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Budget Committee
Updated about 5 hours ago

Notice of Meeting Farmington Budget Committee Wednesday, April 24th, 2023 7:00PM Selectmen’s Chambers 356 Main Street1. 1Call to Order 7:00 PM 2. Public Input 3. Old Business a. Establishing a new meeting date 4. New Business a. Review the Town budge

Notice of Meeting Farmington Budget Committee Wednesday, April 24th, 2023 7:00PM Selectmen’s Chambers 356 Main Street1. 1Call to Order 7:00 PM 2. Public Input 3. Old Business a. Establishing a new meeting date 4. New Business a. Review the Town budget progress to date in this fiscal year. b. Review the School District budget progress to date in the current fiscal year. c. Questions from new member(s) to the Town and District representatives as to the meanings of certain terms used in the reports. d. Discussion of the need for Rules of procedure and protocol. 5. Adjournment. Next meeting date to be voted on at this meeting.