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A preview of the City of Rice Lake Common Council meeting of March 11, 2025 with City Administrator SJ Johnson.
Robin Miller from UW-Eau Claire's McIntyre Library is the presenter this week. Robin discusses "Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life".
The Rice Lake High School Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Choir, and Robed Choir perform at the Large Group Festival Concert presented by Rice Lake High School Music Department. Recorded February 24, 2025.
UW-Eau Claire Barron County Campus Director Dr Abbey Fischer is the presenter on this week's Thursdays at the U. Abbey talks about the Boundary Waters Wildnerness area in northern Minnesota.
The City of Rice Lake Common Council met in regular session on Tuesday, February 25, 2025.
ADRC of Barron and Rusk Counties Dementia Care Specialist Trisha Witham is our guest on the ADRC Report. We talk about upcoming events and some changes that took effect in 2025.
Multi award winning filmmaker and Chetek resident Jesse Roesler is the presenter for "The Power of Visual Storytelling" on Thursdays at the U.
Barron County Administrator Jeff French joins us to recap the February County Board meeting.
The Rice Lake Warriors host Spooner in boys hockey.
The Rice Lake Area School District Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, February 24, 2025.
Rice Lake Fire Chief Mike Hover is our guest and we talk about a recent structure fire and mental health for first responders.
Ann Brand presents Intention and Attention: Creating Mindful Awareness on this episode of Thursdays at the U.
Chief Community Officer for North Lakes Clinic Reba Rice joins us to talk about the clinics.
The City of Rice Lake Common Council met in regular session on Tuesday, February 11, 2025.
The City of Rice Lake Finance Committee met in regular session on Tuesday, February 11, 2025.
Rice Lake School District Administrator Randy Drost joins us to discuss the pool situation, Second Friday Student Enrollment, and School Crossing Guard Recognition Week
Rev. Dewey Johnson discusses the rise and history of the Fred Harvey Company and the Fred Harvey Girls.
Rice Lake Chamber of Commerce Director Jody Greiner stops by to discuss upcoming activities and highlights a few Chamber members.
Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald discusses the 2024 annual Sheriff's Department report on crime and other activities in the county.
The City of Rice Lake Planning Commission met in regular session on Thursday, January 30, 2025.
Oscar Chamberlain is the presenter at the first Thursdays at the U of the Spring 2025 semester. Oscar discusses symbolism and iconography in Great Seals and state flags. This program has been edited for broadcast.
Brian Schultz and Wally Narins stop by to visit about the Sink the Can contest on Rice Lake presented by the Rice Lake Kiwanis Club.
New Book Locker
Rice Lake Police School Liaison Officer Stephanie Bohl presents a program on the potential dangers to children of online gaming and what parents should look for if they suspect something is going on.