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Rough Blazing Star (2023)
Updated 1 day ago

A new experimental documentary film from Vermont based artist/filmmaker Christopher Wiersema examines anarchism, local history and memory, Emma Goldman’s writing, and a shared love of flowers.

An experimental documentary film project from Vermont based artist/filmmaker Christopher Wiersema examines anarchism, local history and memory, Emma Goldman’s writing, and a shared love of flowers. Told through a poetic inquiry and response to the text and research - beginning with a visit to the Old Labor Hall in Barre, Vermont - the social center of the Italian anarchist and socialist community in the early 1900’s. Interviews with 105 year old Italian elder, Alba Rossi, and Giuliano Cecchinelli, renowned Italian stone carver - both long time residents in Barre, Vermont. Winner of the Vermont Public Award for Best Documentary: Made Here Film Festival // April 2024 // Burlington, Vermont