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Legislative Affairs Committee Meeting 2.8.2024
Legislative Affairs Meeting 2.8.2024
Meeting Open
Order 007-24: Correct errors in the title record
007-24. James C. Pappas and three signatory voters, to amend Order 234-03 in order to correct errors in the title record as detailed in the enclosed petition
Order 009-24: Amending Article VIII entitled 'Snow or Ice on Motor Vehicles'
009-24. AN ORDINANCE: Amending Article VIII entitled 'Snow or Ice on Motor Vehicles' as outlined in the enclosed Ordinance. Chapter 157-94 shall be amended as outlined in the enclosed Ordinance. Chapter 169-10 entitled 'Violations and penalties' shall be renumbered to be Chapter 169-11. A new Chapter 169-10 entitled 'Duty to remove snow or ice from motor vehicles' shall be inserted and read as outlined in the enclosed Ordinance.
Order 016-24: To Amend Chapter 169-58 snow parking bans
016-24. Councilor Beauchemin to amend Chapter 169-58 of the City Code with respect to penalties for violations of snow parking bans as enclosed in the attached petition.
Order 036-24: Exempt dogs owners over 70 from dog licensure fees.
036-24. Councilor Marisa Fleming to accept local option statute M.G.L. c. 140 section 139(c), exempting dogs owned by persons over 70 from dog licensure fees.
Order 270-23: Relocate the Ward 5 Election polling site
270-23. Marisa Fleming on behalf of Ward 5 residents to relocate the election polling site either back to Saima Park or any other suitable location where traffic is not so dense
Order 008-24: Law Department- Expenses for the appointment of the City Solicitor
008-24. ORDER THAT: the City of Fitchburg hereby appropriates and transfers the sum of $42,240 (FORTY-TWO THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FORTY DOLLARS) from LAW DEPARTMENT- PERSONAL SERVICES to LAW DEPARTMENT- EXPENSES for the appointment of the City Solicitor