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Zoning Board of Adjustment
Seeks a Special Exception from Table 18-A to permit a Residential Facility.
Z-24-62 Dismas Homes of New Hampshire, Inc. Seeks a Special Exception from Table 18-A to permit a Residential Facility. Public Hearing Location: 245 Rochester Hill Road, Map 243 Lot 38-1 in the Office Commercial Zone.
1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Seating of Alternates 4. Approval of minutes from November 13, 2024
Seek a Motion to Rehear a Variance from Table 19-A to permit a subdivision
5. Request to Rehear: (Not a Public Hearing) Z-24-51 Ellen and Mike Ianello Seek a Motion to Rehear a Variance from Table 19-A to permit s subdivision to create a lot having 8,178 square feet where 10,000 square feet is required. Location: 28 Western Avenue, Map 120 Lot 185 in the Residential-1 Zone
Seeks a Special Exception from Table 18-A to permit an accessory dwelling unit.
6. Continued Cases: Z-24-54 Jeanne Marie Stanley Seeks a Special Exception from Table 18-A to permit an accessory dwelling unit. Public Hearing Location: 29 Dewey Street, Map 116 Lot 148 in the Residential-1 Zone.
Seeks a Special Exception from Section 26.3.B to permit parking a commercial vehicle on private property.
New Cases: Z-24-60 Tylor Mitchell Seeks a Special Exception from Section 26.3.B to permit parking a commercial vehicle on private property. Public Hearing Location: 104 Chesley Hill Road, Map 246 Lot 25 in the Residential-1 Zone.
Special Exception from Table 18-E and Section 22.3.E to permit a farm in the R1 zone. Public Hearing
Z-24-61 Brooke Horton Seeks a Special Exception from Table 18-E and Section 22.3.E to permit a farm in the R1 zone. Public Hearing Location: 104 Chesley Hill Road, Map 246 Lot 25 in the Residential-1 Zone.
Seeks a Variance from Table 19-A to permit construction of a two-family dwelling with 60-feet
Z-24-59 Brad Bishop Seeks a Variance from Table 19-A to permit construction of a two-family dwelling with 60-feet of frontage where 80-feet is required. Public Hearing Location: 14 Norway Plains Road, Map 222 Lot 63-2 in the Residential-2 Zone.
Seeks a Variance from Section 33.7 to construct 240 condominium units and 15 single-family house lots.
Z-24-64 Walter Cheney Seeks a Variance from Section 33.7 to construct 240 condominium units and 15 single-family house lots. Public Hearing Location: Evelyn Drive, Map 223 Lot 21-2 in the Agricultural Zone.