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Select Board and School Committee June 3, 2024
Updated 4 days ago

Select Board and School Committee June 3, 2024

  1. Welcome to a joint meeting of the Wesley select board

  2. in the Wesley school committee.

  3. On June 3rd, 2024.

  4. I want to call this meeting to order.

  5. What I want to do first. And, and Craig, do

  6. you want to call the school committee to order.

  7. Yes, I would like to call the Wellesley school committee.

  8. I thank you. I would like to call the

  9. Wellesley school committee.

  10. Meeting to order. And I just want to take a

  11. moment to explain the procedure that we're gonna follow.

  12. Which is the procedure for the election of a vacancy

  13. on town boards.

  14. So we convene the joint meeting between the board of

  15. selectmen and the remaining members of the board, which contains

  16. the vacancy.

  17. We elect a chairperson to preside over the joint meeting.

  18. And we elect a secretary for the joint meeting.

  19. After these steps have occurred, nominations for the vacant position

  20. may be heard.

  21. There's a discussion on the aforementioned nomination.

  22. The votes are then the vote is then called for,

  23. and we then dissolve the joint meeting.

  24. The only other thing I really want to take a

  25. moment to address.

  26. Is the select board role in this, in this process?

  27. So article seven of the Waldwick town, bylaws refers us

  28. to mass general laws, chapter 41, sectional 11.

  29. Appointment to fill a vacancy in town office. And the

  30. only reason I raised this.

  31. Is in light of some of the public comments that

  32. we've been receiving in emails.

  33. I just want to be clear that the role of

  34. the select board.

  35. Is really to vote on the candidate recommended by the

  36. school committee.

  37. It is not the role of the select board to

  38. become.

  39. Engaged with and involved in the actual selection process.

  40. That the board with the vacancy chooses to follow.

  41. In reaching the candidate of your choice. And I think

  42. there's been some.

  43. Confusion among the public about that particular role.

  44. And of course there are.

  45. Multiple different methods that any.

  46. Board can use. I think that it's our job.

  47. Certainly speaking for myself.

  48. To understand that as long as the process is legal

  49. and is not negligent.

  50. We need to respect that.

  51. Process. And we need to understand that we really can't

  52. substitute.

  53. Our judgment for that at the underlying board and our

  54. am I in any way suggesting that we would in

  55. this, in this case, I don't wanna leave that.

  56. Impression. So

  57. if we could move, I think Beth.

  58. Motion to convene the joint meeting and to appoint.

  59. The chair and secretary, please.

  60. Move to convene a joint meeting of the select board

  61. in the school committee and to appoint Tom Felder as

  62. chair and Craig Mack as secretary.

  63. Second, can we

  64. who update that for?

  65. Kristen Reichman as secretary.

  66. No, you're actually the secretary she's just taking.

  67. Gotcha. Thank you. Thank

  68. you so all in favor. Aye. Aye. Any opposed?

  69. Pauses by the way, one thing I left out is

  70. as, as to the actual vote.

  71. On the nominee proposed, that's a roll call vote under

  72. the, under the statute.

  73. The school committee has

  74. addressed a vacancy with the resignation of Catherine Meyrick certainly

  75. we want to thank Catherine for.

  76. Her years of service has been a pleasure.

  77. Individually working with her. And I certainly did through the

  78. permanent building committee, for example.

  79. Where she was representing the schools on the school building

  80. projects, but.

  81. I'm sorry that Catherine, I'm happy for them as a

  82. family.

  83. To new opportunity and they're moving outta the area. I'm

  84. sorry to see her.

  85. I have to leave.

  86. But the school committee has held a separate process to

  87. review candidates to fill the vacancy until the next election.

  88. Next March.

  89. And it's my understanding that your recommending Sharon Clark for the

  90. appointment.

  91. Yes. And could I ask, could you just.

  92. Introduce tele. Tell us about Sharon Clark a bit. And.

  93. What I'd like to do is just ask each of

  94. the members who have voted.

  95. On this to just

  96. give us a, a sense of, of what your decisions

  97. were and what the important factors were.

  98. To you.

  99. Tom before you do that, do we need to do

  100. public comment?

  101. Public? Yes. Yes. Is there anyone here for citizen speak?

  102. No, maybe after this, is there another opportunity after this?

  103. There there is.

  104. No, it's just, it's really the, the, our policy is

  105. that the comment is at, at this point and the,

  106. in the process. Oh, sometimes you.

  107. Do it after we, we do sometimes. But do you

  108. have a comment? You'd like, I mean, my comment was

  109. just what you just asked, you know, how this process

  110. You know what, let me just, oh.

  111. It's alright to the table, please. Sorry, I need to

  112. get you. Is it on, on record?

  113. And we just, penny, we, we, we ask people to

  114. restrict their comments to three minutes. Oh yes.

  115. Hi penny. Rossano 6,300 circle.

  116. Go ahead. Yes, please go ahead. I think you're gonna

  117. address my, my comment. I, I just was wondering how

  118. the process came about. I saw.

  119. Had an opportunity to read amazing.

  120. Resumes and letters of people's fellow citizens who are engaged.

  121. In the schools and had looked like some amazing.

  122. Experience which you know, so I was just interested in

  123. learning how you came about.

  124. Making a decision why? It sounds like a decision was

  125. done before it was on the agenda. I'm not sure

  126. what happened there.

  127. And I would just really encourage.

  128. Us as a group and as a community.

  129. To leverage the experience and the willingness.

  130. Of people who have come forward.

  131. And they, they represented again, a lot of the experience.

  132. And different age levels in terms of, you know, where

  133. their kids are in school. So that's really what I

  134. was interested in hearing about.

  135. Thank you while let's not our policy to address public

  136. comments points been raised that I do want to address

  137. That is the concern over the vote that was taken

  138. the night of the interviews.

  139. I took the step of confirming with town council.

  140. That there was no violation of the open meeting law

  141. that.

  142. While it has become somewhat of a custom in.

  143. Wellesley to note when a vote might be taken.

  144. Not doing so and a board then proceeding to a

  145. vote after deliberation on an agenda. Item is not a

  146. violation of the.

  147. Open median law. I know there's been some concern out

  148. there.

  149. And I just wanted to, to make sure that we

  150. clarified that.

  151. Great. Thank you for clarifying.

  152. So I have a few.

  153. Remarks. And then I think we can, you want to

  154. open up to hear from other school committee members? Yes.

  155. So.

  156. To the select board, the school committee respectfully.

  157. Presents Sharon Clark as the community member to fill this school

  158. committee seat.

  159. Vacated by Catherine Meyrick.

  160. Ms. Clark has been a human resources professional for the

  161. past 30 years.

  162. Sharon a bachelor bachelor of arts degree in industrial and

  163. organizational.

  164. Design and a master of business administration.

  165. With concentrations in organization management and human resources.

  166. She's worked for small independent firms and large organizations, including.

  167. Fidelity investments, general electric and the state of Connecticut.

  168. Office of the treasurer. She's currently an independent human resources

  169. consultant.

  170. Ms. Clark is a seven year town resident and has

  171. two children in Wesley public schools.

  172. She's demonstrated a commitment to education and support and supporting

  173. the Wesley public schools.

  174. She served in many different volunteer roles related to the

  175. schools and.

  176. Education, including Scofield and middle school, PTO.

  177. The board of the Wellesley education foundation and girl Scouts,

  178. troop co-leader.

  179. Ms. Clark is currently serving as co-chair of the eighth

  180. grade committee.

  181. This includes coordinating the eighth grade community service days that

  182. will have students placed throughout town, volunteering with various projects.

  183. You'll.

  184. See this, you'll see folks around town this week.

  185. Ms. Clark's experiences and background will be valuable when serving

  186. on the school committee.

  187. With decisions that affect policy review and development.

  188. District leadership and community engagement.

  189. It's important to note that this one, this is a

  190. one year term. It's actually about nine months.

  191. And Ms. Clark will then need to run for a

  192. school committee seat at the March, 2025 election.

  193. Thank you.

  194. Sure. So we

  195. we approach this independently. So each, oh my mic.

  196. Always on zoom.

  197. So we approached this a little bit independently. We did

  198. not come up with a rubric.

  199. Together as a school committee, we each kind of came

  200. up with our own criteria that we were looking at.

  201. So I had eight things that I was looking at

  202. in a candidate.

  203. Prior involvement with the Wellesley public schools.

  204. I think it's important to have students in the Wellesley

  205. public schools. So that was something I listed.

  206. The understanding of the time and work involved in the

  207. role.

  208. Professional and or volunteer experience that relates to the board.

  209. That the Canada articulated a clear reason for applying and

  210. that that reason fit with the missions and responsibilities of

  211. the school committee.

  212. And finally that they had connections within the parent community,

  213. as I felt that was important to receive feedback.

  214. So when I looked at the candidates, you know, we

  215. each brought three candidates forward to the meeting and I,

  216. so I brought three people that.

  217. I felt refilled those

  218. criteria Sharon was the one that.

  219. We all put her name forward.

  220. And kinda specific, I'm trying to, I've had these notes

  221. from my last meeting, too.

  222. I felt that

  223. this is a unique chance.

  224. To pick a board member that.

  225. We know what our board looks like and pick a

  226. board member that.

  227. That will help us kind of fill holes or gaps

  228. and knowledge that we have. And it's kinda a unique

  229. thing because you're in an election, you just.

  230. Whoever joins your board, joins your board, which is also

  231. great, but this isn't, what's kinda a new opportunity and

  232. I felt that Sharon's extensive.

  233. Volunteerism within the school district.

  234. And then her professional expertise.

  235. Really filled a gap that we have, or just would

  236. fill a nice role within the school committee. We have

  237. two educators, an it solutions.

  238. I am accounting and project management background. So the HR

  239. kind of melded nicely with that. We do a lot

  240. of policy work.

  241. We have a lot of personnel work that we're doing

  242. right now in terms of.

  243. Working, you know, trying to rebuild relationships after the union

  244. negotiations last year. So I felt that her background could

  245. be very helpful in that regard.

  246. And, and then also we have a big HR transition.

  247. Within the school with a new HR director coming on.

  248. And so I thought that again, having that expertise on

  249. the school committee could become helpful over the next.

  250. Nine months while that transition's occurring.

  251. So I think that

  252. that's where I landed.

  253. Linda.

  254. All right. So

  255. I was going to focus on.

  256. Largely

  257. well, and these are very much in line with comments

  258. that I had shared previously at, at the school committee

  259. meeting.

  260. One of the things that struck me about Sharon in

  261. particular was the fact that.

  262. She had definitely expressed interest in.

  263. Considering running for school committee.

  264. So I had definitely met with her on several occasions.

  265. And, you know, the fact that she really wanted to

  266. understand what the responsibilities were for school committee. That, that

  267. definitely.

  268. Made a huge impression on me.

  269. Likewise, I'm aware. She reached out to colleagues, including Catherine.

  270. To ask similar questions.

  271. So I think it was just that.

  272. Her

  273. being so conscientious and very thoughtful in her approach to

  274. considering the role.

  275. Definitely, you know,

  276. made her rise to the top as the top candidate.

  277. You know, I was definitely impressed with all the, the

  278. folks that applied and I'm very encouraged, especially when the

  279. March elections roll.

  280. Around that will have a great set of candidates that

  281. apply. But at this time, and you know, I agree

  282. with comments that my colleagues.

  283. Made, this is a unique position we're in where we're

  284. able to.

  285. Actually evaluate candidates and select someone that we feel will

  286. complement us in terms of skillsets.

  287. You know, as I know, Nikki was just mentioning.

  288. You know, we, we definitely.

  289. Have a fair, fairly

  290. I guess a broad range of skill sets, but one

  291. of the things that impressed me with Sharon is, again,

  292. her HR.

  293. Background, you know, I think I, I did mention at

  294. the school committee meeting that.

  295. We actually have seen a lot of grievance hearings happening

  296. this year.

  297. It's not, we're not unique in that way. We're certainly

  298. hearing about that happening across the Commonwealth.

  299. And, you know, for example, I actually.

  300. And I I've heard this from former colleagues.

  301. We've had as many grievances in this year alone as

  302. we had in the previous six years that I've been

  303. on school committee. So that gives you a sense.

  304. For that increase. And again, it it's, it's definitely a

  305. trend that we're seeing.

  306. Across all districts. So, and you know, definitely the.

  307. The fact that we, we do wanna.

  308. Focus on really.

  309. Fostering and nurturing the relationships.

  310. Between the, the administration, the leadership and the.

  311. Teachers is very important.

  312. So

  313. let's see, and

  314. just finding somebody who has.

  315. Knowledge and familiarity with the school district is important. I

  316. think given her role on WEF.

  317. You know, which I had mentioned before is, is also

  318. my background. You know, I, I know for a fact

  319. that when you're on WEF, you definitely have a good.

  320. Understanding of what the priorities are for the district. You

  321. know, what, what sort of priorities.

  322. Come up in terms of the grant applications, you know,

  323. what is it that the district is focusing on?

  324. The other thing about someone being on WEF is that

  325. is a board where people.

  326. Really do roll up their sleeves and do the work

  327. and.

  328. You know, I know I talked about.

  329. You know, I wish I could have asked each individual.

  330. How much time they felt that they would.

  331. Have to devote to school committee because.

  332. You know, easily. I think I heard the estimate of

  333. that at least 20 hours.

  334. You know, I think for me, it's been probably closer

  335. to 30 hours a week just because.

  336. Beyond the calendar task force, it's all the Honeywell track

  337. and field projects. So.

  338. We certainly want a colleague who's also willing to.

  339. Step in and, and you know, much like Catherine did.

  340. Roll up their sleeves and, and do the work. So

  341. that's definitely a very important.

  342. Characteristic in my mind.

  343. And then of course the PTO.

  344. Involvement is another example of, of where she's able to.

  345. Gain a lot of knowledge about the district.

  346. So

  347. thank you.

  348. You right. I also just wanna state for the

  349. record that we are in the.

  350. Select board of some receipt of school committee letter to

  351. us stated May 23rd, 2024.

  352. From you Craig, as chair of the school committee.

  353. Introducing Sharon Clark as your.

  354. Candidate.

  355. Sharon Clark cover letter that accompanied her resume.

  356. And her resume. So we appreciate.

  357. Receiving those documents as well.

  358. I'd now like to open it up to the select

  359. board for any questions and comments.

  360. Yes, Lisa.

  361. I don't have any comments, but I have questions, but

  362. I do have a few comments. So.

  363. I really appreciated Tom you're sort of framing the process

  364. at the beginning because we did receive a, a number

  365. of letters from folks who clearly.

  366. Care a lot about the schools and.

  367. You know, just sort of didn't really understand what the

  368. select board role would be in this process.

  369. It's always great when we get letters though, because it

  370. means people are paying attention. So.

  371. That's always encouraging. And there did seem to be an

  372. expectation that somehow we were gonna Wade into the decision

  373. making process. And I think Tom has.

  374. Clarified that that has not been the practice of this

  375. board.

  376. And, you know, this situation doesn't come up very often

  377. where we have an elected official who does isn't able

  378. to serve for whatever reason.

  379. For their full term. So.

  380. It's understandable that people just aren't familiar with this whole.

  381. Animal. So I, I did listen to both of your

  382. meetings when, when you discussed this.

  383. And, you know, I just wanted to understand sort of

  384. how you came to Sharon Clark as your recommendation. It was

  385. clear that you were conducting a.

  386. Really thoughtful process and, you know, had given this a

  387. lot of careful.

  388. Consideration and that it seemed like the recommendation was based

  389. on an analysis of your needs over the next I

  390. Counted eight months, even in the term.

  391. And that you were really looking for something.

  392. That would compliment your current.

  393. Composition. And that made good sense to me.

  394. I will just add that. I was also really impressed

  395. by the candidates who expressed.

  396. All of those people who expressed interest in serving.

  397. And again, it was so great to see so many

  398. enthusiastic people.

  399. I hope they're gonna stay active and engaged.

  400. You know, they're, I hope they're watching and they hear

  401. about watching, not just this meeting, but lots of others

  402. to hear about all the opportunities to serve.

  403. And get involved, obviously running for town meeting.

  404. You know, the, it was so impressive to hear all

  405. the energy and the ideas and the thoughts that they

  406. had. And, and I hope that.

  407. They're gonna bring that to you in some way.

  408. But I will certainly be voting to accept your recommendation

  409. of Sharon Clark. And I appreciate all of the, the work

  410. that you did to get there.

  411. Mr chair, may I, may I.

  412. Respond real quick or just reflect.

  413. And I appreciate Lisa, your, your comments.

  414. Especially about the process.

  415. The LA the process that we mimicked was the process

  416. that the.

  417. No NRC. Thank you. I was gonna say NCR.

  418. NRC followed. And we, I asked for some of their

  419. materials. And so that's the process we followed and consulted

  420. with town council.

  421. And so that is

  422. how we came about that. I think.

  423. In this, we learn a lot. Yes. There, there is

  424. a big gap. So hopefully in the future, if this

  425. is something that happens, we can.

  426. Maybe identify a, a process that makes it smoother and

  427. For folks, because it, it is a big gap in

  428. time.

  429. With materials that they used, that I was.

  430. Mimicking, if you will.

  431. Yeah. And I, I would just, I also feel like

  432. because it was on it's only eight months, it's not

  433. Three years of the term that makes to me, that

  434. makes a huge difference. Cuz the voters are gonna be

  435. able to weigh weigh in in eight months. So.

  436. Thank you. You know, we going forward, we might have

  437. a different process if it was a full term.

  438. I don't know. Anyway, thank you. Just a thought. Yes.

  439. I'd like to join Tom in well wishes to Catherine

  440. and her family.

  441. The town will miss her. And it's warm now in

  442. Scottsdale. I hope everything goes well with their move.

  443. I also wanted to thank you. I followed the process.

  444. I watched the interviews.

  445. I watched your second meeting and.

  446. Took good notes. I was really impressed.

  447. By the candidates and like, Lisa, I hope they will

  448. continue their interest. And.

  449. Become involved and

  450. because the election is so close.

  451. People will be watching what happens between now and then.

  452. Which I'm sure will be an incentive for Sharon to

  453. roll up her sleeves and jump right in.

  454. Her extensive experience in strategic planning and management.

  455. And implement implementation impressed me as well.

  456. Because there's one thing to have ideas. There's another thing

  457. to carry them through.

  458. Implementation and

  459. not that this school committee hasn't implemented a hundred things,

  460. but it'd be nice to have an additional partner who

  461. has some.

  462. Experience in that she's also successfully.

  463. Engaged leader thought leadership through recruitment and coaching.

  464. And professional development and retention, which is always an issue

  465. for schools.

  466. And she has significant grounding in development and deployment of

  467. metrics.

  468. Which for schools is

  469. somewhat of the bottom line. So I joined my colleagues

  470. in my support and my thanks for your choice of

  471. Sharon Clarke.

  472. Yes, Beth.

  473. Oh, so I too was.

  474. Absolutely blown away by the candidates. I think about when

  475. election comes up and there's the stress about who's gonna

  476. run. Are we gonna have enough candidates?

  477. And I don't know. I I'd like to know a

  478. little more about the process that yielded.

  479. Nine to 10 amazing, amazing candidates.

  480. None of whom had I known at all.

  481. So I

  482. I don't really, I feel like, you know, better what

  483. you need as a board. Mm-hmm I feel.

  484. However, like we learned a lot about the process.

  485. And what works and what doesn't work and what causes.

  486. What expectations might be

  487. with school committee being such a different board than all

  488. the others where you.

  489. Control half the budget and there's nobody in this community

  490. that doesn't.

  491. Care about what's going on with the schools.

  492. No matter where they are. So I think.

  493. The process.

  494. Should this ever happen to us again?

  495. We might wanna be more closely partnered on how that

  496. I.

  497. I don't know if I'm correct or not, but I

  498. have the impression we were not.

  499. In dialogue at all about the process and how it

  500. would go. Is that correct?

  501. Well, that that is correct because that's why asking supposed.

  502. Yeah, that was the way I, I.

  503. Am I consult or I.

  504. Confirmed with a call with your chair.

  505. After I talked with Tom all. Oh, Tom Harrington.

  506. About the process. Okay. So, so that was the extent

  507. of it. Yes. Yes. So I think we've learned a

  508. lot about kind of how careful people are.

  509. About agendas and how much people wanna.

  510. Feel and see where they're impact and where their voice.

  511. Can be heard. And so I, I.

  512. Feel like it was a little.

  513. Rocky, but now we're here.

  514. And so, and I do like my other colleagues believe

  515. that.

  516. As a board, you know, best what your criteria is.

  517. And so I will support.

  518. Your choice and I will.

  519. Heartfeltly hope that those other eight or nine candidates.

  520. Jump in whether it's school committee or some other board.

  521. That they keep their passion.

  522. About engaging in the town.

  523. And so that's, I think where I'm at.

  524. So I think I'm gonna say something very similar to

  525. my other board members here. Thank you to the school

  526. committee.

  527. For bringing forth an appointee to visit, to, to fill

  528. the open position on the committee that is, is created

  529. with Catherine's departure. And I I've already said.

  530. My thanks to Katherine and wish our family very well.

  531. And thanks to chair Mack for the detailed memo that

  532. presented the appointment and laid out the process. So we

  533. really had a, a DEC, a very in depth.

  534. Understanding of it. I did watch your meetings and your

  535. deliberations, and I find them really helpful.

  536. And I do want to acknowledge the members of the

  537. community who step forward to serve.

  538. Please continue your interest in town, government, and school committee.

  539. There are many ways to support the schools.

  540. And town government, and I really hope everyone considers running

  541. for time meeting member.

  542. Or school committee or some other position in the future.

  543. Thank you to Sharon for her willingness to serve.

  544. And to bring her considerable skills to assist the school

  545. committee with the important work that they do. I do

  546. think it's important to acknowledge that this is an appointment

  547. process, which is quite different.

  548. From an election and our role, similarly, as, as Tom

  549. mentioned, as I see it is to affirm school committee's

  550. choice, barring any.

  551. Egregious, you know, negligence or some failure in the process,

  552. which is certainly not the case here. I think the

  553. process was well laid out and very open. I have

  554. no hesitations in.

  555. Supporting the thoughtful choice. I do think it's some of

  556. the points that, you know, Nikki and, and Linda and

  557. Craig have made and, and their laying out their.

  558. Thought process about why, why you picked this particular candidate

  559. really resonate with me because.

  560. We are a board with a lot of different skills.

  561. And I think it's really helpful to have a lawyer,

  562. an accountant, you know, a candlestick maker, a baker, you

  563. know, I think.

  564. It's really helpful to have people with different skills and.

  565. And you, the board really know what you need at

  566. this time. And no one else knows that.

  567. And so I do, I do understand, and I watch

  568. your agendas and I, I am concerned that you have

  569. a lot of grievances and that you need support in

  570. that. And we have certainly learned.

  571. What, what an incredible support having an HR professional is.

  572. To the board. So I'm sure that'll be very helpful

  573. to you. And I, I do really appreciate the work

  574. that you've done and the process that you've gone through

  575. and everyone's time and investment at.

  576. Getting us to this point, but I'm very supportive of

  577. your choice and, and really welcome to Sharon and really

  578. looking forward to working with her.

  579. I, I appreciate your comment. Colette lawyers. Aren't always so

  580. positively. just a minute.

  581. seeing no further questions or comments. I think we're ready

  582. for a motion, Tom. Yes, of course. Sorry. I would

  583. also like to.

  584. Echo the, the number of applicants that we had was

  585. wonderful. We were all amazed.

  586. And the qualifications or their backgrounds.

  587. And I followed up with an email with each, each

  588. of them to encourage them.

  589. To look at other town, government positions. And I actually

  590. offered us.

  591. Us all up for. I said, I think that anybody

  592. who is in an elective position would be willing to

  593. talk with them. If they reach out and want to

  594. know the process.

  595. Because I do think whether it's school committee or some

  596. other.

  597. Town government position. I think that they.

  598. Can certainly add value and I hope that they do.

  599. Consider. So thank you.

  600. Any other comments from the school committee?

  601. And I think we're ready for a motion.

  602. Move to a point, Sharon Clark to the school committee.

  603. Until the 2025 annual town election.

  604. Second, Nikki.

  605. Yes, Craig.

  606. Yes, Linda. Yes.

  607. Beth. Yes. Marjorie. Yes. Collette I Lisa. Yes. And I

  608. vote as well.

  609. Christine, Christine.

  610. Well, Christina didn't vote. I didn't know if she needed

  611. to abstain. No, it's my understanding.

  612. That Christina, that you consulted with town council and identified

  613. a basis to recuse yourself and have done so, and.

  614. Therefore have not participated. That's true. In the deliberation or

  615. the vote? Yes. Thank you. Thank you.

  616. Tom. Could I just ask, cuz I know we've gone

  617. through this so much on our board.

  618. Is there a requirement to state the reason for recusal.

  619. No, no. Okay. Christina confirmed that with town council, but

  620. there is not a, I just wanna make sure we

  621. stay.

  622. Uneven that that's correct. Isn't it? Christian you consult. I

  623. asked you consulting in town. I consulted with the chair

  624. in town council.

  625. Before making that decision to recuse.

  626. Thank you.

  627. Then I moved to dissolved the joint meeting.

  628. Second. All in favor. Aye. Aye.

  629. Any opposed? . Thank you.

  630. Thanks so much.

  631. Be a record for any.

  632. Well, but thank you for your willingness to participate in

  633. a greater level of detail.

  634. The schools have such a profound.

  635. Impact on such an important.

  636. Constituency in the town, our young.

  637. Men and women, and you do have an impact over

  638. such a significant amount of the budget.

  639. We did have a lot of public comment and therefore

  640. Clarification of the process. I appreciate your willingness to go

  641. through the focus that you had in terms of the

  642. process and the individual.

  643. Attention to detail.

  644. That you each

  645. looked at. And what was important to you in the

  646. criteria? I think it's just important for the public to

  647. have heard that as we went through the process. So

  648. thank you very much.

  649. We're going on to an executive session.

  650. And I request a motion to meet in the executive

  651. session to discuss the approval.

  652. And release of a series of executive session minutes. As

  653. I declare that discussions in an open session may be

  654. detrimental of the town.

  655. Move to enter. Oh, sorry.

  656. Move to enter executive session under mass general law, chapter

  657. 30, a section 21, a exemption number seven.

  658. To comply with open meeting law, general law, chapter 30,

  659. a sections 18 through 25 to approve and consider release

  660. of minutes.

  661. Of the February 13th, 2024, February 27th.

  662. 2024, April 9th, 2024.

  663. April 4th, 2022 may. Second, 2022.

  664. Executive sessions as the chair has declared that having such

  665. discussions and open session.

  666. May be detrimental following the adjournment of the executive session,

  667. the board will return to open session to take up

  668. the remaining agenda items.

  669. We need to give Ron a couple more second. Got

  670. a lot. Sorry. We have to second, second. Sorry.

  671. Beth. Aye. Marger. Aye. Collette. Aye. Lisa aye. And I

  672. vote aye as well.

  673. Apologize mics.