Join us for a program given by Anthony Sammarco, who will explore the 19th and 20th century people and institutions that were founded by and for the Irish immigrants and their descendants. Some of the prominent ones are Boston College, Carney Hospital, St
Join us for a program given by Anthony Sammarco, who will explore the 19th and 20th century people and institutions that were founded by and for the Irish immigrants and their descendants. Some of the prominent ones are Boston College, Carney Hospital, St. Elizabeth Hospital, the House of the Good Shepherd, the House of the Angel Guardian, and many churches such as the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Immaculate Conception in Boston's South End. The Irish immigration of the 1840s changed the face of Boston over the ensuing century. Generations of Irish in Boston have contributed to the fabric of the city's life in business, government, and the church.