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Board of Health Meeting - 4.25.2024
Hearing: 139 McIntyre Road Title 5
Hearing: 139 McIntyre Rd-Title 5-Local Upgrade Approval (LUA); Jack Maloney-request to reduce groundwater separation.
Hearing: Greif-100 Newark Way-Odor complaints;
Hearing: Greif-100 Newark Way-Odor complaints; Greif-100 Newark Way-Odor complaints; Joe Michaud-Vice President Manufacturing, Mill Group - Containerboard Mills | Greif | Paper Packaging & Services. Steven Catalfamo | Mill Manager / Site Leader | Greif
Hearing: ExPress Fuel-267 Mechanic Street-Cigar Sales Regulated
Hearing: ExPress Fuel-267 Mechanic Street-Cigar Sales Regulated (Section F(2))- Restricting the Sale of Tobacco Products-2 nd violation Umar Mughal-owner
Discussion: Properties containing rubbish, litter, junk
Discussion: a. Properties containing rubbish, litter and garbage b. Properties that appear to contain junk
Announcements: Medication Take Back
Announcements: Medication Take Back-Drive up & Drop-off, April 27th 10-noon, 700 Main Street (next to City Hall) City Clean-up events: April 20th -lot at corner of High and Academy St. (basketball court) April 27th -Daniels Street Park May 4th -44 Wanoosnoc Rd May 11th -Stanley Park, Westminster Street
Meeting Minutes: March 14, 2024 meeting
Meeting Minutes: Review and approve meeting minutes of March 14, 2024 meeting.