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Snow Parking Ban Information
Ice skate lessons with the Rochester Recreation and Arena.
Some of our favorite winter walks in Rochester, NH
Voting Wards & Elections: Presidential Primary - Tuesday, January 23, 2024. Do you know where to go to vote on election day?
Update from DPW and engineering firm, and public input re. Rt 11.
Public Skate
Municipal Meeting Agendas
Sign up to receive meeting Minutes.
Wards and Municipal Government
Who has the responsibility? It depends... Please help keep Rochester safe by adhering to these tips and NH State RSAs.
Dog Licenses 2024-2025. What you need to know.
The City Manager presented the FY25 proposed Budget to City Council during the April 16 workshop. All budget documents can be found at the City of Rochester website, under the Business and Finance Department page.
Rochester’s National Night Out will be held on August 6th from 5:30-8:00 PM at the Spaulding High School “triangle” also known as Torr’s Park.
State Primary: Tuesday, September 10. General Election: Tuesday, November 5th. Knowing your polling location starts with knowing what Ward you live in. Watch this video to learn more.
School is back in session. Adhere to driving laws regarding school buses. Prepare for slower traffic, and please be aware of children walking to school.
A message from the Rochester Police Department.
Visit your local library for all it's offerings!
General Election - November 5, 2024. Knowing your polling location starts with knowing what Ward you live in. Watch this video to learn more.
Follow these tips for pedestrian safety. A message from the Rochester Police Department.