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Wetlands Protection Committee
Wetlands Protection Committee June 6, 2-24
Updated 5 days ago
Wetlands Protection Committee June 6, 2-24
Review office protocol for assessing and responding to potential violations under the Bylaw (00:05:45)
protection in the Buffer Zone (00:17:29)
43A Atwood St (admin approval for tree removal) (00:44:35)
110 Hundreds Rd (cont NOI) MADEP # 324-1041; Applicants: J. & J. Melnik; add addition to house in Buffer Zone. Note: no additional information has been provided. (00:47:10)
132 Glen Rd (cont NOI) MADEP # 324-1018; Applicants: M. & P. Pearl; after-the-fact approval sports court in Riverfront Area associated with Cold Stream Brook. (00:49:09)
91 Old Colony Rd (cont RDA) - Applicant: confirm wetland delineation as part of a ratified Enforcement Order to remove unpermitted fill from a Bordering Vegetated Wetland. (01:05:00)
37 Upson Rd (new RDA) - Applicant: P. Ravel; replace a rear deck with a 3-season porch within the 25-ft No-Disturbance Zone to BVW and within Riverfront Area. (01:06:21)
30 Overbrook Rd (new RDA) Applicant: A. Aery; renovate and level a portion of lawn, remove 1 bush, add fence along property line and replace and slightly widen existing driveway within presumed Riverfront Area. (01:19:22)
10 Fuller Brook Rd (new RDA) -- Applicants: A. & A. Reaves; replace an existing fence with a new fence within Inner Riparian Zone (Riverfront Area) to Fuller Brook and within Buffer Zone to BVW; to be opened and immediately continued to 6/27 with consent (01:30:48)