MTSU Songwriting students partner with a local school to teach 5th graders the songwriting art; Textile Merchandising & Design students hold a 2025 TXMD Runway Fashion Show, and our College of Education offers two new all-online graduate degree programs.
In this episode, we learn details of MTSU’s designation as an “age-friendly” university, get a preview of Black History Month events, and get updates about an important ongoing oral history project.
This episode we learn about exciting updates to our partnership with Meharry Medical College, dive into our Professional Counseling graduate degree within the College of Education, and meet our new vice president for student affairs and dean of students.
The MTSU College of Liberal Arts and MTSU Out of the Blue's gift to all this Holiday, "Joys of the Season". Out of the Blue's special Dec. episode includes Dance, Theatre, Cello, and Symphony Orchestra, all by students and faculty of MTSU.
We discuss the revamped Center for Executive Education in the Jones College of Business, learn about the Urban Entertainment Society in the College of Media and Entertainment, and discuss our graduate psychology program that has more jobs than graduates!
MT News reports on the growing E-Sports program at MTSU, an update on the MT Teach-Back Initiative providing teachers for rural schools, and we feature Communications Studies in our College of Liberal Arts.
We learn about a university office that supports faculty and student research and grant opportunities; how GraduateMT helps former students complete their degrees; and how A.I. is changing how students are taught and trained for the jobs of the future.
We hear from the reelected SGA president about plans for the coming year; learn about a new cybersecurity management major in the College of Business; and get an update on the Build Blue campaign and aspirations for this next year in Blue Raider Athletics
Our College of Basic and Applied Sciences gears up for its Summer STEM Camp, MTSU receives grant to train Law Enforcement with Virtual Reality, and our international students share how much MTSU has meant to them.
This month, student research project shows high schoolers MTSU opportunities in undergrad research, the Middle East Center provides students with experiences of diverse cultures, and MTSU students win their first Emmy!
On this episode we preview the Actuarial Science program, we take a trip to LA for the GRAMMYS, and discover MTSU's new General Education requirements starting in 2024.
This month we catch up with our new head football coach Derek Mason, celebrate MTSU Black History Month, and swing into our "True Blue Give" Fundraiser to benefit various causes and programs on our campus.
The Applied Behavior Analysis Concentration prepares students in a fast-growing field. A MTSU Army veteran continues to serve in the Rutherford Co. Tri-Star Veteran's Resource Center. And we meet our Textile Merchandising Degree Program's new high tools.
The MTSU College of Liberal Arts and MTSU Out Of The Blue's gift to all this Holiday, "Joys of the Season! Out Of The Blue's special Dec. episode includes Dance, Theatre, Choral, and Jazz, all by students and faculty of MTSU.
Learn about the nationally recognized research conference coming to campus, meet the new director of the Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia, and learn about research being done by our Speech Language Pathology Audiology department.
We tell you about the work of our Career Development Center, we introduce MT Imagine, the student run commercial animation studio, and we meet the new president of The Blue Zoo student organization Bretlyn Warner.
Special Edition on MTSU's announcement of a new, almost $100 million, Aerospace Deptartment campus to be built at the Shelbyville Municipal Airport. Govenor Bill Lee and Dr. Sidney A. McPhee headline the Celebration.
We celebrate the 50th Anniversary of MTSU's Honors College, highlight the department of Art and Design, where students gain practical experience on a diverse range of platforms, and we welcome our new president of the Student Government, Michai J. Mosby.
We talk about MTSU's Dual Enrollment Program that lets High Schoolers take college courses free. We introduce "CUSTOMS", MTSU's orientation for new freshmen. And we preview new course offerings in the Jones College of Business Department of Management.
This month we chat with CBS Sunday Morning Contributor Nancy Giles, we tell you about F.I.R.E. our Forensics Institute for Research and Educaton, and we give you a sneak peek at the new Applied Engineering building being built on our campus.
Applications open for STEM Summer Camp for students in grades 9-12, the College of Education's masters in Instructional Leadership returns to campus, and the Jones College of Business premieres it's most popular program, Masters of Business Innovation.
We look at MTSU’S Day On The Hill, including our Legislative Intern Program at the State Capitol, We introduce you to our new Master's Degree Program in Athletic Training, And our partner, MT-NEWS, recaps MTSU’S trip to the Grammy Awards in Los Angeles.
This month we recap the launch and amazing success of our Physician Assistant program, preview MTSU Black History Month activities, and highlight MTSU's Adult Degree Completion Program.
The January 2023 edition of Middle Tennessee State University‘s “Out of the Blue” TV magazine show is zooming in on 50 years of reflections on MTSU’s “Glass House,” the iconic Charles E. “Bubber” Murphy Athletic Center.
The MTSU College of Liberal Arts and MTSU Out Of The Blue's gift to all this Holiday, "Joys of the Season! Out Of The Blue's special Dec. episode includes Dance, Theatre, Choral, and the MTSU Steele Drums playing our traditional "Sleigh Ride"!
The skinny on FREE Academic Scholarships to MTSU, Dr. Sam Zaza shares her work on diversity and inclusion, not just in the Jones College of Business, but all of Nashville's tech jobs. And remember this Major at MTSU, Child Development and Family Studies!
This month, stories from Middle Tennessee News showing a different side of Paris, we learn the June Anderson Center's plans for "Domestic Violence Awareness" month, and we spotlight MTSU's Speech, Language-hearing Clinic's half a century of service.
This episode we introduce you to a new Major, Public Writing and Rhetoric. Our College of Education participates in National Banned Books Week. And you can learn how to fish and more with our Outdoor Pursuits Program, part of our Campus Recreation Center.
This month we meet the new President of MTSU’S Student Government Association, Chat with our University Archivist about the 50TH anniversary of Murphy Center, and our Senior Women's Athletic Administrator Diane Turnham reflects on 50 years of Title IX.
This month on Out of the Blue. We catch up with our partners in the Center for Educational Media, we introduce a new Social Work Master's Degree, and we meet the student who led our social media coverage team at last month's Bonnaroo Music Festival.
This month, Governor's School for the Arts returns to MTSU with a new Director, we catch up with Dylan Simmons, reporter/anchor on Middle TN News, and we introduce STEM Summer Camp for 10th and 11th graders by our College of Basic and Applied Sciences.
The May Out of the Blue show is checking in on plenty of campus news, including a School of Music graduate student who’s up for a challenge, a journalism student’s learning curve and the work of the new Middle Tennessee Digital Agricultural Center.
This edition is spreading the love with stories on how two of our newest Distinguished Alumni Award winners are changing the world with music and saving lives from human trafficking, plus news on the university’s 2022 Black History Month celebration.
This episode we learn about the Ann Campbell Early Learning Center, talk to a Veteran Alumni about his role on the White House Covid-19 Supply Chain Task Force, and we meet Gabriela Jaimes who represents our students on the MTSU Board of Trustees.
The Jones College of Business is hosting Financial Literacy Week, a new study reveals MTSU's $1.42 billion economic impact, and we meet a freshman who's introducing the University to TikTok, as well as making a name for herself as a news reporter.
This special MTSU Out of the Blue was filmed outside the Opry House just before the Grand Ole Opry's annual "Salute the Troops" show featuring the MTSU Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veterans and Military Family Center and Big Machine Music City Grand Prix!
This month we talk about improving students’ academic access, new ideas for teaching a scientific theory that can conflict with religion, and a marketing professor’s 21st-century approach to building a brand.
This month we showcase holiday themed content from MTSU’s School of Music, Department of Theatre and Dance and Department of Art and Design, in this expanded edition, Joys of the Season.
This month we explore Tennessee's booming job market with the director of our Job Development Center, learn about our partnership with McGuire Management Group and our tuition benefits for employees, and celebrate ten years of MT Arts with "Sweeney Todd".
This edition of Out of the Blue focuses on fall on campus with stories on plans for the 2021 homecoming celebration, the annual gathering for Girls in STEM, and the new physician assistant master’s degree program.
This September edition is adorned with stories on the Africana Studies Program, counseling services for students, and the inaugural “Positive Aging” conference in the community.
MTSU celebrates its 110th year with all of our campus life and activities in full swing. We meet Winton Cooper, our first international student to be elected Student Body President. And we introduce a new academic program, Office of Professional Sales.
This month we catch up on the latest “MTSU Magazine” stories including an unusual new music venue, two speedy partnerships with Nashville’s Big Machine Music City Grand Prix, and the latest research on life on Mars.
The month we learn about MTSU's Horse Science major and the MTSU Equestrian Team's recent accomplishments, how MTSU is helping our international students succeed on campus and away from home, and visit with Murfreesboro's 2021 Poet Laureate.
Host Andrew Oppmann interviews the 17th MTSU ROTC graduate to reach the rank of general, discusses changes to the upcoming MTSU CUSTOMS, our summer new student orientation; and learns about the Center for Educational Media. Watch the full episode here.
This month we introduce you to our new on-line learning officer, we describe a new masters degree in Nutrition Leadership, and we celebrate a recent graduate whose thesis has garnered state-wide honors.
This month we introduce you to two of our academic leaders, Dr. Leah Lyons, interim dean of Liberal Arts, and Kathleen Schmand, dean of James E. Walker Library. Then we talk to Dr. Cedric Dent, multi-Grammy winning professor of music, about his new grant.
Meet the new director of MTSU’s School of Concrete and Construction Management. Learn about an opportunity to show your school spirit, the True Blue Give. And explore how our renown School of Nursing provides health-care workers to fight COVID-19.
This month's Out Of The Blue is looking for inspiration in the new year by focusing on campus honor societies and organizations and some of the leaders who comprise and serve them. Featured are Phi Kappa Phi, Omicron Delta Kappa and Student Government.
This month Andrew goes Skydiving, we talk about MTSU's 70 year partnership with the US Army, and we visit the Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veteran's and Military Families Center here on campus.