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Kalamazoo Township - Board of Trustees - January 13, 2025 Board Meeting
Updated about 10 hours ago

Superintendent Moored provides an update on ongoing building projects, highlighting necessary improvements for the Township Hall, police department, and Eastwood fire station. The board discusses financial strategies for these projects, including potential bond measures and community engagement plans. Additionally, the meeting addresses board member compensation, particularly for the Township Clerk, and formally establishes the role of Marijuana Administrator. New committee appointments are made, including for the Climate, Parks, and Communications Committees, as well as the Zoning Board of Appeals. The meeting also highlights the launch of a new Township app and the distribution of a quarterly newsletter.

Kalamazoo Charter Township (20 Episodes)
Updated about 10 hours ago

Gavel to gavel coverage of meetings of the Kalamazoo Charter Township Board of Trustees.