058-25: Extension of Deed Restriction - 21 Market Street
058-25: Extension of Deed Restriction - 21 Market Street
058-25. ORDER THAT: the Mayor be and is hereby authorized to enter into an extension for the Deed Restriction set forth in the deed for the property located at 21 Market Street from the City of Fitchburg dated December 2, 2020 and recorded in the Worcester North Registry of Deeds in Book 9806 Page 155 originally to Y & M Home Solutions LLC and thereafter in a Deed dated April 28, 2022 and recorded in said Registry in Book 10319 Page351 currently in the name of Luis A. Hernandez, said Deed Restriction requiring the building permit for the rehabilitation of the premises to be obtained within 9 months from the date of the original deed (December 2, 2020) and the complete rehabilitation and constriction of the premises within 18 months of the deed. Said dates to be extended as follows: application for a building permit to be no later than August 20th, 2025; completion of the rehabilitation of the premises no later than August 20, 2026; and that the Mayor be further authorized to enter into any and all agreements to effectuate the terms of this Order.