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Heart of the Matter - The Power of The Plant and The Tree Kingdom - December 2023
Updated 23 days ago

Heart of the Matter - The Power of The Plant and The Tree Kingdom

Lisa Donohue, MA, LMT, is your host of ~ “Heart of the Matter: A Soulful Cure; which has aired since 2001, as a community service to the Rutland region & beyond. The focus of this program ~ is holistic health ~ creating the most optimal state of health for each and every one of us…Mind, Body & Spirit! Vast arrays of guests have graced these informative interviews with their time, talent, and knowledge. In this segment, in getting to the HEART of another matter, my guest is: Gretchen Gregory, Herbalist, Gardener, Naturalist, Arborist, Huntress, Mother, Grandmother & Much More.

PEGTV 1075 - PUBLIC Talk Shows (68 Videos)
Updated 23 days ago