Live feeds of your 4 community TV channels in Belmont: Gov/Ed-TV, Public-TV, & Info-TV and BMC/HD-TV (Verizon Channel 2130) from the Belmont Media Center.
Meetings of the Select Board of the Town of Belmont
Belmont School Committee Meetings. For more info:
Belmont Journal "News Now" segments are shorter news stories on a topic, person or timely issue, or current event.
Monthly calendar of events in Belmont, MA, hosted by Hannah Fischer.
Interviews with Belmont High School alumni
Meet Belmont authors and learn about books they published.
Regular legislative updates with State Senator Will Brownsberger and State Representative Dave Rogers, hosted by Angus Abercrombie and others.
Belmont Police Chief Jamie MacIsaac answers questions about policing in Belmont.
Presentations and events held at the Belmont Beech Street Center.
Regular video updates from the Belmont Town Administrator Patrice Garvin and co-host Steve Rosales
BMC puts a spotlight on small business owners in Belmont.
Vendor spotlight videos, and other Belmont Farmers' Market related programs.
Productions of events pertaining to the Belmont Historical Society
Belmont weekly hyper-local, community-sourced news program with timely stories, community updates, event coverage and programming produced by staff & community volunteers.
Belmont Library Building Committee meetings
Meetings of the Belmont Middle & High School Building Committee. For more info, go to:
Belmont Municipal Light Advisory Board meetings
Programs, lectures and presentations at the Belmont Public Library.
Concerts and other performing art events presented by the Belmont Public Schools.
In school events, after school presentations and general school coverage of interest to the Belmont Public Schools parents, teachers and students.
Programs produced by students in the Belmont High School Asian American Club
Belmont High School Varsity Sporting Events
Interviews with artists exhibiting work at Gallery @ BMC.
From the Belmont Middle & High School Building Committee: Updates on the progress of the construction of the new middle & high school.
Election Programming for the Town of Belmont
TV coverage of a variety of special or one-time government & school meetings or events
A local show about sports, mostly baseball, with former player, coach & "legend" Henry Baseball and a variety of baseball stars and co-hosts. Produced by Belmont resident Brian Garrity.
A Selection of holiday themed programs.
Fire prevention, health & home safety program with the Belmont Fire Department.
Belmont residents share their recipes and demonstrate how to make them in their own kitchens.
Belmont's MLK, Jr. Community Breakfast, sponsored by Belmont Against Racism, Human Rights Commission
Meetings of the Town of Belmont Municipal Skating Rink Building Committee.
Summer concert series in Belmont.
Town of Belmont, MA Planning Board Meetings
Single programs and promos produced by the Belmont Media Center community
Local & regional public service announcements and promos.
Original & golden-age radio plays. Drama! Comedy! Farce! You name it. Produced & performed by volunteers & staff at BMC. It's radio on TV!
Programs, lectures, & documentaries produced by Science for the Public, a grassroots non-profit organization dedicated to promoting science literacy in the general public. http://www.scienceforthepubl
Live & recorded special events, meetings, concerts in Belmont and beyond.
TV Coverage of the Foundation for Belmont Education Youth Spelling Bee.
Interviews with jazz artists from Boston and beyond with jazz critic Doug Hall.
Readings of articles from the Belmont-Citizen Herald by members of the Belmont COA.
BMC TV coverage of Belmont Town Meetings and Warrant Briefings, and other programs & videos related to Town Meeting.
A show summarizing veterans affairs in Belmont.
Locally produced TV programs & videos that we could not classify or put in any playlist, but worth checking out. Dive in . . .
Town of Belmont, Mass. Warrant Committee Meetings