Hearings: ZBA-2023-08 Review of the Special Permit- JoAnne Hamberg 1341 Rindge Road
Hearings: ZBA-2023-08 Review of the Special Permit- JoAnne Hamberg 1341 Rindge Road
Hearings: ZBA-2023-08 JoAnne Hamberg 1341 RINDGE RD 6:00PM
Review of the Special Permit under ?181.94 of the Fitchburg Zoning Ordinance issued after remand from the Worcester Superior Court Zoning appeal, CA No. 2385CV00600 - A, by consent of all parties, and by Order of the Court, to the Board of Appeals, dated September 27, 2023, pursuant to ?181.332 located in the Rural Residential District Map MBL 69R Block 8 Lot 0