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Wetlands Protection Committee
Wetlands Protection Committee June 29, 2023
Updated 1 day ago
Wetlands Protection Committee June 29, 2023
Meeting Open/Administrative Business - Approve minutes for May 25th, 2023 (00:03:25)
Meeting Open/Administrative Business - Decide whether to keep Kingsbury meeting room reservations through the summer (00:06:02)
Active Matters - 1 Sunnybrook Av –(cont NOV) – undermined tree (00:14:01)
Active Matters - 50 Elmwood Rd (Kelly Field)– request for Town to check vegetation choking stream in Boulder Brook meadow (00:21:39)
Antive Matters - 19 Clovelly Rd – administrative approval for a tree removal along Caroline Brook (00:25:54)
Public Meeting Open/Public Voice for Items not on the Agenda (00:30:09)
Public Hearings and Meetings - 7 Upson Rd (cont NOI)- MA-DEP file # 324-1024; Applicants: D. Etra & P. Lindahl: replace concrete patio with (00:34:20)
Public Hearings and Meetings - 17 Cedar Brook Rd (cont NOI) - MA-DEP file # 324-1023: Applicant: Yang Ming Wu; construct addition to single- family house in Riverfront Area to Bogle Brook. (00:41:27)
Public Hearings and Meetings - 58 Russell Rd (new COC) - MA-DEP file #324-0758: Applicant D. Cerrotti; extended porch, new deck, removal of 2 trees, patio, and walkway within 100-ft Vernal Pool Habitat. (00:46:25)
Public Hearings and Meetings - 45 White Oak Rd (new NOI) - MA-DEP file # 324-xxxx; Applicant: N. Schiffer; tear down and rebuild existing single-family house with deck, walkway, driveway, retaining walls within buffer zone to intermittent stream. (00:58:00)
Public Hearings and Meetings - 66 Walnut St (new RDA) - Applicant J. Walker, Boston Gas Co; install a new chain-link security fence, manage vegetation under 6” dbh within Riverfront Area. (00:59:00)
Public Hearings and Meetings - 55 Rice St (cont request to Amend OCO) - MA-DEP file # 324-0998; Applicant: D. Hickey, Town of Wellesley; install four sports lighting poles, sound system, modify approved grading, and replace trees in BLSF, BZ, RFA (01:05:11)