most identifiable brands due to both the grandeur of

  878. Well, as the standardized nature of their branding throughout all

  879. of their current locations.

  880. I mean, it's important for bass pro shops to maintain

  881. this standard level of branding.

  882. Bass pro shops has initiated a rebranding to, of all

  883. their acquired Cabot stores across the us.

  884. And Canada, and they're looking to implement the standard branding

  885. across those locations as well. For consistency in branding.

  886. I mentioned this last week, and I know that there's

  887. many people on this board that were not in that

  888. meeting last week, that the rebranding of the.

  889. Sun Prairie location is no exception.

  890. This store was actually identified as one of the highest

  891. priority stores. Number four, up top of a list of

  892. 86 locations that are being rebranded.

  893. So therefore it's like P pivotal.

  894. In setting the rebrand standards for going forward.

  895. It's extremely exciting for bass pro shops, obviously. And in

  896. addition to the existing building, signage being rebranded here, I'm

  897. sure all of you.

  898. Are aware this location is expanding with a boat, new

  899. boat canopy.

  900. Showroom and a service center for boats, meaning new products.

  901. Services creation and new jobs within the city. And of

  902. course, new customers.

  903. All of which are gonna positively affect not only bass

  904. pro, but the city of Sun Prairie and the residence

  905. as well with all of the fueling of ample tax

  906. dollars back into.

  907. The community in the past few months, we've worked really

  908. closely with the planning department to propose signage as close

  909. as possible to allowable code.

  910. And yet still allow bass pro shops to have their

  911. standard required branding.

  912. As a result is the drawing that you guys are

  913. seeing here in front of you this evening.

  914. In addition to the drawing. I know that Mr. ROSE

  915. provided two additional packages, counsel.

  916. One's a visual package showing the samples of signage.

  917. That had been installed at other locations.

  918. As recommended by the board last week.

  919. And the second package are photos of the existing elevations

  920. and signage for this particular store is just a quick

  921. visual reference.

  922. I'm happy to run through both of those documents if

  923. you'd like, but essentially we're here. We're kindly asking that

  924. the council please consider approving the requested variance.

  925. Is presented. I'm happy to answer any questions that you

  926. may have about the proposed signage. And I would also

  927. like to open it up to Mr. ROSE and Mr.

  928. Should they have anything to add, but Stankey for the

  929. opportunity and the time tonight to review this.

  930. Okay, AMANDA, let's hear from Ryan.

  931. He wishes to speak. I've got a comment card from

  932. him where he indicated he wishes to speak to us.

  933. So Ryan, if you would come up and introduce yourself,

  934. and make your statement to this body.

  935. And then when we get the statements in, then we'll

  936. open it up for discussion and there may be questions

  937. directed to.

  938. You or to Ryan or Eric?

  939. As well, so please

  940. I may have turned that off.

  941. Ryan, I loud. It, it, we need it for the

  942. TV audience.

  943. So it isn't just us got you in this room.

  944. So the green light is on now. Yeah. You tell

  945. us my first time speaking up here. So it's all

  946. new to me. okay.

  947. Okay. My name's Ryan Roberts. I'm the gentle manager of

  948. the SUN prey store. I actually gentleman manager of the

  949. Richfield store too.

  950. I just wanna talk about a little bit, why I've

  951. been asked to come up and that's about what we

  952. do for the community versus much more about all the

  953. construction pieces, but the re.

  954. Rebranding of bass pro and what it does.

  955. For some PRAIRIE in the community is quite as substantial.

  956. And I just wanna bring up some of the points.

  957. So as we go through, as we talk about Johnny Morrison,

  958. how dedicated it is to the foundation of donating back

  959. to hunting and fishing, the wildlife community.

  960. It trickles down to the stores.

  961. This year alone as we grow in Sun Prairie, we've

  962. donated over $7,000 to any local.

  963. Community and organizations on the store level, where it comes

  964. out of the store sales and profit.

  965. We also have donated $7,000.

  966. This year to 5 0 1 organizations to support the bigger part

  967. of Sun Prairie and some outlying communities.

  968. I think the biggest thing that I wanna put out

  969. about Sun Prairie and what the impact we have.

  970. Is the passion of our customers shopping, donate when they

  971. go through the registers.

  972. 30% of our triad transactions this year had some kind

  973. of donation attached to it. This donation's anywhere from a

  974. penny to a dollar.

  975. Sometimes a little bit more, depending on the customer wants

  976. to donate more of that 30, 30% that is.

  977. $64,000 that we have raised this year.

  978. To that actual funnel back into the SUN ferry communities,

  979. the organizations.

  980. In the city, as well as the outlying areas.

  981. It's a very impactful, very impactful store out of the

  982. region. Sun Prairie sits third in the region for the

  983. dollars donated and the amount that is actually.

  984. Rounded up for the transactions.

  985. We get donations. And I got a few donations that

  986. I'd like to, to highlight like the Sun Prairie, fire

  987. and rescue.

  988. Sun Prairie area school district. We donated that one was

  989. kind of fun because it was for the kids' camp,

  990. summer camp for a fishing camp.

  991. Very nice. Make a wish foundation.

  992. Wildlife society.

  993. Dane county pheasants forever. Sun Prairie, archery booster club.

  994. Outdoor HERITAGE education center. That's just a few of the

  995. 30 plus stores or organizations that we distributed to this

  996. year.

  997. Some of the other fun stuff that we do for

  998. the community. We do a lot of kids sponsor stuff

  999. at the stores.

  1000. We have a fish and classic, which is huge fishing,

  1001. WISCONSIN.

  1002. We actually have a finishing kids classic every year where

  1003. we bring a, a pool in and actually fill it

  1004. for full of whether it's crappy or bluegill.

  1005. And actually have a kid, some kids actually fishing for

  1006. the first time, get to come out, experience that with

  1007. their parents. You should see the faces light up when

  1008. they're actually out there fishing.

  1009. Some of the other things we do for families in

  1010. the, in the, in the community is we actually have

  1011. several times we do out three year, we go out

  1012. free photos of events.

  1013. The biggest one obviously is coming up with Christmas. Any

  1014. family that shows up has a free photo with Santa.

  1015. We also have Thanksgiving. We also do Easter. And I

  1016. think one of the fun ones that you'll be surprised

  1017. at is we actually have dog day where people bring

  1018. In and hundreds of dogs running around that get kind

  1019. of messy, but that is a huge one as well.

  1020. So as the store itself. Yes. The rebranding is big

  1021. because bass pro shops is what is, is all about

  1022. is the funding of the outdoors. So I just wanna.

  1023. Show a little bit of time. I'll give you what

  1024. we do at Sun Prairie. And it is growing, being

  1025. third in the region. And 30% of our, our transactions

  1026. is huge, huge dollars.

  1027. Coming back to the community. Great. Stankey Stankey Ryan.

  1028. And Eric, I've got a comment card from you saying

  1029. that you're available to answer questions. Did you have something

  1030. you wish to say to us?

  1031. Would you come up and introduce yourself? Eric? My name's

  1032. Eric ROSE. I'm the project coordinator and permit. Expeditor.

  1033. For sign effects in Milwaukee. Okay. Partnered with Semmann. We're

  1034. gonna do the install work for this project. Okay. All

  1035. right. There's not a lot. I can add.

  1036. AMANDA and okay. Ryan are a tough act to follow,

  1037. but.

  1038. Only thing I would add is that from a signed

  1039. standpoint, as a signed guy, I've looked at these signs,

  1040. I've seen these go up and, and.

  1041. Pro shops spent a lot of time.

  1042. And effort they've really put together a good product that

  1043. they put on their buildings. These aren't an inferior sign

  1044. whatsoever in any manner.

  1045. They're a good quality.

  1046. Okay. And signage program. All right. Good.

  1047. Stankey Eric. Mm-hmm . Now let's go into discussion on

  1048. this item. Is there discussion Terry?

  1049. Stankey Mr. Mayor.

  1050. Sun Prairie community is certainly glad to have bass pro

  1051. shops. I am.

  1052. Very very pleased that you are so involved in the

  1053. community and donating back.

  1054. However

  1055. I spoke to this request last week.

  1056. At planning commission.

  1057. We have ordinances for a reason.

  1058. And if we're not gonna follow the ordinance, there's no

  1059. point in having an ordinance.

  1060. There are too many signs in this community.

  1061. So many in fact that people don't even see some

  1062. of them. Did I understand that you were.

  1063. Third in

  1064. donations? No, no third in the region for.

  1065. For sales, then I would say that your clientele know

  1066. exactly where to find you. Sorry. Doesn't donation.

  1067. Mr mayor. He should probably come to the podium. So

  1068. the audience can hear what he's saying. Yeah, it probably

  1069. won't be the only questions he has. Okay.

  1070. Yeah, start all over with that, Ryan, you would sorry.

  1071. Stankey I apologize.

  1072. It's third in donations. So all the customers that shop

  1073. us, they donate per transaction. They have an opportunity to

  1074. give back to the community.

  1075. And, and organizations locally.

  1076. On our sales. We're a third in the region, as

  1077. far as our community and our customers donating back to

  1078. the community that we have funds to give back to

  1079. the community. So it's not.

  1080. The total sales, it's the dollar amount that customers are

  1081. giving when they go through the transactions.

  1082. Okay. Stankey for the clarification Stankey we certainly appreciate having

  1083. a business in this community.

  1084. That gives back to the community on a regular.

  1085. Basis, but as I was stating.

  1086. If I know that

  1087. Cabela's is well known.

  1088. I'm not a sports person.

  1089. But I know bass pro shops.

  1090. I mean, you, you market yourself a lot.

  1091. And I know, I know of bass pro shops.

  1092. I don't know how the, the size of the sign

  1093. or the number of signs that you're adding.

  1094. Or that you're asking to add is going to make

  1095. a difference.

  1096. In people finding you

  1097. a majority of adults, if they're looking for a destination.

  1098. They're using their iPhone. They're using their iPhone maps app.

  1099. To find a destination. I also wanna mention that.

  1100. Our economic coordinator.

  1101. Head of our economic development coordinator coordinator.

  1102. In Sun Prairie.

  1103. A couple weeks ago, spoke to rebranding rebranding of the

  1104. city.

  1105. And at that time, she did make the, the comment

  1106. People don't see the signs in this community.

  1107. Because they're not strategically placed.

  1108. More is not

  1109. always better.

  1110. I, I don't.

  1111. I don't want you to think that I am not

  1112. appreciative of you being here.

  1113. Of your business.

  1114. I know that you're gonna be very.

  1115. Successful here.

  1116. But I do feel that we have an ordinance in

  1117. place for a reason.

  1118. And to change that ordinance.

  1119. For one business does not make sense to me. All

  1120. that's gonna lead to is setting a precedent.

  1121. Stankey for your time and welcome to the community. Stankey

  1122. you're welcome. Stankey if I, if I may, can I,

  1123. can I address, can I speak to the.

  1124. Code versus the signage and what we're looking at, you

  1125. could. Okay. So if you look at the front elevation,

  1126. for instance, that would be sign 1, 2, 3, 4.

  1127. And six on the east front elevation.

  1128. Okay. So based on the code of allies, we're allowed

  1129. 10% of the building frontage. No greater than 450 square

  1130. foot.

  1131. I understand that code. I understand that it makes sense,

  1132. especially on the smaller type buildings.

  1133. But this is based on building frontage. And this building

  1134. frontage is 14,350 square foot.

  1135. We're only proposing and I say only, but we're proposing.

  1136. 807.9 square foot of signage on the front elevation. So

  1137. we're currently only asking for.

  1138. 5.6% of signage coverage on the front of that building.

  1139. Versus a 10% that the code allows.

  1140. That we are missing. So where we're falling short is

  1141. the 450 square foot maximum that we're allowed, but we

  1142. really are only asking for 5.6.

  1143. Of the building in relation to the building frontage square

  1144. footage.

  1145. Some additional things. I, I just wanna note is that,

  1146. you know, and I mentioned this during last meeting, you

  1147. know, best pro shots made some concession.

  1148. Concessions on their standard signage package. It's important that they

  1149. have their standard signage. As Josh mentioned last week to

  1150. the.

  1151. Board and I'll just kind of reiterate it. The tracker,

  1152. boats, the Cabelas, the redhead letters that these are all.

  1153. Partners. It's a it's Enger.

  1154. To have them on the building.

  1155. And in reviewing this, they eliminated fast pro shops, eliminate

  1156. it to eliminate it signs from their initial proposal of

  1157. their typical branding for the front of the store.

  1158. Just to show their willingness to work with the planning

  1159. department and get as close to the allowable square footage

  1160. as possible.

  1161. On the existing photo package. I also wanna speak about

  1162. visibility specifically for this front elevation.

  1163. If you look at the photos of like page one,

  1164. two, and three of the existing signage photo package in

  1165. the visual that, you know, we provided.

  1166. You'll see the visibility from the front.

  1167. Elevation to the closest edge of south grand AVE. The

  1168. VILLAGE visibility point is estimated like 900 and or 984

  1169. foot from the front of the store.

  1170. To the proposed signage. So it's a thousand feet.

  1171. The signs, you know, you could see the scale of

  1172. the current signage versus the visibility standpoint. And we provided

  1173. photo samples of the.

  1174. Signs installed on another location. You can see the signs,

  1175. as Eric mentioned are very well constructed, beautifully crafted.

  1176. And given the sizing and grandeur of this particular building

  1177. with the visibility distance, we believe the signage proposed for

  1178. this location is very well sized.

  1179. And very proportionate to the overall size of the building.

  1180. The the

  1181. con the question of quantity.

  1182. So code allows three signs. We have it listed as

  1183. five signs that we're proposing. So we're asking for two

  1184. over.

  1185. Technically on a typical building, the best pro logo in

  1186. the outdoor world cabinet.

  1187. Or actually considered one sign, but because they are installed

  1188. on two different planes on this building because of how

  1189. it's.

  1190. You know how the building was built.

  1191. We had to go to them as two signs.

  1192. And obviously square footage wise. If we listed them as

  1193. one, we had to calculate the overall square.

  1194. Footage based off the outdoor world cabinet versus individually.

  1195. So I just wanted to kind of touch on that.

  1196. I can also touch on the west elevation.

  1197. I know that the current west elevation letter set, you

  1198. can see that on page four of the visual.

  1199. That letter said is a legal nonconforming sign as it's

  1200. permanent. It was permanent prior to being face prior to

  1201. the.

  1202. Adjacent property being zoned, residential.

  1203. However bass pro shops, the moment they heard this.

  1204. Very quickly agreed with planning in the interest of the

  1205. community and the residents in the area to not only

  1206. remove the elimination, the, you know, the illumination of the.

  1207. Sign, but to remove the bass pro shops branding altogether

  1208. from that elevation and they simply proposed like a non

  1209. illuminated boat service sign.

  1210. The sign is an incidental wayfinding for informational. It's an

  1211. informational sign.

  1212. And its purpose is just to clearly identify the boat

  1213. service area for customers mm-hmm . So not only on

  1214. that elevation, did they.

  1215. Eliminate eliminate all the elimination, but what they're proposing on

  1216. that elevation.

  1217. Reduces the square footage of signage by 135.07 square foot.

  1218. They also reduce square footage, square footage of signage on

  1219. the north elevation by 78.9 square foot. So we're asking

  1220. Two signs on that side of the building. We're code

  1221. only allows one, but again, we're reducing the square footage.

  1222. Versus what's currently on the elevation. So bass pro's made

  1223. a lot of concessions with the signs in hopes to

  1224. get it down to as close as code as possible.

  1225. Still maintaining their standard branding and visibility.

  1226. So let's AMANDA.

  1227. Hear, if there is more discussion.

  1228. Okay. And then see where that takes us.

  1229. Brent. Thanks.

  1230. I share older McElroy's concern about deviating from the ordinance

  1231. and allowing this.

  1232. Because this is a heavily commercial area that it's being

  1233. There's a target, a Costco, a Woodman's and all these

  1234. other stores around there.

  1235. That are following the ordinances. At least to my knowledge

  1236. in my concern is okay. We make some deviations for

  1237. bass pro shop and then we're approach.

  1238. Approached by the other retailers and it comes to the

  1239. sign pollution that ALDER McElroy alluded to. So that is

  1240. my hesitancy on this.

  1241. And if I could

  1242. and I guess I should have started with this. I

  1243. love the store. I spend a lot of money there

  1244. and have the black card. So I really enjoy that

  1245. location.

  1246. I spend a lot of time there.

  1247. But you referenced the east front visual from south grand

  1248. avenue.

  1249. And from the picture that is provided to us, I

  1250. do see that the, the signage is a little.

  1251. Difficult to see from that point in grand avenue.

  1252. But isn't that why you have, I believe it's signed

  1253. 12, which.

  1254. Is conveniently not on the picture, but.

  1255. Just slightly up the road. It's a big Cabelas, which

  1256. would be now bass pro shop sign to direct people

  1257. to that location.

  1258. I guess, why do you need the large storefront sign

  1259. and the large sign on the intersection?

  1260. Again, I'm, I'm, don't run your business, but I, I

  1261. just think.

  1262. The large sign 12.

  1263. Helps alleviate the concern from page three.

  1264. The east grand visual we have here.

  1265. So, those are just my thoughts. I know there weren't

  1266. any questions, but now a question for AMANDA.

  1267. I was looking through the packet where provided, and it

  1268. says the following very variations from the Prairie Lakes, GDP,

  1269. and.

  1270. The zoning ordinance was requested.

  1271. Have you had to have conversations with.

  1272. The developers of Prairie Lakes regarding the signage.

  1273. So we had, yes, I can. I can. Absolutely. I

  1274. can answer that. So,

  1275. we had to obtain landlord approval and submitted that we

  1276. were on an earlier board meeting.

  1277. And I was not aware that the developer had to

  1278. approve the signage as well.

  1279. And best per we've received the letter that they did

  1280. not. And bass pro actually made further concessions on their

  1281. signage.

  1282. Including making sign number and forgive me, cuz I don't

  1283. wanna misstate the sign number.

  1284. Show sign number.

  1285. 10, I believe it. Well, yep. Sign number 10 was

  1286. actually originally illuminated in one of the further concessions we

  1287. made was to make that not illuminated.

  1288. And more of a dimensional sign to the face.

  1289. At the developer's request.

  1290. So with a couple more concessions, we were able to

  1291. get back into the meeting and have their blessing on

  1292. the signage as well. Okay. And did.

  1293. The developer approve these plans.

  1294. Yes.

  1295. Okay. I spoke with the developer and.

  1296. For public record, it is not approved. They removed the

  1297. one or their objections. They had to the signage. So

  1298. I'm concerned as well that we're being told.

  1299. That the developer has approved it.

  1300. When in fact they removed the current objections specifically with

  1301. related to the lighting. That's all I have.

  1302. Okay. So I apologize.

  1303. If I misinterpret that, but as I was told that

  1304. all the objections were removed and I was under the

  1305. impression it was approved. So if there's something outside of

  1306. that, that I'm.

  1307. Not aware of, I apologize. That was not communicated to

  1308. me. That's right. Stankey.

  1309. Steven Stankey your honor.

  1310. Yeah, Josh. I was wondering if you could come off

  1311. a mute, please. I've got a question question or two

  1312. for you.

  1313. You you Josh it's there? No CLE. Yes, sir. No.

  1314. Josh Clement, our planning director.

  1315. Yes, sir. Yes. Okay. Thanks Josh.

  1316. Yeah. Did something happen between 2014 and now.

  1317. Because that allowed, let's say Woodmans and.

  1318. And Costco to have bigger signs. And now.

  1319. Our current ordinance is a.

  1320. Restricting it

  1321. sure. So there's two, two variables and many of these.

  1322. Are prior to my time. So I, I look for,

  1323. to Scott to back me up here, but all these

  1324. are within the same Prairie Lakes, general.

  1325. Development plan. And so they.

  1326. They crafted their general development plan. They created their own.

  1327. Zoning code in, in essence for the small area of

  1328. the city.

  1329. So, you know, the city ordinances.

  1330. Only apply when the GDP is silent on.

  1331. On something within the GDP. So the, so the developers

  1332. originally wrote this code for this development.

  1333. And so in each of these.

  1334. Each of these properties have been developed.

  1335. The signs also vary from the GDP. So some of

  1336. these existing sites have.

  1337. Signage that that also deviate from the, from the GDP,

  1338. because they were evaluated based upon.

  1339. The size of the buildings and.

  1340. The council at that time and what that business was

  1341. proposing.

  1342. Okay. And then the other part of my question is

  1343. this is being recommended as an approval by staff.

  1344. So how far out of comp how far.

  1345. From the ordinance, are we, or in other words, what

  1346. would.

  1347. Bass pro shops have to do to get.

  1348. Within the ordinance.

  1349. Reduce the number of signs and reduce the size and,

  1350. Is this come you because I'm gonna ask Brooke, gimme

  1351. one second, pulling up my notes. If it's possible to.

  1352. Comply. So the, the current ordinance ha allows two.

  1353. Facade facing

  1354. signs.

  1355. Facing a non-residential property.

  1356. Building and buildings greater than a hundred.

  1357. Length of frontage. So

  1358. bass pro shops has, has three.

  1359. On the Northeast and south facades.

  1360. Okay.

  1361. So that, so it's the maximum number of signs.

  1362. And then the, the

  1363. larger the total.

  1364. Area of signs. So as was mentioned,

  1365. the Prairie Lakes G

  1366. signage only put a limit on the percentage on, on

  1367. a facade of 10%.

  1368. We continue to regulate the, a max of 400 square

  1369. feet of total signage. So.

  1370. There there's kind of two variables, a total total sign

  1371. area and percentage. And so as a big building, you

  1372. got a bit, you know, as a percentage goes up,

  1373. they're they're held back by that, that total area.

  1374. So, so the building

  1375. they're seeking to increase the total allowed.

  1376. Total area on one frontage.

  1377. From

  1378. their peritus four 50. They proposed 800 or 808 square

  1379. feet. I believe mm-hmm .

  1380. And they proposed the increase. The number of signs allowed

  1381. from three to five.

  1382. Okay. And they did, and they did through.

  1383. Through working with staff, they did reduce the total number

  1384. of signs as was mentioned.

  1385. They are replacing an illuminated sign that faces residential property.

  1386. Again, that sign was, was installed.

  1387. Prior to that property adjoining becoming a residential use. So

  1388. it was legal, nonconforming.

  1389. So that sign is being replaced with a non illuminated

  1390. sign.

  1391. So, so there were several things that have changed from

  1392. their initial.

  1393. Proposal that have brought it closer to being in.

  1394. Compliance with the, the Prairie Lakes GDP.

  1395. Okay. Stankey for that. And mm-hmm .

  1396. Was when you talk about total square footage of the

  1397. building.

  1398. I assume you're taking into consideration their new addition, which.

  1399. I was out in that area today and I saw

  1400. the workers probably putting.

  1401. Some of the final, like mud on the walls and

  1402. things like that.

  1403. Right. And

  1404. and to get a, get a sense of.

  1405. Comparison out there. So Woodman's has.

  1406. Has four signs on their front facade. They have 484

  1407. square feet.

  1408. So they're they have larger.

  1409. Area of signs than, than what fast pro shops is

  1410. proposing.

  1411. Costco, although they only have two signs, their total area

  1412. is 811 square feet. So.

  1413. So each of those two E existing stores have.

  1414. Have larger sign areas, preexisting. They have, they have fewer

  1415. number, but in total they're greater area.

  1416. Okay. So I guess the question would be, and again,

  1417. this would be for best pro shop.

  1418. Is it possible to

  1419. create your signage to be in compliance so we can

  1420. approve it. As I assume we would approve it.

  1421. Or are you standing firm on.

  1422. What you're proposing.

  1423. I'd have to speak on bass pro's you know, obviously

  1424. I'm not having this conversation with them directly right now.

  1425. But I know that they have made concessions.

  1426. And there's certain signs that they have to have up

  1427. for licensing.

  1428. I'm

  1429. I'm pretty sure that they're gonna wanna stick with what

  1430. they're proposing.

  1431. At this point for the, for the review and the

  1432. vote.

  1433. Based on prior.

  1434. Concessions, but obviously if, if they ONEIDA go back to

  1435. the drawing board,

  1436. it's just a conversation I'm gonna have to have with

  1437. them.

  1438. Okay. Stankey Tina.

  1439. So, can I, can you just clarify for me in

  1440. regards to the additional.

  1441. Illumination, how many additional illuminated signs.

  1442. Cuz we were talking about one that wasn't gonna be

  1443. illuminated. Can you remind me?

  1444. We're actually removing two existing illuminated.

  1445. Signs and replacing them with non illuminated signs.

  1446. Smaller square footage and on one location, actually replacing the

  1447. branding altogether with more of a.

  1448. Informational sign versus any type of branding. So it's not

  1449. fast pro shops. It just says boat service to identify

  1450. the.

  1451. Canopy doors for the service center.

  1452. So it's a scaling back. We're reducing on all elevations

  1453. except for the front.

  1454. Can you talk a little bit more about the front.

  1455. Yeah. I'm think, oh, here's where, here's where my perspective

  1456. is coming from and why I'm asking the question just

  1457. to kind of, I know I'm like asking you.

  1458. These leading questions, but the thing that I'm trying to

  1459. identify, cause we said the unlimited illuminated, and then I'm

  1460. like, oh.

  1461. I'm trying to gauge in regards to light pollution.

  1462. So my concern is in regards to light pollution. I

  1463. think that would be, you know, a concern for.

  1464. Cabela's and, and bass pro shops. I also a customer

  1465. and love it, but, and, and hence the passion around

  1466. like pollution and how it impacts.

  1467. Wildlife BIRD migration.

  1468. Night, you know, all of that, whereas I know it's

  1469. in this.

  1470. This business district and

  1471. we have a lot of lights already.

  1472. I'll be pushing, I'll be pushing on this particular topic.

  1473. For all projects, but I just wanted to cuz it's,

  1474. it's, it's a thing.

  1475. And it's, and it's very.

  1476. Damaging to

  1477. our ecosystem. So I just, that's where my question's coming

  1478. from. Can you speak to that? So yes, I can.

  1479. I absolutely can. Okay. So.

  1480. Johnny Morrison his conservation.

  1481. Partnerships throughout the, the country won't internationally. Really? They're all

  1482. about conservation, right? So.

  1483. We've had to adjust the lighting. We've had to put

  1484. dimmers, we've had to do things of this nature and

  1485. such in other areas. It's not something they're oppos.

  1486. Opposed to doing that's for sure.

  1487. And concessions can't be made on, on.

  1488. The amount of illumination in the signs right now, they

  1489. have a certain LEDs. They like to keep with those

  1490. O LEDs, but they can absolutely.

  1491. Decrease the women outputs for the signs as needed if

  1492. required by the board.

  1493. Okay. And

  1494. for question four, Scott and team.

  1495. Where, where does this reside actually, which staff city staff.

  1496. Either Josh or I can answer questions.

  1497. Okay. I just wanna make sure.

  1498. So would that be something that need, would that request

  1499. or that piece be ONEIDA be incorporated within the P

  1500. I P.

  1501. Approval here. Is it amended?

  1502. Component or how does that work?

  1503. If you're interested, we wanted to decrease the lumens and

  1504. make those modifications.

  1505. As part of this project.

  1506. Yeah, I don't, I don't believe there's anything in our

  1507. ordinance right now that controls the, the lumens or anything

  1508. in the.

  1509. The P I P so I would think if there's

  1510. some.

  1511. Level light lighting level or, you know, timing or whatever

  1512. that you might agree on with the applicant that would

  1513. have to be written into.

  1514. The resolution through a condition of approval.

  1515. So do I ONEIDA ask for that?

  1516. Here and now, or how, what is the process? It

  1517. would ONEIDA occur before the resolution gets approved. So if

  1518. that's going to happen this evening, we'd.

  1519. Have to you'd have to make a, an amendment to

  1520. the motion.

  1521. To add such a condition. Unfortunately, I'm not prepared to

  1522. offer you any guidance as far as like lumens or

  1523. anything like that. Not having researched this at all.

  1524. To know what might be appropriate. Mm-hmm .

  1525. Inappropriate and full transparency. I wouldn't be able to actually,

  1526. that's a little bit more technical outside of my realm,

  1527. but I can say that.

  1528. In past locations, it's been, we've had stipulations as far

  1529. as timers, certain times in which they ONEIDA go off.

  1530. Bass pro has been definitely willing to work that aspect

  1531. of it as needed.

  1532. I mean, that's even a gentleman's agreement where the technical

  1533. drawings been submitted for building.

  1534. Permit, you know, building permits can reflect that information.

  1535. Or that requirement. So it's definitely something they're willing to

  1536. discuss or, or put in as far as the permitting

  1537. level, if this were to be.

  1538. Approved tonight and be able to go into permitting.

  1539. So that's just our

  1540. process. I mean, I don't know how it works on

  1541. that end as far as having to do the resolution

  1542. or whatever, but it's definitely something they're willing to consider.

  1543. Should this be approved?

  1544. This evening and actually implement in the permitting phase.

  1545. If needed as far as a timer or certain hours

  1546. to cut off things of that nature.

  1547. Mike

  1548. yeah. So I'm gonna have questions for AMANDA, Ryan and

  1549. Scott. I'm gonna start with you Scott, because you know,

  1550. I like Terry, I say we have ordinances to follow

  1551. But I wanna understand the origin of this ordinance, which

  1552. is why I'm directing it towards you. Why, why have

  1553. we set these limitations?

  1554. Yeah. So I will say our sign ordinance has been

  1555. difficult.

  1556. To enforce.

  1557. And, and manage and comply with, for these large format

  1558. retail stores. Right? So the, the, the sign ordinance is

  1559. in place. It applies.

  1560. Citywide. So all commercial or non-residential uses are in the

  1561. same.

  1562. Pot in terms of our sign regulations. Right. And so.

  1563. If you think about smaller buildings in the community, 450

  1564. square feet, the limit was put in place at some

  1565. I can't recall what the exact origin of that number

  1566. is, but I think that's to, you know,

  1567. control on most properties throughout the city, you know, a

  1568. reasonable level of signage. It's proven difficult on the large

  1569. format stores.

  1570. And, you know, the, the table that you see on

  1571. the staff report on page two is.

  1572. Evidence of that. Right? We have.

  1573. I believe seven buildings listed there.

  1574. Five of them exceed that limit. And so.

  1575. Through the plan development process, we have kind of demonstrated

  1576. Willingness in the past to.

  1577. Address the, the difficulties with that ordinance through the plan

  1578. development ordinance, understanding that these buildings are a little unique.

  1579. We're not going to have dozens of large format stores

  1580. throughout the city. We're gonna have a handful of them.

  1581. I'm guessing we're probably at about our limit.

  1582. Now once IV moves forward and gets constructed.

  1583. So

  1584. the the 450 limit has proven to be.

  1585. Small. I think the distance of these buildings from the

  1586. street is one factor.

  1587. That. And then just the scale of the buildings and

  1588. the Cabela's building formerly CABELA is now bass pro shop.

  1589. You know, has even gotten a little larger, right? So

  1590. the, the, as AMANDA mentioned, the percentage of signage overall

  1591. on this facade,

  1592. would be relatively low compared to what's allowed by the

  1593. ordinance, but that.

  1594. Cap that was put on there. I think just to

  1595. kind of control things for most buildings throughout the city.

  1596. Is where we have the difficulty, but we do have

  1597. a demonstrated.

  1598. You know, I guess

  1599. history here of allowing some leeway on these larger format

  1600. stores.

  1601. And the bass pro shop proposal here is kind of.

  1602. You know, mid-range to a high, high, mid range of

  1603. what we've approved on other sites.

  1604. In this vicinity.

  1605. Scott several years ago, a developer Jerry Connery came to

  1606. me and complained about.

  1607. Someone who was violating this particular ordinance.

  1608. So, if we were to grant this leeway, which as

  1609. of right now, I'm opposed to, what are we gonna

  1610. tell? You know, what do we tell other businesses that

  1611. wanna violate this ordinance?

  1612. What are we gonna tell 'em? I mean, I think,

  1613. you know, there is a question of the equal protection

  1614. clause, right. But what are we gonna tell 'em? What

  1615. is the staff gonna tell 'em? Cause they're gonna come

  1616. to you before they come to us.

  1617. So we've actually loosened up the sign ordinance a little

  1618. bit citywide, right? The 10% of the.

  1619. The square footage of the facade is allowed for signage

  1620. in many areas and 7%. And he went from seven

  1621. to 10%. We've done.

  1622. That in, in, you know, all over Prairie Lakes, I

  1623. guess it surprises me that Jerry would be complaining about

  1624. that. Maybe it was one of the uses.

  1625. That he, you know, he, he didn't represent out there.

  1626. But I'm sure it was. I mean, I don't recall.

  1627. I think it was a bank, but I don't, I

  1628. don't really remember what it was. Sure. You know, I,

  1629. I would just say, you know, there's a.

  1630. If we were to amend the ordinance to raise that

  1631. number.

  1632. I think we'd run into problems or situations elsewhere in

  1633. the city that we might not want to see. So

  1634. I think the, the way that we chose to address.

  1635. It, as we were dealing with these large format stores.

  1636. Over the years has been to do it on a

  1637. case by case basis.

  1638. Using our best judgment, trying our best to keep them

  1639. in check.

  1640. And, you know, kind of look at what was reasonable.

  1641. Per building, just like any other plan development, right? The.

  1642. Variations get requested and we use our best judgment to

  1643. try to determine whether what they're asking for is appropriate.

  1644. Okay. So my next question goes to.

  1645. Either AMANDA or Ryan, I'm not sure who wants to

  1646. speak about this store specifically.

  1647. That particular question? No, no. A different question. Oh, go

  1648. ahead. Okay, AMANDA.

  1649. Okay. So the, the question is.

  1650. So you reference this store as priority number four out

  1651. of 86. And I'll tell you the mayor and I.

  1652. Were there when Cabela's first opened, we were, and I

  1653. recall, you know, before they actually opened the doors,

  1654. they had, I don't wanna call it a secret meeting,

  1655. but a, a pep talk.

  1656. For all of the employees and we were privy to

  1657. that. And I remember the words that he said, he

  1658. said, this was ground zero. Like there was not a

  1659. better place.

  1660. Mm-hmm you know, to have this store.

  1661. Which, you know, to me, it says, you know, do

  1662. you need signs? So my question is,

  1663. for this store and I, and I'm, I'm sure you've

  1664. done studies. Maybe you haven't. I, I would guess you

  1665. have.

  1666. What kind of traffic do you have is that's like

  1667. walk-in traffic versus.

  1668. I'm driving here from Reedsburg, because I want to go

  1669. to bass pro shop.

  1670. So I don't have Ashe, actual statistics, but obviously being

  1671. in the central part where north, south, east, and west,

  1672. it's a destination location.

  1673. So people traveling obviously will come in what brings a

  1674. lot more revenue, but I'll also tell you that a

  1675. lot of locals that we just heard up here from

  1676. some, they love the place and we get traffic from.

  1677. Both sides of the world, but I, I don't have

  1678. those particular numbers with me. Yeah. I know a lot

  1679. of people love the place. You know, I lived in.

  1680. PROVIDENCE for seven years and twice a day, I walked

  1681. my dog by what was Cabela's.

  1682. And strangely enough, when a, a man's walking, a dog,

  1683. people will stop on Hep care and ask you where's

  1684. the jerky store or.

  1685. You know, how do I get to the downtown, whatever.

  1686. No one in all those times ever asked me how

  1687. to find Cabelas, nobody ever. I mean, the thing is

  1688. the biggest building in town.

  1689. I mean, if you can't find that, I mean, I

  1690. don't know. That's.

  1691. I just don't think that we need more sign. I

  1692. think it's ground zero.

  1693. No one can't cannot not find this right.

  1694. Stankey can I just wanna mention just one thing. It's

  1695. not that we need more signs it's that we need

  1696. different signs, right? This is a rebrand.

  1697. Rebranding of CABELA DR. The best pro shops. It's it's

  1698. got.

  1699. It's got that. The appeal of bass pro shops. It's

  1700. known nationally and.

  1701. And up in Canada as well that people will travel.

  1702. You know, sometimes up to a hundred miles a day,

  1703. I know that best person will let of support saying

  1704. that, you know,

  1705. these people, they learn that this is a bass pro

  1706. shop and they wanna travel. Not that they're not traveling

  1707. to CABELA DR. Stores. Not that they don't know that

  1708. Pro shots bought CABELA, DR. But.

  1709. It's the introduction of the new brand to the store.

  1710. It's not additional signage to what's out there. It's changing

  1711. of the existing signage.

  1712. So that it's reflective of the bass pro shop's brand

  1713. and bring it more into conformance with the other stores

  1714. nationally.

  1715. Bob.

  1716. I have to admit that. Well, my question for.

  1717. Josh and Scott, I think you basically addressed it.

  1718. Was gonna be, you know, why are you recommending approval

  1719. for this? And I look at this table that you

  1720. showed us.

  1721. On page five and you're, if I'm understanding correctly,

  1722. you're saying you, you kind of judge it on a

  1723. case by case basis.

  1724. And the percentage of signage versus total square foot.

  1725. This seemed reasonable. And is, is that the.

  1726. Basis. What would you say?

  1727. Yeah. I think the amended package that they brought back

  1728. is.

  1729. Not out of line with others that we've approved for

  1730. similar.

  1731. Size stores in Sun Prairie in that vicinity.

  1732. And I was a little bit confused. I want to

  1733. clarify.

  1734. Did I hear the, so the Prairie Lakes GDP would.

  1735. Trump the ordinance or did I have that correct? Or.

  1736. And does it say anything on this.

  1737. With all plan developments.

  1738. Essentially the general development plan.

  1739. Is almost like an overlay zone. Right? So if there

  1740. are provisions in the general development plan that modify.

  1741. Our ordinance standards.

  1742. Then the general development plan provisions apply. So right. If

  1743. there's a, an, an area where the, the general development

  1744. plan is silent, then our ordinance applies. I.

  1745. See, and does the GDP say anything on total signage?

  1746. I believe

  1747. I believe.

  1748. Josh helped me out here. You were a little more

  1749. in touch with this one.

  1750. I believe the four 50 is the number that we're.

  1751. Oh, so the, there was not specifically a.

  1752. Revised standard in the, the.

  1753. The Prairie Lakes, general development plan, but we certainly have

  1754. had requests.

  1755. In the past, as these stores get implemented and bring

  1756. their Pittz in. Okay.

  1757. But I'm correct. As far as the reason you and

  1758. your staff recommend this is because it is in line

  1759. with other large store.

  1760. Stores and also the percentage.

  1761. Percentage data that you shared, is that correct? That was

  1762. our evaluation. Yes. Yeah. I, I guess I'm supportive of

  1763. this proposal.

  1764. Based on what the other large.

  1765. Stores in the area are doing Stankey.

  1766. David

  1767. I'm sorry, I got several questions. I'm trying to be

  1768. as quick as possible, I guess.

  1769. How many other stores have you had to request an

  1770. ordinance change?

  1771. During this rebranding.

  1772. So so far, like I said, this is the fourth

  1773. store that's being rebranded.

  1774. Rebrand it I'd say at this point, we've had to

  1775. obtain a variance for two and we've been approved for

  1776. two based on normal code.

  1777. Honestly, that's kind of it's, it's a 50 50 draw

  1778. throughout the 86 locations.

  1779. We've actually pulled code check for all 86 locations. And

  1780. we really are at about a 50, 50 mark of

  1781. municipalities who will allow the signs.

  1782. Versus those that require a variance.

  1783. All right. You say we were a high priority. What

  1784. made us high priority?

  1785. So there were, I, I, I really believe it has

  1786. to do with the placement of the store.

  1787. I know that Ryan spoke earlier about the amount of

  1788. donations and stuff that come through. That's very important.

  1789. To Johnny Morris, you guys are only behind, as far

  1790. as the, the stores that have been done so far,

  1791. they did the.

  1792. Glendale Arizona store head of the super bowl. They did

  1793. the Augusta Georgia store ahead of the masters. They did

  1794. a Kansas city store head of.

  1795. NASCAR. And then you guys are, are next on the

  1796. list.

  1797. So

  1798. honestly, they're hand selected by John Johnny Morris. He's

  1799. took a need and, and stood up and said, these

  1800. are the ones I want done first. And.

  1801. Sun Prairie was the fourth one on the list. So,

  1802. so we a big deal, huh?

  1803. okay. I'll take that as a yes, we are

  1804. a big deal. I'm gonna ECHO what Mike says.

  1805. if, if this was back home, I'm from Baltimore

  1806. originally. If this was back there, I, I totally get

  1807. it. If it was any other.

  1808. Place. I totally get it. I came here and I

  1809. just see.

  1810. I've never been some, any place where I've seen so

  1811. many people.

  1812. Obsessed with hunting and fishing so I gotta ECHO

  1813. Mike.

  1814. People know where it is. Mm-hmm and I also

  1815. think winning Rome.

  1816. And if you know our community and you know, our

  1817. people, we going to support the store. That's proven through

  1818. the donations.

  1819. And is it safe to say that those donations are

  1820. used to fund some of those events that you're giving

  1821. back to the community?

  1822. Yes, we can move the.

  1823. You said, just stay up there, man. I know

  1824. it's been a long day. So the funds we do

  1825. that, we get go right back to the community or.

  1826. Bigger organizations as well, the pheasants for tomorrow, all local.

  1827. And it could be to the, to the local schools

  1828. for raffles or the supportings of the kids programs or

  1829. whatever. So it goes right.

  1830. Back in I'm actually forgiveness, cuz I don't wanna sound

  1831. like a jerk. You're good. Okay. All right. Because.

  1832. What it is is our community is making these donations.

  1833. So it's almost like our community giving back to our

  1834. own community. Y'all just facilitating the events.

  1835. And what I would say is I would rather y'all

  1836. do less signage and use some of that money to

  1837. give back to the community.

  1838. And invest in us cuz our community has invested in

  1839. you.

  1840. That's just as how I feel about it. I mean,

  1841. I, I think I'm one second. I think we can

  1842. fit this in.

  1843. Because bass pro is big.

  1844. So I think they can make it work.

  1845. And I think we have ordinances for a reason. I,

  1846. I, I, I just agree with that. I think it's

  1847. a way to make it work.

  1848. And, and, and

  1849. one thing I asked about I'm big on community and

  1850. I'm big on, on, on collaboration. I asked if, if,

  1851. if it was.

  1852. Worked out with the developer.

  1853. Y'all said yes. And I, I found out myself that,

  1854. that wasn't the case. I asked if you.

  1855. Communicated with the community as well.

  1856. And you mentioned that, well, some lady came up and

  1857. talked, so you guess.

  1858. But the lady was a, is a fellow ALDER that

  1859. spoke get last week.

  1860. So

  1861. please sell me.

  1862. Well understand. So I, again, I apologize for any misinformation

  1863. that was given to me, I was told that the

  1864. developer's information that we made.

  1865. A concession, the drawing was revised that any of his.

  1866. Issues with the drawings were withdrawn and that we had

  1867. approval to proceed. Otherwise I don't, I, I was under

  1868. the impression it wouldn't have even moved forward with.

  1869. Submittal into the planning department or that commission meeting. So

  1870. forgive me, I will plead ignorance to that. I apologize.

  1871. As far as

  1872. you know, giving back to the community.

  1873. It's Johnny Morris and best pro shops has done that.

  1874. Continuously and not just some PRAIRIE I'm talking just on

  1875. a grand scale of things.

  1876. They've support many organizations and foundations. I've got many examples

  1877. here that I can read you some where they've.

  1878. In the face of tragedy or hurricanes Houston, for example,

  1879. they sent 125 of their own tracker boats out to.

  1880. Help the Texas.

  1881. The the Texas national guard lead into more than 18,000

  1882. water rescues.

  1883. When 2019 hurricane Dorian hit The Bahamas bass pro shops, partners

  1884. with convoy for hope and raised an excess of four.

  1885. Million for ongoing.

  1886. Relief efforts and there's many, many more like they have

  1887. a lifelong commitment to re recruiting. Can I stop quickly?

  1888. Don't hire for HEROS.

  1889. 10% of their workforce are, are veterans that they hire.

  1890. There's so many ways that they get back to the

  1891. community.

  1892. Outside of just taking

  1893. donations. And then, and then putting the, you know, organizing

  1894. events and then bringing those.

  1895. Dollars back into the community with the events. It, it

  1896. goes well beyond that. So AMANDA, I'm gonna interrupt you

  1897. there. There's no doubt.

  1898. About bass pro shop that there's no need for you

  1899. to tell us what a good organization are.

  1900. I think we've got an issue here. We're not seem

  1901. to be in a position we're about to approve this.

  1902. So I think we've gotta figure out a path forward.

  1903. With this, we've got to get you what you need

  1904. and yet live within what our requirements are and what

  1905. this body is willing to.

  1906. Accept then it's not clear to me what this body

  1907. is willing to accept.

  1908. I've heard different things about the amount of light and

  1909. the size of the signs and the number of signs.

  1910. We can't be vastly off of this. What step do

  1911. we ONEIDA take to get you to where you're at?

  1912. That's actually a, a question I was asking this body,

  1913. AMANDA, that AMANDA.

  1914. I'm back here now asking this body.

  1915. I'm not asking you, do you wanted to say something?

  1916. Yes, your honor. Stankey, this'll be very quick. I have

  1917. the feeling that everybody up here.

  1918. Mo the majority of you are.

  1919. Or I'm the minority.

  1920. I support this and some of the reasons that I

  1921. support it and with all due respect.

  1922. I never even heard of sports or this place, to

  1923. be honest with you.

  1924. The, the bass pro shop. I had never heard of

  1925. it.

  1926. And I had never heard of Cabela's when it first

  1927. moved here.

  1928. And I knew about it, you know?

  1929. Kind of, but it's like, I'm a sports authority or,

  1930. you know, I'm a Dick's sporting store person, girl.

  1931. But I feel like this ordinance, this sign ordinance.

  1932. Is more for smaller.

  1933. Buildings. It's not for these, it's not meant. The ordinance

  1934. that we have is not meant for.

  1935. Large buildings. And when I look at my GPS, I'm

  1936. also, I'm a kinesthetic, I'm a visionary person.

  1937. So when I look at my GPS out of respect,

  1938. I look like, for example, the other day I was

  1939. in Verona and noticed because of the signage that there

  1940. was a Costco there and I thought.

  1941. Two weeks ago, two weeks after that, I went to

  1942. that Costco. And when I was in that area,

  1943. I the, I feel that signage is very important.

  1944. And it also

  1945. it's critical, especially when it comes to store branding for

  1946. branding strategists. And this is like the number three store.

  1947. When I believe when.

  1948. I wasn't on the council. Then when the Cabelas was

  1949. But I think you were number two at one time,

  1950. but that's because there was a growth of stores that

  1951. were being built. Of course, cuz I know I had

  1952. friends that came from other.

  1953. Other communities that were like two hours away.

  1954. That would come to the, oh, I'm going to some

  1955. PRAIRIE Cabelas and.

  1956. So, but I, I think Maureen, the issue at this

  1957. moment is I don't think it's gonna pass. Right, right.

  1958. So I think we've gotta figure out where we're going

  1959. with this.

  1960. Thing. So right. You have something in that regard, Brent?

  1961. I do. Yes.

  1962. Okay, so sorry.

  1963. So it sounds like they're may be some issues with.

  1964. The ordinance, as it relates to.

  1965. Big box stores. I'm wondering, should we table a vote

  1966. on this motion and have a referral?

  1967. For staff to maybe come up with an ordinance that

  1968. might take into account.

  1969. Big box stores. So when the next one is built

  1970. or the next.

  1971. Rebranding is done. We don't have to have the same

  1972. discussion up here about the ordinance.

  1973. But we're not gonna have too many left.

  1974. Terry don't we have a motion and a second on

  1975. the floor. We have to deal with that. We will.

  1976. We'll get there. Tina was making comments like she might

  1977. wanted to make a, an amendment to that motion.

  1978. Before, so I don't think we're done necessarily. I see

  1979. she's out there again. Her hand was up and then

  1980. it was down. And so I lost track of it.

  1981. But I don't think I see you, Tina.

  1982. I see you. I just don't think that we're headed

  1983. in a direction. We're going to approve this and.

  1984. Sometimes, maybe we don't wanna send a message of.

  1985. Not approving this. Maybe we wanna do something different, but.

  1986. Tina let's hear what you want.

  1987. my, my, I wonder part of the concern from what

  1988. I've been picking up from what's been expressed in the

  1989. public is.

  1990. Once again, going back to the light pollution. I know

  1991. I also wanted to get on my pedestal a little

  1992. bit earlier about the, the, the detriment.

  1993. Of, you know,

  1994. other living beings in our, in our world from like

  1995. pollution.

  1996. But I think if that's something that can be managed.

  1997. And we're good partners on that. I am. I see.

  1998. No.

  1999. Issue with the signs and the sign size. It's the

  2000. light.

  2001. That is what I'm understanding can be the pain point

  2002. for residents and individuals in that area. So I, I

  2003. Issue here is that it doesn't have five votes with

  2004. the number of signs and the sizes of the signs.

  2005. And I think somehow we've gotta figure that out.

  2006. I, I, I get that. What I'm saying is, is

  2007. that you were asking, what would it take? And I'm,

  2008. I'm sharing with you, what it would take for me,

  2009. for you. I get that. And she.

  2010. Indicated they're willing to work on the.

  2011. Lumens are they called? So Scott, where would we go

  2012. with this? I'm a bit concerned if we wanna review

  2013. the ordinance.

  2014. As it is that may take us longer and we

  2015. may leave bass pro shop in limbo on this.

  2016. City attorney wants to say something to.

  2017. Not only be a couple people left in this room

  2018. to speak. So let's hear from you Cathleen Stankey Mr.

  2019. Mayor. I do wanna point out that bass pro.

  2020. Shop submitted their application under our existing ordinance. So will

  2021. it still might be very prudent to take a look

  2022. at our code and review it going forward?

  2023. Any action that we take on my proposal right now

  2024. would ONEIDA be under the existing ordinance and I would

  2025. not recommend amending the ordinance solely to address.

  2026. One property, because I think then we could potentially run

  2027. into a litigation issue.

  2028. So help me with this Cathleen. If we let this

  2029. go to a vote and it fails.

  2030. What's our next step.

  2031. If we let this go to a vote and it

  2032. fails. I think our recommendation and Scott, you can correct

  2033. me if I'm wrong would be to work with bass

  2034. pro shops and sign.

  2035. Designer to come back with a proposal that they think

  2036. would be more likely to be approved by this body

  2037. based on the feedback they've heard this evening.

  2038. With all of the feedback, including the lumens.

  2039. Correct. So the lumens placement, whatever other concerns that were

  2040. raised raised by experiences or feet.

  2041. So, where are you with that? Does that sound like

  2042. the thing we wanna do? Do we wanna let this

  2043. go to a vote and fail?

  2044. Failed. And then we'll tell bass pro shop.

  2045. AMANDA that we aren't turning our backs on you.

  2046. We just want staff to work further with you.

  2047. And see if we can't get it within our parameters.

  2048. So I just wanna speak to currently I'm with the

  2049. construction schedule.

  2050. And the licensing agreement I'm supposed to have the tracker,

  2051. boats and ATV sign up on the building.

  2052. 30 days prior to them bringing merchandise into the store.

  2053. Or their unlicensed to do that.

  2054. So this puts a incredible.

  2055. VIRDON on bass pro shops to have to wait to

  2056. bring in.

  2057. To turn over to retail and actually bring in merchandise

  2058. into the new.

  2059. Boat showroom and canopy that they're adding to the store.

  2060. So

  2061. light issues I can address.

  2062. Well, I think AMANDA, I turned that around to you.

  2063. If in, we meet again on November 1st.

  2064. So, if you could come to a conclusion with our

  2065. staff,

  2066. in that period of time. So they give us something

  2067. back that this body is going to accept.

  2068. Then it's, you're only being held off a couple of

  2069. weeks.

  2070. So I, I best pro shops has requested if at

  2071. all possible that I have signage installed prior to the

  2072. 26th of this month.

  2073. So I'm up against a.

  2074. Rock and a hard place. Well, well, AMANDA appreciate, and

  2075. that's not, that's my issue, not yours, AMANDA. You know,

  2076. I understand that AMANDA. So could I.

  2077. Talk here for a moment because you're not gonna get

  2078. that approval tonight.

  2079. Understood. I understand that let's, let's come, let's come to

  2080. an understanding of what we can do.

  2081. And then you can go tell your people.

  2082. That it's it's coming. We just gotta make some more

  2083. amendments.

  2084. And we've gotta give up some things that they just

  2085. won't go for in Sun Prairie. You know, those Sun

  2086. Prairie people, we're prickly here in this C.

  2087. Community cuz we think we're special in this county.

  2088. And a lot of people don't like us.

  2089. In the state of WISCONSIN, you just gotta deal with

  2090. us, but what you want, isn't gonna pass tonight.

  2091. Well, can I ask, can I ask a couple quick

  2092. questions?

  2093. My one question would be.

  2094. Why, if it seems that best pro signage is being

  2095. Is within the, the according to.

  2096. The other stores it's kind of within that.

  2097. Position of signage.

  2098. We actually come and blow some of the other ones.

  2099. From what I heard. And we're only at 5.6% of

  2100. the building frontage.

  2101. To me, it seems more of the.

  2102. So, or the quantity of science seems more like the

  2103. issue versus the size, if you go by the 10%

  2104. of the allowance. So, so I think.

  2105. AMANDA. So I just looking to go back to bass

  2106. and be able to say, Hey.

  2107. Here's where we compare to the other stores and this

  2108. is why they won't allow our signs, but they've allowed

  2109. it for other locations. And I'm, I'm just looking to

  2110. have.A clear answer for them when I do that, so

  2111. that we can talk about how to make science closer

  2112. to code.

  2113. Okay, so that is gonna have to come from staff.

  2114. They can tell you cuz they can speak to the

  2115. ordinance. They can speak to the.

  2116. G D P and tell you about that and tell

  2117. you what this body is barking at.

  2118. But the nine of us sitting here are not gonna

  2119. give you those definitive answers this evening.

  2120. All we're gonna do is say what you have asked

  2121. us to approve. We aren't going to approve.

  2122. That's what we're gonna walk away with this evening. And

  2123. then tomorrow.

  2124. You're gonna have to work with.

  2125. Josh and Scott.

  2126. And whoever else in our planning department is on this

  2127. and, and get those.

  2128. Resolved and then we'll get it back here.

  2129. If it fits the ordinance, it'll get approved on November 1st,

  2130. the staff was thinking that, that it was appropriate, but

  2131. this body.

  2132. Isn't accepting it. So staff isn't going to.

  2133. Come back with what you want. We ONEIDA make some

  2134. adjustments to it.

  2135. And I understand that, but us being able to come

  2136. down to the 450 square foot is almost impossible to

  2137. even get the best pro logo in the outdoor.

  2138. World Xiong alone up on the building. Okay. That's that's

  2139. the reality of it and that's their standard branding. Okay.

  2140. Let alone the licensing.

  2141. Agreement that they have to have the tracker letter set

  2142. on the building. So I don't know how we're gonna

  2143. get down to that 450.

  2144. Square foot. Okay. All right. We're not gonna solve that

  2145. here tonight. We aren't the ones that know how to

  2146. do that.

  2147. Well, okay. We can keep talking about this. No, I

  2148. just have a quick question.

  2149. Since we're already here in a budget session next week,

  2150. could we have a special council meeting if this gets

  2151. resolved?

  2152. To expedite this for them.

  2153. Well, let's see if we get to that point. Sure.

  2154. Okay. You know,

  2155. Scott. Yeah, I just, I just wanted to clarify a

  2156. couple things if first of all, if they bring in

  2157. a signed package that complies.

  2158. No ONEIDA be here, right. The permit. Oh, okay. Would

  2159. get issued and all right. So I think if, if

  2160. the intent is to table this, to come back with

  2161. something else.

  2162. From a staff standpoint, we would appreciate some direction. Are

  2163. we looking for some compromise? That's somewhere.

  2164. Between that ordinance standard and what they're proposing or are

  2165. you looking for, you know, Scott, it's really a denial,

  2166. I guess that's, you know, Scott, what I'm hearing is.

  2167. They want no deviation from the ordinance.

  2168. That's what I'm hearing.

  2169. I don't hear anybody saying that's not just a little

  2170. too big, if that's the case. And, you know, we

  2171. see a, a package like that.

  2172. Then, you know, it would get approved at the staff

  2173. level with no ONEIDA come so soon. The city attorney

  2174. isn't gonna like this, but does anybody disagree with.

  2175. That, that if it complies with the ordinance as is,

  2176. then you won't even see it back here.

  2177. But anything more than that, you're never.

  2178. The sentiment tonight is you're never going to go with

  2179. that.

  2180. Is that kind of an interest I'm supportive of the

  2181. proposal we have right before you, so maybe we ought

  2182. to get a vote on this.

  2183. Definitively know where we're at.

  2184. And see what, where the, where we are with that.

  2185. And then we vote it down that Scott voting this

  2186. down, doesn't impede it coming back in a week or

  2187. two weeks or whatever does it.

  2188. I think it's voted down. I think they start all

  2189. over with a new application. If they want to propose

  2190. something else.

  2191. Unless the council would choose to make a motion to

  2192. reconsider.

  2193. Would it be better? Someone from the prevailing side, would

  2194. it be better than if we tabled it? It keeps

  2195. it alive again. If the intent is to.

  2196. To have them work on a compromise to come back

  2197. with something. But if that compromise, if, if all that's

  2198. going to be accepted is comply with the ordinance. There's.

  2199. No ONEIDA come back. So that's why I was kind

  2200. of looking for some parameters are you're looking for us

  2201. to.

  2202. You know, meet in the middle here or what are

  2203. we looking for? That that would be helpful to us

  2204. as staff to work with them, to, to work on

  2205. a revised. So if we want.

  2206. A little larger than the.

  2207. Ordinance that'd be a compromise. Huh? Sorry.

  2208. Don't know how we quantify that. I don't know where

  2209. we are.

  2210. You know, we're built to, we're built to answer yes

  2211. or no. We're not built to deal with all these

  2212. other.

  2213. Considerations. That's the problem, AMANDA. We can't help you with

  2214. that.

  2215. As city attorney, do you wanna say something?

  2216. Mr. Mary, if I may, I think what the community

  2217. development director was suggesting is that if this was rejected

  2218. this evening,

  2219. and bass wanted to come back with another proposal that

  2220. would deviate from the ordinance that would then ONEIDA start

  2221. over and go back through plan commission and then come

  2222. here. Correct.

  2223. That's correct. That's the way I would see it. Whereas

  2224. if this was not voted on tonight and bass wanted

  2225. to come up with an alternate proposal, there would be.

  2226. Two means either they could come up with a proposal

  2227. that complies with our ordinance, which would give staff the

  2228. authority to approve it consistent with our current signed permitting.

  2229. Policy or if they came up with the proposal that

  2230. had.

  2231. A variance, but different than the current variance that's being

  2232. requested, that could then be brought back before this body

  2233. and the additional step of another planned commission.

  2234. Not ONEIDA occur. So to, to do that, what's the

  2235. action we would take.

  2236. Right now, I think you can make a motion to

  2237. a table.

  2238. Okay. So

  2239. should we do that? Have a motion. Well, we, the

  2240. motion, a motion that table would take, take precedence over

  2241. a motion to, and you can do it any time.

  2242. Go into discussion on that motion. I'll, I'll make the

  2243. motion to table because some of, some of the things

  2244. I agree with on the building.

  2245. Is just, I do wanted to comply with the ordinance

  2246. and I do believe that they can accomplish that. Okay.

  2247. We've got a motion to second in this. We do

  2248. not discuss.

  2249. Right. We just vote. And do we, should we do

  2250. a roll call? Don't we have to say have a

  2251. specific time we table it to that'd be postponement. So.

  2252. It's Tabler postponement. Right? So table is indefinite. Postponement is

  2253. to a certain date. Okay. Yep. So table.

  2254. Is fine Steve seconds. And we.

  2255. We so we're tabling it.

  2256. And let's do the roll on that.

  2257. Jokisch hi.

  2258. McElroy. Aye. Stocker. Aye.

  2259. Virgil Bohling

  2260. aye Crombie. Aye.

  2261. Eisberner no.

  2262. Jacobs. Hi.

  2263. Alright, that motion table 7 1 7 to one. So.

  2264. So let's tell AMANDA where we go next with this.

  2265. So we need a proposal from them.

  2266. That comes back to staff.

  2267. Correct. So I would suggest Mr. Mayor, that bass pro

  2268. shops continue to work with staff on a proposal. And

  2269. if they present a proposal that Compli.

  2270. Complies with our ordinance staff has the authority under our

  2271. ordinance to approve that. And then the project will go

  2272. forward.

  2273. If they would like a variance and it's something that

  2274. after review staff believes is likely this body would approve

  2275. staff can then refer it back to this body for

  2276. their next council meeting. Okay.

  2277. AMANDA. Do you understand that? What the city attorney just

  2278. You might not like it, but do you understand it?

  2279. No. No. Yes, sir. I, I do understand it. I

  2280. just, I'm a little confused cuz I don't think we

  2281. have clear understanding.

  2282. And I don't know that.

  2283. The, you know, the planning members are able to give

  2284. me clear understanding.

  2285. On what I ONEIDA take back to bass pro, which

  2286. is confusing because if I go back to bass pro

  2287. again, and I say, we ONEIDA adhere to the current.

  2288. Code, although there's other locations.

  2289. The current location doesn't adhere to code there's other businesses

  2290. that don't adhere to code, but we're being made to

  2291. adhere to this code.

  2292. And we don't have any option. That's what it is.

  2293. We ONEIDA be able to adhere to the code in

  2294. order to, you know,

  2295. pass it through approval and get it through. And it

  2296. wouldn't even ONEIDA. Come back to you guys.

  2297. Then I think I ONEIDA understand.

  2298. Yes, what I'm presenting to them because I, I feel

  2299. like.

  2300. Like I said with the bass pro logo and the

  2301. outdoor world sign alone. Okay. We exceed that. So I'm

  2302. I'm and I'll work with them. I just don't know.

  2303. It sounds like they're not even really sure on where

  2304. that exactly compromised. Be exactly. To come back to this

  2305. board and ask for another variance. Yes. I think.

  2306. That's where it's not clear. So I apologize. Yes. But

  2307. I, I do understand the process, sir. I think we're

  2308. getting it clarified. It still, isn't absolutely clear, but I

  2309. think working with.

  2310. The staff is the way you have to go.

  2311. And you've heard some things, you know, what the, what

  2312. the desires of this body are.

  2313. Staff can help you a little bit with that. But

  2314. as they're suggesting, if you comply with the ordinance, then

  2315. it's, there's no issue.

  2316. And otherwise it's got to fit within.

  2317. Some smaller setup.

  2318. Within there. So

  2319. I think that's the best we can do for you

  2320. tonight, but we weren't gonna get it approved. Do you

  2321. wanna say something, Terry? I have a question.

  2322. When they came to the city, when bass pro shops

  2323. came to the city.

  2324. Were they told what the ordinances are.

  2325. We you pulled the ordinances. She said that in the

  2326. other location.

  2327. So, you know, so, so you knew in advance that,

  2328. that this was the ordinance.

  2329. Am I correct.

  2330. Yeah, we pulled the code check for all of the

  2331. locations. So this was one of 'em. There was a

  2332. lot of communication back and forth. Like I said, this

  2333. has been about three months or.

  2334. So, yeah. Going back and forth again, bass pro has

  2335. made.

  2336. Many concessions from the original drawing that was sent over.

  2337. And we, but, but you did understand what the ordinance

  2338. was to discuss it. Okay. Stankey so what we, what

  2339. we came up with.

  2340. Is what we thought would be a reasonable based on

  2341. Other previously approved variances, that exceed code for larger buildings.

  2342. What we came up with was what we thought was

  2343. a good.

  2344. Median to

  2345. what the board would entertain since they've entertained it for

  2346. previous locations. Yeah. So what you see is what we.

  2347. Have developed, we didn't just.

  2348. Yes, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Different circumstances, AMANDA.

  2349. Unfortunately, but we're not getting any further tonight. So work

  2350. with our staff.

  2351. And let's get this resolved. We want you to be

  2352. happy in this community.

  2353. Alright. So we are in our agenda. We are down

  2354. to referrals. I believe.

  2355. I lost my place here.

  2356. We are moving on AMANDA. So Stankey and Stankey Ryan

  2357. and Eric for being here with us this evening, referrals

  2358. to committee of the whole.

  2359. I didn't hear anything. Any announcements, anybody have appetite for

  2360. announcements anymore?

  2361. And if not a motion to adjourn, move to Adur

  2362. order. And a second, second, all in favor, indicate by

  2363. saying aye. Aye. Aye. Oppos. NA aye. Stand ad.

  2364. Adjourned Stankey all for your time. This evening.

Common Council (21 Videos)
Updated 8 days ago