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Mural Dedication Downtown Rutland - October 2022
Updated 4 days ago

the Chaffee Art Center unveiled a new mural, ‘Beginner’s Mind,’ by Muralist Lopi LaRoe

On Saturday, October 29, 2022 the Chaffee Art Center unveiled a new mural, ‘Beginner’s Mind,’ by Muralist Lopi LaRoe (aka LMNOPI). The new mural is on the Rutland City Hall building facing Strongs Avenue in Downtown Rutland. The theme promotes reading and books as a gateway to imagination and adventure especially in our technologically saturated world. The project is a collaboration between the Chaffee Art Center and mural artist Lopi LaRoe (aka LMNOPI) to bring inspiration to our community by adding more powerful public art.

PEGTV 1075 - PUBLIC Special Events (118 Videos)
Updated 4 days ago