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The New Hampshire Municipal Association will be providing a legislative update on bills of municipal interest proposed for this legislative session in the House and the Senate for local officials and legislators.
NHSaves Virtual Button Up Workshop is a half hour presentation about improving the energy efficiency of your home.
Whether you choose to have a campfire in your backyard or at a camp site, today and every day, remember that it is illegal to burn trash in an open fire in New Hampshire.
Conservation Commission - 01/14/25
Conservation Commission - 02/11/25
Conservation Commission - 03/11/25
Facilities Advisory Committee - 01/22/25
Facilities Advisory Committee - 02/26/25
Facilities Advisory Committee - 03/26/25
Heritage Commission - 02/19/25
Heritage Commission - 03/19/25
Historic District Commission - 03/20/25
A how-to video from NHDES' SOAK NH program on building residential rain gardens, which help protect our waterways from stormwater run-off/pollution.
An informational video about instream flow from NHDES
A meeting of the New Hampshire Drought Management Team on October 1st, 2020.
The NH Drought Management Team meets virtually on August 8th, 2022 to discuss the current state of the drought in New Hampshire. More information:
Planning Board - 01/09/25
Planning Board - 02/27/25
Planning Board - 03/13/25
Planning Board - 03/27/25
Recreation Advisory Board - 01/22/25
Recreation Advisory Board - 03/26/25
Select Board - 01/06/25
Select Board - 01/13/25
Select Board - 01/21/25
Select Board - 02/18/25
Select Board - 03/03/25
Select Board - 03/17/25
Select Board - 03/24/25
Sustainability Advisory - 02/05/25
Sustainability Advisory Committee - 02/08/25
Swasey Parkway Trustees - 01/15/25
This Exeter TV98 documentary tells the story of the beloved Great Dam in downtown Exeter and the river restoration that followed its removal. Film by Bob Glowacky, Executive Producer for Exeter TV
Zoning Board of Adjustment - 02/18/25
Zoning Board of Adjustment - 03/18/25