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Select Board Mtg - 4.2.24
Updated 5 months ago

Selectboard: Caitlin M. McCarthy, Joshua A. Kusnierz, Keith J. Kruckas, Nancy J. Talbot, John J. Cascio Town Manager: Stuart B. Beckley Selectboard Meeting Notice Agenda Ware Town Hall, 126 Main Street, Ware, MA 01082 Tuesday, April 02, 2024, a...

Selectboard: Caitlin M. McCarthy, Joshua A. Kusnierz, Keith J. Kruckas, Nancy J. Talbot, John J. Cascio Town Manager: Stuart B. Beckley Selectboard Meeting Notice Agenda Ware Town Hall, 126 Main Street, Ware, MA 01082 Tuesday, April 02, 2024, at 6:00 pm Instructions for Remote Participation at 7:00 p.m. Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 784 604 1861 Passcode: 01082 Phone: 929-205-6099 6:00 PM Executive Session per Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 30A, Section 21(a)(2) Negotiations, Union (Police Department) (8) to consider or interview applicants for employment or appointment by a preliminary screening committee if the chair declares that an open meeting will have a detrimental effect in obtaining qualified applicants (Auditor); and Chapter 30A, Section 22 (f), (g) – Approval of Executive Session Minutes from October 17, 2023 and January 10, February 20, March 6, 2024. 7:00 PM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENING REMARKS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, AND AGENDA REVIEW BY CHAIR CONSENT AGENDA • Special Event Application o 2024-03 Suicide Awareness Walk, Grenville Park, May 11, 2024, from 9:00am to 3:00pm o 2024-04 Literacy Project – Ware Graduation, Grenville Park, May 18, 2024, from 11:00am to 2:00pm, no rain date. • Approval of Minutes o January 24, 2024 • Request to Schedule a Public Hearing for a Transfer and Pledge of ABCC Liquor License o Bruso Liquor Mart to 144 Main, Inc. on April 16 at 7:10pm. SCHEDULED APPEARANCES OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS • Department Updates o Town Accountant – Kimberly D’Amato • Appointment Requests o ADA Commission – Joseph Vecchione COMMENTS & CONCERNS OF CITIZENS TOWN MANAGER REPORT ADJOURNMENT