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FARMINGTON ZONING BOARD of ADJUSTMENT - AGENDA Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Meeting Location: Board of Selectmen’s Chambers, Municipal Building, 356 Main Street, Farmington, NH Meeting Date: Thursday – May 2, 2024 Meeting Time: 7:00PM 1. Pledge of Allegi

FARMINGTON ZONING BOARD of ADJUSTMENT - AGENDA Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Meeting Location: Board of Selectmen’s Chambers, Municipal Building, 356 Main Street, Farmington, NH Meeting Date: Thursday – May 2, 2024 Meeting Time: 7:00PM 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Election of Officers and Membership Term Renewals 3. Approval of the Prior Minutes x March 7, 2024 Meeting Minutes 4. Old Business 5. New Business A. Public Hearing for a Variance by Linda M. Currier Trustee, Charles F. Currier Jr., and Linda M. Currier Revocable Trust, Tax Map R61, Lot 20. A request has been made for a Variance under Table 2.03 (B) Space and Bulk Standards. The applicant is requesting relief to allow the issuance of a building permit on a pre-existing, non-conforming lot that does not meet the 150-foot street frontage requirement. The property is in the Rural Residential District. 6. Any Other Business Before the Board 7. Adjournment John Scruton, Chairman Farmington Zoning Board of Adjustment