Action Items:
Action Items:
Action Items:
#24-382- #23-24 Approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve
the out of state field trip to Friendly Farm in Dublin, NH for our first
grade students at McKay Elementary School on June 11, 2024.
? #24-383- #23-24 Approve the Ayer Shirley Regional School District to join the
CAPS Collaborative for the 2024-2025 academic school year.
? #24-384- #23-24 Approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve
and accept the revised Fitchburg Public School district calendar for
the 2024/25 school year.
? #24-385- #23-24 Approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve
and accept the School Committee dates for the 2024/25 school year.
? #24-386- #23-24 Approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve
the fiscal year 2025 budget.
#24-387- #23-24 Approve the donation of 250 books for the Crocker
Elementary School students; Worcester Area Mission Society.
#24-388- #23-24 Approve the donation of tree saplings for the South Street
Early Learning playground area; Freemasons of Fitchburg
#24-389- #23-24 Approve the donation of $2,500; Bob's Discount Furniture.
#24-390 #23-24 Approve the Superintendent's recommendation to submit the
following grants titled: to Interpreter in Education Training; $30,700
#24-391 #23-24 Approve the Superintendent's recommendation to accept the
following grants titled: o Commonwealth Preschool Partnership Initiative;