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2024 Democratic Primary Erin McClelland, Candidate for PA State Treasurer
Updated 4 months ago

Erin McClelland, Democratic Candidate for PA State Treasurer

  1. - Hello and welcome to C Net's 2024

  2. Primary Election coverage.

  3. I'm Geoff Rushton of state,

  4. and today we're profiling the Race

  5. for Pennsylvania Treasurer.

  6. With me today is a Democratic candidate,

  7. Erin McClelland. Aaron,

    thanks for joining us.

  8. - Absolutely. Thank you so

    much for having me, Jeff.

  9. - So Aaron, to start, can you

    tell us a little bit about

  10. your background and,

  11. and why you're qualified to be treasurer?

  12. - Sure, sure. So I grew up in

    a great little working class

  13. steel mill town in the outskirts

    of Allegheny County, just

  14. outside of Pittsburgh,

    where we still have a,

  15. a fully functioning steel

    mill, if you can believe it.

  16. And about 5,000 steel workers

    in my house district alone.

  17. And I come from four

    generations of organized labor.

  18. So that's just a little bit

    about where I come from.

  19. I have a master's degree in

    industrial organizational

  20. psychology, which is really the study of

  21. how big systems behave, which

    is really part of why I'm,

  22. I get so fascinated with

    government and it's functionality.

  23. I, I spent a year training

    on process improvement

  24. with former US Treasury

    Secretary Paul O'Neal.

  25. After he left the treasury,

    it was around 2003.

  26. I did a lot of learning under him.

  27. We were working with organizations

  28. that were collaborating on

    eliminating medical errors

  29. and big hospital systems and,

  30. and solving a lot of issues in that area.

  31. I also started a small business.

  32. It was the first and only

    medical center for addiction

  33. and mental health of

    its kind in the state.

  34. Raised about $2 million in

    venture funding for that.

  35. And that program was actually

    featured twice in Industrial

  36. Engineer Magazine for some

  37. of the p pioneering efforts

    we were using in treating the

  38. human condition as, as a

    whole concept as opposed

  39. to just the addiction.

  40. And I spent nine years

  41. as a process improvement

    consultant at Allegheny County

  42. and got a real, real frontline look at

  43. how pensions were managed

    and at times mismanaged.

  44. So as a somebody who's been

    a public sector worker,

  45. protecting those three pensions is

  46. very, very important to me.

  47. And that's something that I think we need

  48. to work really hard on because

  49. they're definitely under attack.

  50. - Alright. You know,

  51. some voters may not have

    a clear understanding of

  52. what certain row offices do.

  53. Yeah. How would you explain

    the most important duties

  54. of the state treasurer?

  55. - Sure. The biggest thing

    is the treasurer manages

  56. what we call the four funds.

  57. So you have three pension

    funds, your teacher's pension,

  58. the state pension, and the

    municipal workers pension.

  59. And then you have the 5 29 accounts,

  60. which are your college savings accounts,

  61. the PA able accounts, which

    are the savings accounts

  62. for our disabled.

  63. And in addition to that, other,

    other funds that we manage,

  64. for instance, the fund that holds all

  65. of our medical marijuana income,

  66. because that has to be

    kept separate from the rest

  67. of the money equates to

    about $163 billion as

  68. of the last asset report,

    which was in December, I think,

  69. December 15th that came out.

  70. So that's one of the biggest

    issues, is controlling where

  71. that money goes, how it's invested,

  72. and what values we're really

    infusing into that treasury

  73. with how we manage money.

  74. In addition to that, the

    treasurer writes the checks

  75. and traditionally the, the treasury used

  76. to be a little bit more of a watchdog.

  77. The first woman that

  78. that ran our state treasury

    was a woman named Grace Sloan.

  79. And she actually would withhold

    checks when she felt either

  80. the funding violated the

    law was unconstitutional,

  81. or there were issues with

  82. government agencies and their performance.

  83. She would hold back the check

  84. and she constantly found

    herself in court fighting

  85. with the governor and she typically won.

  86. So I, I always liked that

    aspect of it, taking more

  87. of a watchdog approach to

    how that money's spent.

  88. Really, when you look

    at things like, say the,

  89. the voucher bill that you're

    seeing being proposed in the

  90. state, it's the treasurer

    that writes that.

  91. So it's the last line of defense

  92. before that money goes out the door.

  93. So I take that responsibility

    very seriously.

  94. In addition to that, and

    the treasurer oversees all

  95. of our contracts, so they

    do request for proposal.

  96. And right now, when you get on the website

  97. to look at different contracts,

  98. it really doesn't classify

    them in more detail.

  99. And I would love to see

    us start to expand that

  100. so we can see whose union

  101. and non-union, you know,

    minority owned businesses,

  102. women owned businesses,

    size of the business to see

  103. what are small and what are larger.

  104. So that's another thing.

    And then by extension,

  105. because you are controlling

    the contract oversight,

  106. you're also controlling a lot

    of the procurement process.

  107. So when you look at

    the state supply chain,

  108. and we hear the word supply

    chain nonstop these days

  109. after the pandemic and all

    these supply chain issues.

  110. And we see a lot of reforms in

    the federal government now on

  111. what we can buy and

  112. where not buying conflict mind materials,

  113. not buying products from

    the Shong province of China

  114. where 1.2 million people

    are enslaved labor camps.

  115. These are things that the

    treasure has the option

  116. of weighing in on, getting

    vendor lists to all

  117. of our municipalities so they

    know what are good places

  118. to buy these things that keep

    our workers' values in mind.

  119. So those are just some of the base ideas

  120. of what a treasurer does.

  121. I think there's a lot more

    opportunity with the job,

  122. but that's what it has

    traditionally looked like.

  123. - You mentioned something

    I wanted to ask you about.

  124. You, you've talked about

    rebuilding the supply chain. Yeah.

  125. As treasurer, you know, can

    you expand on a little more on

  126. how you would go about doing

    that in, in this position?

  127. - Yeah, so what we're seeing, and,

  128. and I saw this actually in my backyard.

  129. We had a local municipality

    get in inflation reduction act

  130. money and used it

  131. to put solar panels on a local

  132. municipal building, which is great.

  133. We're all for that. Unfortunately,

    they didn't build in any

  134. of the restrictions on where

    we buy the solar panels.

  135. Were not anywhere near made at the,

  136. the level in the

  137. United States that we

    would need them to be.

  138. There's no solar panel

    that's fully made here yet,

  139. but at least doing something

    along the lines of keeping part

  140. of the materials made here,

    that was not done at all.

  141. There was no background looked into that

  142. because there was no

    resource to say, okay,

  143. we got this money now

    here's how you spend it.

  144. Also, in that case,

  145. those solar panels were put

    on by non-union workers.

  146. So that was also a concern

    when we do the, like the Solar

  147. for Schools bill, there was no

    PLA in that bill to make sure

  148. that the work was done on a certain level

  149. and using qualified contractors, you know,

  150. responsible contracting ordinances.

  151. Really basic things that

    demonstrate our value

  152. for working people and

  153. how we elevate standards

    more than other countries.

  154. So as a treasurer, I think

    that the responsibilities,

  155. when you know that

    federal money's coming in,

  156. then you have an obligation

    to say, all right,

  157. these are vendors that we've

    already vetted for you.

  158. Make sure when you do it, you

    do it with this kind of PLA

  159. and we can make, make recommendations

  160. to the legislature when

    they're passing these things.

  161. I think that supply chain reform

  162. and trade is, is, it's a new thing.

  163. Again, we're bringing that idea back.

  164. We haven't done real trade policy,

  165. which has been dissipating

    since we went into a trade

  166. deficit in 1971.

  167. So we've have to reinvent

    what that looks like

  168. for the 21st century.

  169. And I think as treasurer,

    it's a passion that I have

  170. and I'd love to take that on

  171. and support our

  172. municipalities as they're

    spending that money.

  173. So they're doing it according

    to our standards. Right.

  174. - You've also talked about public banking.

  175. How would that work? And you know who,

  176. who would benefit from that?

  177. - Yeah, so obviously

  178. after the pandemic, we know that the Bank

  179. of North Dakota was able

    as, as the state is,

  180. the nation's only public bank

    was able to do a lot more

  181. with Cares Act money be

  182. because they're already

    set up to function as a,

  183. as a mechanism that delivers

    money to the people.

  184. So there's been a lot of

    conversation about that. Yeah.

  185. In 2021, I did a deep dive in some

  186. of the feasibility studies

  187. and what it would take,

    including one in Philadelphia.

  188. Since then, we have seen a number

  189. of cities put public banks in place.

  190. We haven't seen one

    done at the state level.

  191. I think it's a fascinating conversation

  192. because we do have so much money

  193. that comes into our municipalities.

  194. So if you look at just our

    class one townships alone,

  195. you're looking at $1.6 billion.

  196. Now what we do know is the two big

  197. to fail corporate banking

    system doesn't really serve

  198. municipal banking the way they need.

  199. It's, it's a burden actually

    for commercial banks

  200. because they have to

    keep more of that money

  201. because it's public money

  202. and they can't lend it all

    out like they normally would

  203. with your deposits or mine.

  204. So it's a little bit more of a burden

  205. and they don't actually like it.

  206. I think that we could do better banking

  207. for our municipalities, lower

    interest rates on their loans,

  208. looking at how we manage the

    Penn best money that way.

  209. And when you're just looking

    at Class one townships,

  210. then you start bringing

    in cities and boroughs

  211. and you're looking at a lot of capital

  212. that we could really do a lot of good with

  213. and then possibly look at

    a lending program later on

  214. once it stabilizes.

  215. It's a heavy lift and

    it's a long conversation,

  216. but I think it's worth being at the table.

  217. We see state treasurers all

    over the country having this

  218. conversation and seeing if

    this is a viable option.

  219. I'm not sure if it is or not,

  220. but I think the conversation

    is worth having.

  221. - What efforts would you want to undertake

  222. to protect the pensions of

    public service employees?

  223. - Well, the biggest

    issue I have is, in 2003,

  224. the Bush administration did

    a lot of deregulation on

  225. what you could do with any

    fiduciary responsibility account

  226. that that was workers'

    retirement, for instance, it used

  227. to be illegal to put money in commodities

  228. because they're not really supply

  229. and demand oriented stocks.

  230. They're all based on speculators.

  231. And by the way, at the

    time, he also deregulated

  232. what it was, what was required

    to be an oil speculator.

  233. So they literally, the,

  234. the whole commodities market

    really in the interest

  235. of controlling the oil

    prices and oil supply.

  236. So now you can put commodities into,

  237. or I'm sorry, pensions

    into pretty much anything.

  238. Just because you can does

    not mean that you should.

  239. So I wanna go back to a

    little more of the standards

  240. that we had that kept our

    pensions stable for decades.

  241. You know, we've seen a huge pension

  242. crisis in public sector workers.

  243. Now, part of that is the

    legislature not putting the annual

  244. required contribution in for years.

  245. And I'm gonna put a, a lot

    of pressure on the state

  246. to start listing the

    money that they still owe.

  247. The pension system, you know, we see

  248. that in the federal government

    with social security

  249. where we know the government

    has borrowed from the people

  250. and they put IOUs in there,

  251. but we don't see them

    on the treasury report.

  252. That's why Paul O'Neill got fired.

  253. I wanna see that at the

    state level. That's an IOU.

  254. You owe those workers. I

    want that on our budget.

  255. I want it shown as a liability,

  256. and eventually I'd like that

    money paid back to the workers.

  257. - Would you like to see the

    state get involved in offering

  258. any kind of retirement

    savings program to people

  259. who don't have access to a

    pension or 401k otherwise?

  260. - Oh, absolutely. And I

    actually have a plan for that.

  261. But I, one of the biggest things

    is I am absolutely against

  262. the Keystone Saves program,

    which both my Democratic

  263. and Republican opponents have supported.

  264. She has publicly supported it.

  265. My Democratic opponent voted

    for it in the legislature.

  266. This is a saving scam.

  267. It is a self-directed

    IRA, which the Securities

  268. and Exchange Commission came out

  269. with a fraud alert on it

    saying, don't do this.

  270. And it's highly susceptible to fraud.

  271. Second of all, this program

    would be mandated on every small

  272. business in this state that doesn't

  273. currently have a retirement.

  274. And on top of that,

  275. they would be pitching

    this high risk product

  276. that is not stable, which,

    by the way, is not regulated

  277. by ERISA protections in

    the federal government.

  278. Now, that's basic retirement oversight.

  279. The legislation actually

    says this program would not

  280. be subject to those rules.

  281. And in California, this

    program is now in court

  282. as they're debating who

    they would sue when people

  283. start getting ripped off.

  284. I don't think that's the type

    of thing we should be forcing

  285. on bartenders and baristas.

  286. But I do encourage savings,

  287. and I think there's a lot

  288. of better products that we could do.

  289. We need to give workers an option.

  290. We would want to work with

    stable financial institutions.

  291. We aren't a bank yet. If

    we could, we could do that.

  292. But as just a state entity, I

    would rather work with good,

  293. stable financial institutions

    to do a good product

  294. where the worker would have

    an option to communicate

  295. with the investor.

  296. Right now what's happening

  297. with this program is they can't even

  298. contact the fund manager.

  299. They have no idea what

    this money's going into.

  300. So I think I, I call

  301. that program the George W. Bush

    Great Recession starter kit.

  302. I think it's a train wreck.

  303. It's a travesty that,

  304. that anybody in either party

    would put this forward,

  305. and I wanna make it make sure

  306. that it never sees the light of day.

  307. I also wanna make sure that

    we're not following the same

  308. trends we saw back in the late nineties

  309. and two thousands where both

    parties were just deregulating

  310. doing unbelievably irresponsible

    financial policy, which led

  311. to the 2008 collapse.

  312. A lot of that stuff has not been

  313. undone, that's still out there.

  314. So I think our treasurer needs

  315. to be in this society in this day

  316. and age, a watchdog

  317. for exactly what's

    happening on Wall Street

  318. and how they're looking to take

    advantage of working people.

  319. And this product is exact, that's exactly

  320. what this is, right?

  321. - The treasurer has the

    power to direct investments

  322. for a very significant amount of money.

  323. What kind of factors would guide

    your decision making in, in

  324. where those investments go?

  325. - Sure. Well, first of all,

    there is this new phenomenon

  326. where we use pension dollars

  327. and public coffers to fight foreign wars

  328. and make political

    statements on foreign policy.

  329. I think that's completely

    inappropriate and irresponsible.

  330. I'm the only person in

    this race who came out

  331. and said, we should not

    be using pension money

  332. to invest in Israeli bonds

    or any foreign holding.

  333. We don't have national security briefings

  334. to know what's going on there.

  335. What I do know is last March,

  336. because of what was happening in Israel

  337. and what they were doing

    in their judicial system,

  338. there was, there was some, some

    reforms that they were doing

  339. that the people were not supporting.

  340. You saw a nationwide workforce

    strike in their public sector

  341. workforce that went on

    throughout the summer

  342. where the hospital workers walked out.

  343. So you have massive

    destabilization in that region due

  344. to their own domestic strife.

  345. So it really wasn't surprising to anybody

  346. who was following it

    that there was an attack

  347. because they were distracted,

  348. they weren't paying attention

    to what was going on.

  349. Well, as soon as that happened,

  350. the destabilization plus the attack led

  351. to the rating agencies to put

    their credit under review.

  352. Now see, that's a warning sign

    for me to pour our money out.

  353. Our treasurer put more money in

  354. and rah rah rah, let's fight wars.

  355. No, you know, that's what

    the federal government's for.

  356. That's what the Department of

    Defense based budget is for.

  357. If you wanna get that money

    through Congress, go ahead.

  358. We shouldn't be doing that for workers.

  359. And unfortunately, their credit was

  360. for the first time

    downgraded early this year,

  361. as was the credit of five of their banks.

  362. This is highly unstable. They are, yes.

  363. They're given a good yield because they're

  364. taking on a ton of debt.

  365. And the other concern I

    have is how they're insuring

  366. that debt, which last

    I checked was about 80%

  367. with credit default swaps.

  368. So, you know, 2008 called,

  369. and they want their financial ideas back

  370. - More broadly, the treasurer,

    as you mentioned, overseas,

  371. more than $150 billion in state funds.

  372. How would you ensure transparency

  373. and accountability for how

    your offices is managing that?

  374. - Sure, and, and that's really important.

  375. And here's the first thing we use.

  376. We are, politicians say the

    word transparency all the time.

  377. What they really mean is

    transparency. When it's convenient.

  378. The issue with transparency is,

  379. and it is only truly a value

  380. that is baked into your

    constitution if you use it

  381. when it is inconvenient.

  382. If you look at our current asset report,

  383. it's all this great flowery

    stuff about how everything is

  384. so wonderful and

    everything's doing so well.

  385. Well, where's the

    opportunities for improvement?

  386. Where's the report on

    things that didn't go well?

  387. We ask that of our

    corporations all the time,

  388. but when we put out an asset

    report for our state treasury,

  389. it simply just says that

    everything is phenomenal.

  390. And I don't buy that. You know,

  391. and everybody makes mistakes,

    and you have to come forward

  392. and say, okay, this didn't go well.

  393. This is how we're gonna fix it.

  394. I think a big part of why

    people don't trust government is

  395. because we are in a political climate

  396. where everybody is afraid

    to say, yeah, you know,

  397. that didn't work out well, but here's

  398. what we learned from it.

  399. You can't learn and adapt as a system

  400. and get better, be better

    tomorrow than you were yesterday

  401. if you don't accept your mistakes and,

  402. and really learn from them and

    show, this is what we found.

  403. Like we don't have any learning from

  404. what past state treasurers did

  405. because they never share that learning.

  406. And I think that that, that's tough.

  407. It's hard to be a true, honest broker,

  408. but that's really, really

    an important aspect

  409. of character for this job.

  410. And that's a big part of

  411. what I wanna do is talk

    about what's working,

  412. but you know, what else isn't working.

  413. So yeah, transparency is a

    really, really big thing.

  414. But unless you see somebody

    do it when it's inconvenient,

  415. you're not really testing

    how much they truly value it.

  416. Okay.

  417. - This is a little off the monetary path,

  418. but the current treasurer banned TikTok

  419. from her staff's devices.

  420. Sure. And there's a state

    senate bill that proposes doing

  421. that for all state owned

    devices and, and networks.

  422. Do you support or oppose such a policy?

  423. - I, I, I probably would not

    have social media outlets

  424. on any state phone.

  425. You know, this is, this

    is something paid for

  426. by the taxpayers, so you

    probably shouldn't be doing that

  427. unless, you know you

    have a specific person

  428. that's on a laptop doing stuff

    on behalf of the treasury.

  429. So I don't see why we should have

  430. social media on state phones.

  431. However, I, I'm not supporting

    a public ban of any kind on,

  432. you know, a universal one that

    that's a free speech issue.

  433. And, you know, we can say

    some of the same things about

  434. what happened with Facebook

  435. and all the CrowdStrike

    stuff in the 2016 election.

  436. I mean, that, that went nuts.

  437. So this is sort of the

    world that we live in.

  438. And I don't know how much,

    like going after one outlet

  439. or another is going to be helpful.

  440. However, I, I do, I do

    support the idea of Jeff.

  441. Jeff ya is a huge donor, or

    I'm sorry, investor in TikTok

  442. and the less money he makes,

  443. the better for the Democratic party.

  444. So I'm all for that.

  445. - Can the Treasury do more to return or

  446. or deliver unclaimed

    property to its owners?

  447. - So Abso absolutely.

  448. There's always room for

    improvement in any system

  449. where you have a gap on the cycle time.

  450. And that's what, that's

    supply chain, right?

  451. So you get money from a bank

  452. that somebody has forgotten about

  453. or an insurance check that

    they didn't cash, right?

  454. That comes in. The question is,

  455. and this is what I would do

    using the process improvement

  456. strategies I've learned

  457. and used in government in

    the past, the goal is to get

  458. that money the minute we know

    that it exists, to get it

  459. to the person as fast as possible.

  460. The idea is to get it there

    immediately in real time.

  461. Now what I would do is I

    would start with, okay,

  462. what money's been sitting

    there a really long time?

  463. The stuff that's been there

    the longest start there,

  464. work backwards and slowly.

  465. And what you do is, let's

    say the cycle time on this

  466. particular check was 10 years.

  467. Okay, let's get that out the door

  468. and then let's keep shrinking it

  469. and shrinking it, shrinking

    it until we get something

  470. that is almost immediate.

  471. That's the idea with any supply

    chain, getting it as close

  472. to real time as possible.

  473. And that's something that I

    have been highly trained in

  474. and experienced in, and I'm the

  475. only one in the race that has.

  476. So yes, I would apply those aspects

  477. and that process to our

    Unclaimed properties program.

  478. And I also wanna point

    out, I know everybody likes

  479. to talk about this because it's fun.

  480. You're giving people money that

    they didn't know they lost.

  481. Of course. We wanna talk

    about that in politics,

  482. what I think people need

    to consider is deep down,

  483. I don't think there's a lot

    of incentive for the treasurer

  484. to give that money back

  485. because the state makes

    money on investing it.

  486. So I always question when somebody's like,

  487. I'm doing this on unclaimed properties.

  488. Are you really?

  489. - The treasury also

    manages low interest loans

  490. for agricultural operations

  491. and an investment poll for municipalities

  492. - Pen invest. Yeah.

  493. - Are there any ways that you feel these

  494. programs can be improved?

  495. - You know what, I haven't

    looked at them aggressively in

  496. how they operate and really,

    especially Penn Vest,

  497. that's a conversation I'm starting

  498. to have with municipalities.

  499. They like the program as

    it sits, they really do.

  500. But I would love to sit down

  501. and talk to them more

    about how that looks.

  502. There's, there's only so much

    you can do from the outside.

  503. Once you go in

  504. and you actually have the

    job, then you can really start

  505. to look at how those things operate.

  506. But again, getting away from

  507. a corporate banking

    structure and doing more

  508. and more in at the state

    level, I'm always for that.

  509. And I would love to see so

    much more of our banking move

  510. that way, especially

  511. because of the cybersecurity issues

  512. that our municipalities are really

  513. experiencing that are very serious.

  514. - Do you think the Treasury could do more

  515. to support the state's college

  516. and career education savings program?

  517. - The 5 29 accounts that,

  518. that's another popular one to talk about.

  519. Right now, our 5 29

    accounts are one of only two

  520. gold rated 5 29 accounts in the country.

  521. And that really is a testament

    to a number of treasures

  522. that have helped build it to that.

  523. In addition to that, we have

    the Keystone Scholars Program,

  524. which automatically

    gives every newborn baby,

  525. every newly adopted child

  526. that goes into the

    system a hundred dollars.

  527. So it's really great and that,

  528. and that's actually

    paid for by the profits

  529. of the Treasury's investments.

  530. I think in addition to

    that, now we've seen a lot

  531. of reforms in the federal

  532. government of what you can do with it.

  533. Traditionally, people

    have been like, well,

  534. I don't really know if

    I wanna go to college.

  535. Or, you know, what happens if

    my child doesn't go to college

  536. and we put all this money in there?

  537. Well, now there's all kinds

    of options that you have

  538. for rolling it over 4 0 1

    Ks IRAs, they've expanded

  539. what you can use the money for.

  540. So I think that as treasurer, one

  541. of the things I would

    wanna do is make sure

  542. that people understand you do have options

  543. if college isn't what you're looking for.

  544. And you know, it's all kinds of post,

  545. you know, high school education.

  546. So there's more opportunity

    there to let people know why

  547. that program is valuable. Alright,

  548. - We're down to about

    our last minute here,

  549. so I'll give you this opportunity

  550. to share anything else you

    would like to with the voters.

  551. - Yeah, I, I would say

  552. that my top issue day

    one is cybersecurity.

  553. The National Association of

    State Treasurers has said that

  554. because every treasury has

    their own cybersecurity program

  555. that is gonna fall on the

    treasurer to some extent.

  556. We just saw the Municipal Water Authority

  557. of Aliquippa hacked by Iran,

  558. and that was actually due

  559. to a default password they were using.

  560. That was 1 1, 1 1. We saw the Washington.

  561. Yeah, that's, that's

    where we're starting from.

  562. The Washington County County

    government was shut down

  563. for weeks due to a ransomware attack,

  564. which cost them I think $350,000.

  565. Chester lost $400,000

    in a phishing scheme.

  566. I believe this is the

    definition of the fear.

  567. Urgency of now. And I plan

    to get out of the office

  568. and get into these municipalities

    so we can support them.

  569. And we have over 2,500

    municipalities in this state.

  570. They are desperately in need of help.

  571. There was just an article this week,

  572. they're getting money from

    the federal government.

  573. They need more. They didn't,

  574. they need information,

    they need instruction.

  575. They need a statewide alert system.

  576. When something happens overseas

  577. and we know that we

    become target number one.

  578. So there's a lot of work

    that needs to be done there

  579. and it is very serious.

  580. We can't have our

    municipalities being bankrupted

  581. by foreign entities.

  582. - Well, thank you so much

    for joining us today, Aaron.

  583. - Alright. Thank you for

    your time. I appreciate it.

  584. - We've been talking with Erin McClelland,

  585. a democratic candidate for

    Pennsylvania Treasurer.

  586. All candidates in this

    race have been invited

  587. to take part in A CNA interview.

  588. Election day is Tuesday, April 23rd,

  589. and you can also vote by mail.

  590. For more information, contact

    the Center County Office

  591. of Elections or visit

    cent county

  592. I'm Jeff Rushton of state

  593. Thanks for joining us and

    please be sure to vote.