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Kalamazoo County - November 6, 2024 Committee of the Whole Meeting
Updated about 2 hours ago

On November 6, 2024, the Kalamazoo County Committee of the Whole meeting discussions included the establishment of a protocol for filling vacancies on the road commission, with emphasis on residency requirements and ethical compliance. The board engaged in a detailed dialogue about the potential measures for ensuring accountability and consistency across appointments. Additionally, the board received a presentation from Marathon Health concerning the county employee health center, highlighting engagement strategies and financial savings achieved by the program. The meeting also involved interviews for various board and commission appointments and the consideration of several proclamations. Overall, the meeting focused on enhancing governance and operational efficiency within the county.

Kalamazoo County (50 Episodes)
Updated about 2 hours ago

Gavel to gavel coverage of meetings of the Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners and other county information.