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Upcycling with Deb Colameta: Creative Ideas to Stretch Your Budget

Upcycling with Deb Colameta: Creative Ideas to Stretch Your Budget 3 Episodes: (1) How Good Grades Can Put Money in Your Pocket (2) Goals and Online Yard Sales (3) ISO Is A Magic Genie With Online Yard Sales Lil Debi

"How Good Grades Can Put Money in Your Pocket": One of the most troubling aspects primary education in the pandemic is the of remote bizarre negative impact on students’ grades. Bad grades are no indication of your intelligence level. But if you do manage to get good grades, there are many ways that can help generate cash. With the intention of empowering YOU and your kids, this episode (my other episodes about my ethical HACKS to improving grades and student experience) I’ll share these insights to inspire you. "Goals and Online Yard Sales": Any of these goals sound familiar? Make more money. Be kinder to the environment. Help those in need. Get organized. Take control of your finances. Lose weight (well... only if you’re buying exercise equipment via online yard sales but, yes, I’ve done that too!). Online yard sales can pretty much help you achieve any of these Resolutions. Plus, you can use the money you earn to fund your dreams. "ISO Is A Magic Genie With Online Yard Sales Lil Debi": Using online yard sales as your Magic Genie? Genius! Looking for a hard to find item? Want to buy something already assembled? Can’t risk shipping delays Interested in keeping your carbon footprint small? Like to get a bargain? Online yard sales check all the boxes! “ISO” means “in search of” and can’t be used for a reverse listing to ask for what you want. Slow your scroll and just ASK for what you can’t find. Watch this episode to find out more! Hosted by Deb Colameta, a #1 best-selling author and Northeastern University adjunct professor, Upcycling with Deb teaches you how to take what you’ve got and make it better. Live your Best Life today! To buy her book Best Offer, Best Life! or to contact Deb, please go to the website Follow her on Instagram and Twitter: @debcolameta Upcycling with Deb is now available on Apple Podcasts and SoundCloud. Subscribe today- it’s FREE!