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Special Presentation - 2020 Upper Peninsula of Michigan Travel Vlog
Updated 2 days ago

Fresh off a heartbreak and in the middle of a pandemic, I did what a lot of people did, explore the great outdoors. I bought a gazetteer and met with a friend who has known the UP for 50 years and planned out a 3 week camping trip. Back when I had my awesome Honda Element and all the free time in the world. The UP, and specifically Lake Superior, helped me heal and awakened a deeper awareness off my nomadic, traveler, pioneer self. This trip inspired me to pursue my dreams in a practical way and to believe in it's possibility. It inspired me as an Artist and now I have my work displayed in two galleries in the UP and am a vendor at two Art Fairs in the Keweenaw. You just gotta follow the pings. Because they'll lead you to places you need to go and inspire you to be more along the way. Follow along with me in this incredible trip across the entire UP ~ from Taquamenon to the Porcupine Mountains, up to Copper Harbor down to Iron Mountain and every place in-between. It was really an amazing trip. ~ Stephanie Lee

Special Presentations (128 Episodes)
Updated 2 days ago

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